Medical Training, Haifah asks a friend for intimate help studying for medicine

Tim paused, not sure what to say. He lent in, kissed her cheek and whispered “I love you too Haifah” before pulling her close to him.

Haifah’s body relaxed, her relief obvious. The two laid for a while, talking about trivial things, her family, her time at school, her friends. Soon they fell asleep, entwined as before.


Tim awoke to a strange sensation. Unlike last time, Haifah was not cuddled up to him, he wasn’t even laid on his side. He was laid flat on his back, and his cock was throbbing. He looked down the bed, his eyes still blurry from sleep, the sun peaking around the curtains, casting a mellow orange glow into the room.

Haifah was hunched horizontally across the bed, pleasuring his cock with her mouth. She licked up and down his shaft and gently fondled his balls. She hadn’t even noticed him wake until his hand wandered towards her.

“Good morning handsome!” She whispered, moving towards him for a kiss.

Her lips were moist from sucking his cock. Her hand stayed there, pleasuring him as he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

“What are we doing today then?” Tim asked.

“Well, we can go out into the city…” She started, “or we can stay here in bed all day! Either way, you’re not getting out of bed today until you cum inside me!”

She smiled, gently biting Tim’s lip. He could already feel cum building inside him. She had started preparing him on purpose, he knew it. She suddenly let go of his cock, straddling his chest as he had done hers the night before. She moved her pussy forward, over his mouth, before lowering herself within licking range. Tim obliged, licking her passionately, looking up to see her head thrust back and her breasts proud against the morning light. She rubbed her clit, each time letting out a gently moan.

After a minute or so Haifah lifted herself off him, looking down at his lonely cock.

“You’ve pleasured me so much, but I don’t want you to get all the fun today and me get nothing” She smiled, winking at him.

Haifah returned her attention to his cock, positioning her ass and pussy just to the side of him. As she leant over and began to suck his cock once more Tim slid a finger inside her. She moaned, sending vibrations through his cock. He started fucking her with his finger, slowly, enjoying the vibrations around his cock as she moaned.

He removed his finger, as she removed his cock from her mouth. He quickly moved, straddling her from behind, her ripe ass in the air. He thrust into her, her head resting against the bed. Unlike on the sofa, this time he could go deep inside her. He played with her asshole, rubbing it with a finger, slapping her ass with his other hand every so often.

With each thrust she moaned, each moan muffled by the bedsheets. Her ass was becoming moist, lubricated by the sweat of their sex. The musky, sweet smell of her pussy rose to meet his nose. He wanted nothing more than to cum inside her.

“Cum for me baby, fill my pussy with cum” She moaned, her insides tightening as she approached orgasm.

Tim needed little encouragement, he felt his balls swelling, contracting, urgently producing the cum he needed to fill her insides. A moment later his climax came, he stopped thrusting and lifted her shoulders, pulling her chest towards him, standing her on her knees. One arm held her breast, massaging her nipple, as his other hand thrust towards her clit. He sad her back on her knees, his cock sliding out followed by the first drips of his cum. Haifah sat there, receiving everything Tim gave to her, the kisses on her jawline, the massaging of her nipples, and the pleasure around her clit from his rapidly moving fingers.

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