Nephew moves in with uncle and aunt

“That’s right, I’m the stud” I said as we laughed it off and hung his posters.

As we finished all our work in Trent’s room, Sara came to the door and announced that she had made us something to eat. Not only is my wife beautiful but she can cook as well. We gathered around the island in the kitchen and ate spaghetti and salad. Trent and I agreed to clean up since evening swim while you to strong men clean up door. I wasn’t sure if she had on a swimsuit or not but it didn’t really matter since it was almost dark and there were towels outside to cover up.

Trent and I finished our cleaning and I suggested that we join Sara out back. Trent agreed and I grabbed a few beers and the wine on my way out back. Trent was ahead of me so I couldn’t warn Sara in case she was swimming as usual, naked.

“Hey aunt Sara” Trent said as he exited the back door. Sara was in the water and the pool light was off so he couldn’t tell if she was naked or not.

“Trent, if you are going to live here, drop the aunt please” Sara said as she worked her way to the edge of the pool. “And that is just Dave, but I call him stud sometimes” she smiled wickedly.

“Baby, I brought you some wine” I said as I poured a glass and walked to the edge of the pool. I told Trent he could have a beer if he wanted but that he couldn’t ever drive if he drank. He quickly grabbed a beer, opened it, and drank it all.

“Thanks unc…Dave” as he cut his eyes at Sara. “Sorry, I’ll keep working on that.” We all laughed and settled in to the deck chairs. Sara drank a few sips then swam a lap to the deep end and back.

“The water feel great stud, come in” Sara said as she reached for her second sip. I drank the last of my beer, stood and walked towards the door to change. “Baby, the pool is this way” Sara said softly.

“I was going to go change” I paused to say at the back door.

“You don’t need a suit stud, there’s no one here but Trent and he has a cock like yours. It’s not like he doesn’t know what one looks like” Sara said in her sexy voice. I turned around and walked towards the pool stripping as I walked. When I reached the pool’s edge I stepped in completely naked Andy cocktail had grown to half mast. Trent just sat and watched the fun between us.

Sara met me as I stepped in. She stood up giving Trent a view of her body down to her waist. There was no shame or embarrassment on Sara’s face as she took a step up reaching for my arm. I noticed her pussy was exposed at this point but I said nothing. Sara was treating Trent to a free shot of her body for the second time today.

After we kissed at the top step of the pool, Sara eased herself back in the water while holding my hand. Her eyes were on Trent as we slipped in the water. I eased back in without blocking Sara’s view of Trent, I figured she wanted to see his reaction. After we sank down in the water and hugged Sara, I turned us so my back was to Trent. “Did he enjoy the show?” I whispered in her ear.

“Yes and he’s still enjoying it” Sara whispered back. She wrapped her legs around me and took my cock in her hand. She positioned the head at her pussy and pulled me with her legs. My cook sank in he wet hole and she let out a long breath. I slowly turned us so our side was facing Trent. I looked over and he had his cock out striking it slowly.

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