My Stepdaughter is a Woman now

Blog entry #2 – November 17th

I was starting to get the feeling my Paula had been viewing me sexually for quite a while, and I had just noticed her after walking in while she was barely clothed. I still don’t know if she saw me that day, but since then, I had noticed a change in her behavior to be more overtly sexual, but I wasn’t sure, as I hadn’t looked at her that way until that day a few weeks ago.

I am definitely getting signs and signals that are driving me crazy. She is definitely more lively in her , more bouncing around than usual, and less time in her room or out of the house. She has recently started “working out” on the days where my wife is working late and I am home. We have a rule, whoever gets home first makes dinner. So, as I prepare dinner, Paula is working out in the room off the kitchen, not in her bedroom or the back room where there is more room. The workouts involve some form of yoga, with a lot of bending and posing.

She has taken to wearing very low cut tops and tight workout pants that form fit her female curves. And invariably, she seems to have to do poses that have her ass high in the air, or where her chest hangs low. What is getting me is that these poses always seem to be showing her assets towards the kitchen, where I am working. You would think either one or the other, her facing me, or facing away, but the most provocative side of her is always towards the kitchen.

Last Thursday, I was in the kitchen as she began her routine. He top was looser and lower than before. She turned towards me, and bent down, her breasts hanging in the loose shirt. She was not wearing a bra, and the view down her shirt left nothing to the imagination. She moved just slightly, so that her breasts rocked ever so gently back and forth. I watched from the kitchen, forgetting the prep I was doing. I looked up, and saw her looking back at me. There was no expression on her face, no smile or smirk, or shock. Just a look of verification that I WAS watching. She did not attempt to cover up, or change position, but instead rocked again, making her breasts swing in her shirt. I looked down at her breasts for a few seconds, then averted my gaze, and went back to the meal prep, which was just one of a million things going through my mind at that time, one of which was wondering if my rising cock was noticeable in my shorts.

A couple of minutes later, Paula calls out, “Can you help me with this one? I tend to lose my balance.”

“Sure, I’ll be right there.”

I wash my hands, and head in. She is bending over fully, legs spread just about shoulder length, and she is doing a “touch your toes, but where you put your head between your feet, basically folding yourself in half.

“I’m afraid I am going to fall over!” she tells me. “Stand behind me, and hold me steady.”

I step behind here, and she bends down, her ass sticks out, and brushes along my front, where my semi-erect cock is doing its best to hide.

“Hold my hips” she says. I reach down in front of me, her ass just inches from my growing cock, and place one hand on each side of her, grasping the soft flesh around her hips where they flare out in a womanly fashion. I feel her start to lean forward a bit, and adjust my grip to get a better hold of her so she won’t topple over. Looking down, I realize that I have the exact view of her ass as I would if we were doggy style. I also notice that her tights are almost see through when stretched out like this, and she is not wearing any panties. I can see the shape of her ass, and how her cheeks spread wide and come together. My mind and eyes focus on her ass crack, and begin to follow down towards her womanhood.

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