The guy was laying down stroking himself, then I pick my mom up and stood over him. I could tell he was getting the idea, and was pointing his dick upward. I place mom and I over the center of his boner. I squatted down, and he aimed it in mom’s ass. I pushed my weight back, and pushed her back to him. She wiggled as he placed his dick in her, sliding his cock in her anally. As soon as the dick pushed in her asshole, she screamed. I leaned into mom, chest to chest and humped her harder and faster. He had slow strokes, mom twitched and shivered when he held a deep thrust. Mom bite my throat for the rest of the D.P., closing down harder on me as she got closer to cumming. Mom came and we both thrusted deep and long. Mom creamed on us and bit down as hard as she could.
We eventually had her on her hands and knees, taking turns fucking both ends. I came a few times, he came a couple of times, but we always laid the loads down on mom’s tits, back, face, and in her mouth.
She woke up sticky, covered in hickies, and with hand marks on her face and throat. She would never talk about the sex we had, it was a silent agreement. She would just text me “I need some dick.” but whenever mom visited we, for some reason, never talked about the sex we had and was going to have. I take her to swinger parties, I put ads online for gangbangs, and sometimes mom would just fuck me all night. She is now hooked on my dick, and loves to be shared.