We fucked for some time and then I pulled out. I got onto my back and I told my Mom to get on top. Mom got over my midsection and she reached down for my cock. I raised my hips up and she sunk down on my hard prick. I just had to touch her big tits. I reached out and cupped her boobs. I squeezed them at first and then I pinched her nipples. I then got my first surprise. I felt my Mom start to squirt all over my cock. The harder I drove my cock into her and pinched her big nipples, the more she gave me her warm juices.
I wish I knew how long I was able to hold out. It seemed like an hour had passed. My nuts began to pinch and I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer. I probably should have pulled out. Was my Mom on birth control, I had no idea. I fed my Mom a few more strokes and then I unloaded. It felt like I opened up a fire hydrant. I shot my wads of cream deep into my Mom’s belly. I wish I could have a picture of my Mom’s face when she felt me cum.
It was a look of ecstasy and surprise. Maybe she thought I was going to pull out at the end. I brought my hands down to her hips and I held her down onto my shooting prick. My Mom’s body shook as she felt my hot seed enter her tummy. I hoped this was just the beginning of our hot lovemaking. Mom’s pussy gripped me hard as I gave her my spunk. It felt like she needed to get every drop of my load for her greedy hole.
It must have taken a good ten minutes until I felt like I was spent. Mom fell onto my chest and I held her against my body. Mom kissed me and I opened my mouth to her. I finally went soft and my dick slipped out of her tunnel. Mom pulled away and then she looked down. My white cream came pouring out of her pussy. The final ending was when Mom lowered her face down to my cock. She ended up cleaning all the cum from my shaft. That had to be the most intense sex I had ever experienced.
You can’t ever let your Dad know,” she said to me.
There was no way I would ever tell him about this. He obviously didn’t want sex with my Mom anymore. There was no sense in wasting a good thing. Mom and I got up and we showered together. I wish I could have taken my Mom one more time but my cock was spent. I rubbed her tits in the shower and we had some more intense kissing. We finished up and dried each other off. Once we got dressed Mom told me why she called me over to the house.
“I am thinking of divorcing your father.”
You could have knocked me over with a feather. I had no idea things had gotten this bad.
“I think your father is seeing another woman. We haven’t had sex in over a year.”
She said she started to work out in order to get my Dad interested in her again. It hadn’t worked and she didn’t see the sense in pretending any longer.
“What about us?” I just had to know where we stood.
“I never expected this,” she told me. “I enjoyed what we did. Let me get my thoughts together.”
I wanted to continue having my mother in bed. I gave her a couple of weeks to get things worked out in her head. One day I heard my doorbell ring. It was Mom. She came in and sat down in a chair.