Mom was concerned about my shyness and began to try to help me resolve the issue. We began to role-play at home in the evenings. It was embarrassing for me at first until I really realized Mom was a very attractive lady that looked about ten years younger than her age of 36. She looked even younger when carefully made-up. She was also working with me to overcome my reluctance about touching. As part of the role-play she had us holding hands and hugging. I was beginning to enjoy these sessions.
During these sessions the subject of sex came up. It was a very embarrassing discussion. Mom’s pointed questioning revealed I had a normal sex drive and was masturbating regularly to keep the libido under control. Nothing was said, but I could tell Mom was also masturbating also because I would hear her at night after we had gone to bed. It took a while but I eventually figured out what the stifled moans meant.
After the talks and role-play began, Mom became touchy-feely on my torso, face, and neck. This also was somewhat embarrassing at first until I realized she missed the close intimate relationship she’d had with Dad. It didn’t take long before the subject of intimate relations came up. During the talks I had to admit that all I knew was what I’d overheard on the construction sites and at school. My knowledge was abysmal.
Mom finally decided to force the issue. “You need to learn how to date and court a young lady,” she said. “I know we live in a small town where everyone knows everybody but it is only 35 miles to Longview, where no one knows us. I’ll be your date and coach you on behavior and small talk.”
“But Mom, are you sure this’ll work?” I asked. “I’m still worried about acting or doing something stupid.”
“Why don’t we plan to have a dinner and movie night on Saturday?” she asked. “There is a new John Wayne western showing at the Twin Pines drive-in and we can eat at El Chico before going to the movie.”
She knew full well I was a sucker for Mexican food and a western movie. She enjoyed them as much as I did.
“Since this is going to be a date night let’s do it right,” she said. “You get your truck cleaned up Saturday morning. After you clean up and dress leave for a while to allow me to finish getting ready. Come back home, knock on the door, and I’ll join you. We’ll go to the restaurant and then the movie. It’ll be fun.”
“Well, if you’re sure this is the thing to do I’m game,” I told her. “Maybe this’ll help me overcome some of the shyness in public.” I figured that at this point anything would help.
Saturday morning found me washing my truck and cleaning the interior, which meant a trip to the local carwash to use the vacuum and a stop for gas. After filling the tank I returned home.
Mom was wearing her usual weekend attire of shorts and a tank top. Unusually this tank top was quite snug and really emphasized her breasts. The neckline was low enough to show some cleavage. My usual dress down attire was cut off jeans and a tee shirt, the rattier the better.