Massage to lady at Bangalore

Hi, my name is Ajay a freelancer and sex lover from Bangalore. To read my previous encounters please go to this link. The story is about how I was contacted by a lady in Bangalore and ended up licking her in all possible ways. The story is more of foreplay and licking.

So if you are looking for hardcore fuck then I guess this story won’t help with that. As it has very soft passionate content. People usually contact me after reading my over here. Some guys do ask for sharing the contact details which obviously gets ignored.

There was a lady named Rachana who badly wanted to experience a pleasure. I usually respond late to the messages thinking they are all fake guys wanting to get contacts. But this lady turned out to be a little patient and the following was how the conversation went on.

R- Hey there I read your story. It was a nice one.
Me- Thank you so much, I hope it did make you wet.
R- Yes it did but it would have been better if the foreplay was little more.
Me- I shall improve that next time (though I was offended little)

After this, I did not get any message from her. I just dropped a message saying.
Me- Where are you from? ASL? (Age sex location)
After a week or so I got her message.
R- Hey you there?

After 30 minutes,
Me- Yes, of course, I am here.
R – Well I m 37 and I am a divorced single parent staying in Bangalore.
Me- Bangalore that’s nice! I am from Bangalore too.
R- I know that’s why I messaged you.

After this message, I realized that she is a real lady. Maybe I could get a chance. And after gradual chatting, I realized that she worked for a small firm and was divorced for the past 4 years. We had not yet exchanged our pics. We just spoke on call once to make her wet the same night.

After a few days, I got the message again from her.
R- Hey are you free to chat?
Me- Yes, what’s up?
R- Is it possible for you to meet me? You seem to be a decent guy and you pretty made me comfortable with you last time.

Me-Sure we can? Where do you want to meet?
R- At your place?
Me- Well I m sorry I don’t have a place!
R- I thought you must be having. Then where did you have your previous experience?

Me- The ladies usually invite me to their place or we book OYO rooms.
I asked her what does she like for which she responded
R- I want to have very passionate foreplay. I want to be loved like I am still a virgin and a bride.

Me- Well we can do that. Maybe I will give you a and foreplay that you shall never forget!
R- Let’s meet then

After this, we decided to meet at OYO. But she stayed pretty far away from my place so I had to leave an hour before her. After that, I called her and asked where is she? She sent me the location of OYO room and told me to come to her soon. I went to the room and knocked on the door.

She opened the door and then I saw her. To be honest I am not gonna boast like others that she was a bomb or something. She had worn specs and had chubby fat around her waist. Her arms were pretty normal. She wore a green T-shirt and blue jeans. Her assets would have been around 36-34-36.

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