My wife Claire wants to try swinging part one

This is a story over two chapters. There isn’t much sexy shenanigans in the first chapter but there will be plenty in the next.

Claire and I had been married for nearly thirty year’s. She is fifty four and I’m a year older. We have a daughter Lynn who has her own apartment in town so it’s just us in the home. The other day Claire said we should try and spice up our sex life.

We still do it three or four times a week but it is a bit stale at times even though we try different positions and still make each other come. She had been looking online for ideas and the other day she said “George why don’t we try swinging?”.

Taken back by the idea I said “I’m not sure I fancy that Claire as I’ve never wanted to be with another woman since meeting you and I don’t really want you having sex with another man”. She looked disappointed and said “It’s not like we’re cheating on each other. We would be watching each other and it would be exciting”.

“Let me have time to think about it” I said and she replied “There a lady at work called Sarah who’s in her early forties, very attractive and married. I know her and her husband swing, go to sex parties, have threesomes as she’s told me about them. They really helped their sex life and I’m sure if I asked they would swing with us”.

“You obviously have your mind made up” I said “So if you want to try it then ok. I still have reservations though”. She smiled at me and said “Thanks George I have her number so I’ll go call her”.

About five minutes later she came back into the kitchen and said “They’re coming round tomorrow evening at seven thirty”. Looking up from my tea I replied “You’re in a rush then to do this?” and looking at me sternly she said “No George but they’re free tomorrow evening and I want to have some fun”.

The following day at work I still had worries about this evening. What if the guy has a bigger cock than me? What if he gives Claire better orgasms than me? Would she not want to have sex with me again? What if I can’t get hard and if I come too soon? When I arrived home Claire was in the kitchen.

As I walked towards her she said “Sarah can’t make it tonight as she has to go see her sister” and I replied “Another time then”.

“Well George her husband Bob can still come. That was he can make love to me while you watch” she said and I replied “I’m not really going to enjoy that Claire”.

She looked disappointed again so I sighed and said “If you want him to come over then ok but I’ll go see Terence and maybe go down the pub”. Trying to hide her smile she said “Ok George if your cool with that. Wouldn’t you be aroused watching me though?”

“What seeing you getting pounded by another guy? NO!” I replied and I went off upstairs to get changed. We ate dinner without saying much then after we did the dishes Claire went upstairs to change. Just after seven she came back down and was wearing a short black dress with a slit up the side, no bra and looked amazing.  Her long dark brown hair had been curled, her 38dd tits were wobbling and her plump ass looked so good in that dress. She smiled at me and said “Do I look ok George?” and I replied “Beautiful as always”.

Just before seven thirty the doorbell rang and Claire answered. I stood up as she walked into the lounge with Bob. He was about 6ft2, short brown hair, solid frame and I must say he was handsome. We shook hands then I went and got them both a drink.

When I walked back into the lounge Claire already had her arm around his shoulder so I put the drinks on the table and said “I’ll be off then”. “Bye George” said Claire “Nice to have met you” said Bob. Putting on my jacket in the hall I went down the road to Terence’s house and asked if he wanted to go for a drink.

Without any persuasion he grabbed his jacket and we headed to the pub. I brought the drinks then as we sat at a table I told him what Claire was now doing with Bob. His mouth dropped open and he was obviously trying to think what to say. “Why the Fuck would you allow that George?” was his reply. “She wanted to try something exciting Terence and you know what Claire’s like when she gets an idea in her head” I said.

“This could hurt your marriage George” and I had to agree with him. We spent the evening drinking and playing pool. We didn’t talk about Claire and Bob anymore and at about eleven o’clock we headed home. When I reached home Claire wasn’t anywhere downstairs but when I went up to the bedroom she was laying naked on the bed asleep with her legs together. Covered in sweat and dried come over her trimmed mound and thighs. “They didn’t use a condom then” I thought to myself. She also had a lovebite on her neck I noticed as I pulled the duvet over her and went to the spare room to sleep.

The next morning I had the day off so I slept in. When I finally woke and went downstairs Claire was singing in the kitchen. Getting myself a cup of coffee she said “Morning George. Last night was amazing. You should have stayed”. Shaking my head I walked out of the kitchen and sat in front of the TV in the lounge.

A couple of days had passed with no more mention of her and Bob and also without any sex for me not that I fancied any. It was late Saturday afternoon and I was at work when the manager came over and said “Can you work this evening George as we’ve a lot of orders to clear”. I smiled and said “Sure that’s fine. I’ll go home for half hour though to grab a bite to eat”.

When I reached the house there was a car in the driveway. Wondering who’s it was when I got inside I heard talking from the lounge. Peering around the door I saw Claire, Bob and another lady. “George this is Sarah. They are free this evening and thought we might like their company” said Claire. Walking over to Sarah I shook her hand and we both said “Hi”.

She was about 5ft8, Long straight blonde hair, slim, 36c boobs and an ass like a basketball. Gorgeous would be the word to describe her. I looked over at Claire and said “Sorry but I’ve got to work this evening as there’s a lot of orders”. Once again Claire looked disappointed so I said “Perhaps another time”. Claire however quickly said “The three of us can still have fun though”. Shaking my head in disbelief I looked at Sarah and Bob and sighed. “Do what you want” I said and walked out to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and decided to put it in a bag to eat at work as I didn’t want to be here when they started fucking. Walking past the lounge I heard them all laughing so without saying anything I left.

That evening at work I tried to focus on my job and not think about what was my wife was doing with Bob and Sarah. When I finally got home it was gone twelve and once again Claire was asleep naked on the bed. This time she was covered in lovebites, her tits were red where they’d been presumably slapped, dried come was over her stomach, pussy and thighs. Talking of her pussy her legs were apart and she was gaping so Bob must have a big cock. Pulling the duvet over her I went and slept in the spare room.

The next morning I was up and out of the house before Claire got up however when I got home she had gone out shopping with her friend Marjorie. Not long after getting home the doorbell rang and when I answered it there stood Sarah. “Claire’s not home” I said and she replied “That’s ok as I was hoping to talk to you”. I invited her in and we sat in the lounge.

“I imagine you’ve not had much fun lately” she asked and I smiled and said “Nope”.
“I was talking to Bob last night and we both said it isn’t good that Claire’s been having a wonderful time while you’ve had nothing. It won’t help your marriage” said Sarah. “We’ve hardly talked lately and haven’t made love” I replied.

“As well as swinging Bob and I got to sex parties which are kind of like orgies. We’re going to one tomorrow evening and we would like you and Claire to come with us. It’s lots of fun and I reckon you would both enjoy it” said Sarah. “I’m not sure about that Sarah. Being naked in front of lots of people and trying to perform” I replied.

“Think about it George. It’s a place to relax and let go and besides you and me can finally fuck each other senseless” said Sarah winking. “That does sound good” I replied smiling broadly “Ok I’ll tell Claire we’re going”. She gave me a big smile then as I showed her to the door she kissed me softly on the lips. It was the most sensual kiss I’ve had in a long time.

When Claire came home I told her about Sarah and her offer. Unsurprisingly she was more than delighted to go to the party. As I cooked dinner I was excited about tomorrow evening though still nervous as well. However I was determined to enjoy myself as Claire had been having plenty of fun lately so why shouldn’t I?

I shall continue the story next time.

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