Mother Son love story

A week before my basic training we were in the kitchen. Mom was in a good mood, so I asked “Mom, do girls think about romance and those things as much as boys do?”

“Hmmm…no, absolutely not. Unlike boys, girls often let their thoughts go to other things – even practical things.”

“Ouch! That hurt, Mom.”

Laughing, she said “You walked right into that one; watch where you’re going next time.”

Venturing a more serious question, “Mom, did you ever go on dates when I was a kid?

Mom looked into my eyes. Frowning, she said “Define ‘date’. They took me to nice places, but I took my time to see what their intentions were. It was pretty clear they all thought single mothers were an easy mark so I gave up on dating. I knew I’d never find a respectable man. No respectable man would date a slut that got pregnant before she could finish high school.”

Raising my voice to my mother for the first time of my life I said “Mom, stop it! I hate that word – it doesn’t even apply to you.”

Startled, she composed herself and finished her thoughts.

“Anyway, men aren’t attracted to women like me. I have small hips. I’m barely past a training bra. I look like a 10-year-old boy wearing a wig. You love me Tommy, that’s more than enough for me. You are the only man in my life. I know you love me and will never hurt me. I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

“Mom you are beautiful. You are so cute and feminine. When we’re out together men can’t keep their eyes off you. Any man would fall in love with you at first sight… I did a long time ago.”

Mom gracefully approached me. Warmly she gave me a most beautiful hug. On tiptoes she reached for my face, pulling it to her and caressing it with both hands she kissed me on my lips. It was unlike any kiss we’d shared before – even the after-prom kiss – or one that I had even dreamt possible. Moving her hands from my face, she embraced me again. Her pert breasts were warmly pressed against me. It was the most sensuous feeling this hopelessly socially-inept virgin ever experienced. We were in no hurry to end the embrace.

Looking me in the eyes Mom said “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

One last tender kiss on my lips, with a sigh she went to her room. I stood there, dizzy with emotion.


The night before leaving for basic training was bittersweet. We again spent the evening on the couch. After a few hours, Mom excused herself, went to her room, and returned adorned in her white satin robe. When she reached over to pass our photo album to me, her partially opened robe revealed her beautiful cyan bra underneath. My heart rate doubled; was it a coincidence she wore it? We cuddled, hugged and kissed, and I began rubbing my hands up and down her back. She melted into me. After a few minutes of this, she made a low moaning sound, got all flustered and went into the kitchen. She returned few minutes later.

Near midnight she said “We’d better go to bed. You need your sleep for your big day. Will you tuck me in and kiss me goodnight?”

She smiled and went to her room. I nervously waited a few minutes, and when I got to her room her robe was neatly folded on her dresser and she was under the covers.

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