Within minutes I had one hand teasing Mom’s breasts and the other tracing the outline of her pussy lips. Mom slid back even further against my chest practically eliminating the distance between my cock and her ass. My moment of truth was finally here, I slightly increased the pressure of my massage and guided her body against my rock solid cock. Her only reaction was a slight release of breath. At this point there was no hiding the fact that I desired mom, and that I was prepared to fulfill that desire.
My mom was wearing light summer sleeping clothes, a button down top and shorts of silk. I discretely pulled my cock out of my boxers and pushed her top up enough to have skin to skin contact. In one quick motion I slid her shorts down her legs quickly tossing it to the floor. Her ass was now fully exposed and her pussy lips were easily accessible – with almost no thought I took advantage of our new situation and thrust my cock right between her legs letting it part her pussy lips and stimulate her clit. Mom only whimpered and said “Seth, we can’t.” But her pussy knew better, my dick was already coated in her juices, leaving me no doubt what her body wanted.
“Mom, it’s ok. We both need this, I need this. It’s been too long. Let me show you how much I love you.” She moaned and turned to give me a deep kiss, a kiss that demanded we go further. I practically ripped my boxers and t-shirt off and quickly reached over to unbutton and then strip the rest of my mothers clothes. In short order we were twisted together my cock blindly pressed against mom’s pussy and stomach, no words were needed anymore. I savored the feel of Mom’s tongue in my mouth as we fully explored each others body.
I reluctantly ended our passionate kiss, transitioning to an all out oral exploration of Mom’s body. I soon found myself doing an eerily familiar activity. Mom moaned as I sucked urgently on her nipples, alternating between rolling her nipple between my fingers and trying to pull her soul out through her breasts. Her heavy breasts were my new heaven, I did not let a millimeter go without my full loving attention.
I moved down, nibbling and licking a path down her stomach, finally reaching her pussy. I lovingly traced every fold, mom was so moist I felt like I was drinking her. After inserting my tongue as far as I could I moved up slightly to her tiny knob, and started my steady rapid ministrations, firmly suckling while repeatedly probing with my tongue. Within minutes Mom’s gentle gasps turned into all out moans, she repeatedly said my name with a mixture of pure passion and all out love. Nothing, and i truly mean nothing could ever be more sexy. After forcing her to her second orgasm I knew I could have anything.
As the second orgasm was in full force I took over the actions of my mouth with my hand keeping mom squirming in pleasure and rapidly slid up her body and thrust my cock deep into her pussy. Finally! Finally! I had achieved my darkest and longest held desire. While she was still orgasming I started fucking her with abandon. “Mom, I love you! I love your pussy!” Her deep channel grasped my dick as if it was a teenagers pussy, each thrust I made into her wet pussy brought me closer to the brink of pure ecstasy. I would not let this dream come to a quick ending, I kept up a pace of fucking for nearly an hour, Mom must have had four more orgasms. Finally I knew she was tiring so I gave into all my base instincts and fucked her with wild abandon. My previously controlled thrusts and pace gave way to deep and fast penetrations, my mom’s breathing became heavier and heavier as i fucked her as fast as physically possible. In just a few minutes of frantic fucking I was ready to fill my mother up with sperm. I fucked her even faster, filling her welcoming pussy again and again. Just before I was ready to cum, i sensed my mother approaching yet another orgasm and held myself back the few moments she need to reach it so that we could cum together.