“Vicki can I see you after class” said Mr Francis as we were nearing the end of physics class. “Why did he want to see my I wondered? I got a B on my last paper and I always tried hard“. This was my last year at college before going to university and I wanted to do well.
When the bell sounded all of the students stood up and began to walk out while I picked up my bag and walked over to Mr Francis’s desk. He was an attractive man in his early fifties. Short light brown hair, about 5ft10, slim and a reassuring smile. As I stood there he looked up at me from his chair and said “Your one of my best students and with a bit more work you could be a straight A student”.
“I’ll try harder Mr Francis though I do work hard now. I spend most evenings doing homework and studying” I replied. He looked at me questioningly and said “Doesn’t your boyfriend get annoyed that he doesn’t see you?”. Blushing slightly I replied “I don’t have a boyfriend”. Mr Francis looked me up and down which made me blush more then he said “I’d have thought a lovely looking young lady like you would have men knocking down your door to get to you?” Feeling more confident then usual I replied “I’ve never had one knock” and Mr Francis seemed to be speechless as he knew I meant I was a virgin.
I know I’m not beautiful like a lot of the other students here. I’m about 5ft4, round face, a bit chubby, good plump boobs but a flat bum. I don’t wear short dresses or short skirts and usually I wear trousers and a jumper as I feel comfortable in them. I don’t mind being a virgin as I didn’t see it as problem.
Finally Mr Francis regained his voice and said “When the right man comes along he shall be lucky to have you. Smiling at him I replied “Thank you”. He then stood up and walked around to me then he put his hands on my arms. Holding me firmly he leant forward and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked and moved my head back however I must admit it did feel good. He took his hands away and was now blushing and he looked at the ground before saying “Sorry Vicki but I couldn’t resist kissing you as your not like the other female students. You don’t wear lots of makeup or dress tarty”. As he said those nice things about me I replied “That’s ok Mr Francis I enjoyed it”.
He lifted his head and smiled at me then said “Can I kiss you again?” As I smiled at him he put his hands on my face and kissed me more firmly this time and I began kissing him back. Dropping my bag on the floor I put my arms around him and I could feel my pussy beginning to get wet. Mr Francis moved his hands from my face and began stroking my sides before sliding them behind me and onto my flat bum.
His firm hands began squeezing my cheeks and pleasure began shooting through my bum and into my body and I let out a moan. Mr Francis kept squeezing my bum as he began kissing my neck and as he did this I could feel something hard pushing into my stomach and I realised it was his dick bulging in his trousers. “That’s probably the first time I’ve ever made a man hard” I thought to myself.