Mother, sister, brother, lover

“I haven’t said a word to the guys but they’re are all asking me what I’m doing and do I want to go out and just cruise, I said no, my Sister and Mum want me to stay, it’s a family thing.”

“Robbie, I know how sensible you can be, it’s really important that you don’t let anyone else know, this is our thing, others might not understand us, you might get very hurt.”

“I know, trust me, why would I blow this, I have two perfect women who love me and need me, I’d be stupid to blow that.” He slid off the sofa and crawled on his knees between them, bending he kissed their legs.

“I love you both very much, I won’t do anything to hurt you, ever.”

Julie touched his face,

“Robbie, I never knew I could feel this way about you, but you’re lovely and I want to be with you and enjoy your company, thank you little brother.”

“Shit sis, that’s awesome, a hot chick like you even looking at me.” Robbie blushed.

“I’m no hot chick, dummy, I ‘m your flat-chested, bony arsed sister, but I love the fact you think I’m hot.”

“Yeah and Mum’s a sexy Milf, I love you too.” He blew a kiss at Sally.

“What’s a Milf?” said Sally, “Should I be flattered or annoyed?”

“Mother I’d like to Fuck.” supplied Julie straight faced.

“You cheeky monkey, you almost have, would that make me a Mirf?”


“Mother I Really Fucked.”

Robbie grinned, “I’d like that for sure, let me know when I’m ready and I’m your boy.

“Ohh a toy boy for a milf, bring it on.”

Two Weeks Later

Sally walked out of the hospital with Robbie, they held each other as they walked.

“At least they caught it in time, but she’s going to be one sick girly for a while.”

“She’s cheerful enough anyway, best place for her at the moment, come on let’s get home.”

The next fortnight was a nightmare of home, hospital, work / school, home, hospital they were exhausted but kept going and smiling for Julies sake.

Two weeks later they helped Julie from the car and assisted her on the short walk from the car to the porch then to the lounge. Helping her sit with her feet up on the sofa.

“Thanks guys, that was a bit hairy for a while. Good to be home though. I hate hospitals, but it’s over now.”

“Don’t worry sis, we’ll take care of you, well actually I will, it’s half term and I can be around all day.”

“Robbie, you don’t need to do that I can manage, well almost, it’ll just be a couple of days.”

“Julie, you’re still not fully recovered, so let your brother spoil you, you won’t always have that luxury. anyhow I have to get to work and I’ll see you around six’ish, Robbie is in charge.”

“Yay, thanks Mum, Dr Robbie is on call.”

“Robbie, despite the fact you and I are very close, you are not going anywhere near me, got it.”

“Behave the pair of you.”

“Yes Mum”

“Stop that too.”

“Love you,”

“Miss you.”

“Six pm meal, Robbie.”

“Yes Mum”

Sally left and closed the door, they heard her car start and back off the drive.

“So little brother, what have you and Mum been up to whilst I’ve been in hospital?”

“Nothing, we’ve been so worried about you, we’ve put everything on hold, we’re sleeping in the big bed, but that’s all.”

Please wait…

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