I had to close the store down, so I was out until about 9PM. I met Brad and his wife out after work for a couple of drinks, then headed home. I called Jeri on the way home, see how she was doing. She was a bit tipsy (as was I!) and we chatted for awhile. Her sister was good, they were drinking wine, laughing about stuff. Mom had gone to bed, so they were getting a bit raunchy, as they tend to do. There isn’t a lot more fun then listening to two sisters talk about your cock while you listen in, even if just in jest. I gave them the obligatory, “Stop, you’re making my jeans tight” type comments, they never seem to get that it was true, because I was rock hard listening to them be trashy. Probably not the best idea, since I was going home to my step daughter, alone in our house, and things had been a bit frisky lately, which I definitely had in mind I as I turned onto our street.
I said my goodbyes, and pulled into the driveway. I probably made a bit more noise than normal getting in the door, hoping to make sure Paula knew I was home. I had forgotten she had to work in the morning, as her lights were off, and her door was closed. I proceeded to turn on the TV in the main room to watch the NBA game that had recorded, and changed into night clothes. I walked past Paula’s room, and slowed down, listening for any sounds of life to see if maybe she was awake. No such luck.
I went out and watched the last few minutes of the game, not really paying attention, thinking more about the phone call and the recent backrubs. I begin to rub myself through my shorts, enjoying the polyester, fake silk feeling against my hard member, as I think about things over the past days. Paula is asleep, and Jeri is out of town, I take a short walk into our bedroom closet, and find my Fleshlight Jeri won at a “adult party” a few months back. We had broken it in that night, and I had used it a few times since, about 50% of the time solo, 50% with Jeri watching. I returned to the sofa, and turned on the pr0n channels through the Roku. I wet up the Fleshlight and my cock as I sign in, and go to town, finishing pretty quickly. Normally, I clean up right away, but between the long hours and the beers and the cum, that thing felt really good, and I just rolled over with the afghan, and closed my eyes for just a second.
I look up. Paula is shaking me. I look around, confused.
“Teehee!” she giggles. “You fell asleep on the sofa!” She is dressed for work. It’s 5:45AM.
“I have to go to work, I’ll see you later!” she says, as she bends over, gives me a peek on the cheek, and turns and walks towards the back door. She walks past the TV, which is still sitting on the “Pick your scene” page, but it is obviously pr0n, and it obviously said “Family matters” or something like that as the title. I know for a fact her ass didn’t jiggle that much yesterday, and she certainly didn’t sway it that much, either. I hear her close the back door, and her car start. I survey the room. Pr0n on the TV. Check.