Mother Son love story

Call me a momma’s boy: seeing her made me cry too. The coffee was stone-cold long before we were finished hugging and kissing. Without hesitation or conditions, she had once again put her life on hold and traveled all day, night, and morning to take buses, trains, red-eye flights, taxis, and shuttles to be by my side. Mom spent every possible moment with me. It would have been so much worse without her loving presence.

After my retinal re-attachment surgery was declared a success I was told I would be discharged from the hospital. A patch would be needed to be worn over the eye, with extra care taken not to subject it to trauma. The surgeon told me “You got the million dollar wound.” Meaning, not bad enough to screw-up the rest of my life, but it effectively meant my active duty commitments were fulfilled. I was given a Purple Heart and orders to report back to my National Guard Armory in 30 days.

Mom was so happy. With a smile warm enough to melt an iceberg she said “Tommy, I think it would be a good idea to spend a few nights at my hotel so you can gain more strength for the long flight home.”

My head spun as I contemplated the possibilities. All I could say was “Mom, if we’re together, where doesn’t matter.”

Chapter 5.

It was a short taxi ride though afternoon rush hour traffic from Walter Reed to the hotel. Sitting closely, we held hands and enjoyed our togetherness. Nothing needed to be said; we shared the same thoughts.

Mom had been treating me differently; the way she looked into my eyes; the way she placed her arm into mine when walking; the way she leaned against me when we stood side-by-side; the way she asked my approval for the decisions she was making; the way she referred to me to as her ‘man’. Was I becoming the boyfriend and lover she never had? I fondly reminisced about our mostly-innocent yet oh-so-tantalizing night together before my deployment. Before hastily rushing off to the airport, did Mom pack her cyan satin panty and bra?

The hotel room was small, but comfortable, with a queen bed, sofa-bed, and TV. It was reserved for five more nights. Mom wanted to stay up and talk but it was late, and we had planned to go sightseeing in the morning. She concluded it was time for us to call it a night.

“Your ribs are still sore. You can sleep on the bed, it will be much more comfortable. I’ll sleep on the sofa-bed.”

My first choice for sleeping arrangements would have been quite different.

“Mom, my ribs are fine… really, they never felt better.”

Smiling warmly, hands on hips, with mock indignation she said “Tommy, it’s not nice to argue with your mother.”

I gave her my best “Awww Mom” and went into the bathroom. After a shower and putting on clean briefs and a t-shirt, I got into bed. Leaning over she lovingly tucked me in and kissed me. Her lips felt warmer, wetter, and were held against mine longer than any previous kiss we shared.

“Rest, Tommy, you must get strong. I’ll check on you after I get cleaned up and make up the sofa bed.” I didn’t think I was that tired, but wrapped in the luxury of my first civilian bed in ages, before she had even started her shower, I was asleep.

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