Losing my virginity to my newly found cousin

I grew up without much extended family; really much family at all. I am an only child, so I have no siblings. My mom and dad were both only children and so I never had any real cousins to grow up. My dad had some half brothers and sisters who had children, but they all lived on the east coast of the US, so as we all grew up we never got an opportunity to hang out.

I grew up in a bustling, beach community in Southern California, so I had plenty of friends, and a lot of girls to hang out with. I went to parties, had a few girlfriends here and there, but spent most of my time concentrating on academics. I was well-liked by the people that knew me, but I wasn’t necessarily popular.

Late in my high school years, I began a budding running career that promised to take me far in college. I was 5′ 9″, 160 lbs, and I could set out on a run and run forever. When I realized I could also fun faster than anyone else, it went from being something I did, to something I loved to do. I started winning races, not only in high school, but all over the region. Running in the year-round So Cal sunshine, made me look like I had quit school and spent all day working on my tan at the beach and went well with my bleach blonde hair. My successful running, and my beach-bum looks, greatly increased my popularity and I started getting invited to a number of parties toward the end of my senior year in high school.

I was 18 and dating a 20-year old college sophomore who had decided to stay home and attend a 4-year university. We had plenty of opportunity to have fun together, but our sex life was still building and we hadn’t “gone all the way” yet and I was itching to. I was still a virgin, although I didn’t admit it to anyone.

Amongst our regular schedule of activities were beach parties. Nothing better than a Friday night bonfire on the beach, having wine coolers or beers, grilling some hot dogs and smores, and just relaxing on a warm spring night on the beach. On this particular Thursday, I was trudging through my AP classes, but clearly my mind was focused on the next night. Gretchen and I had been invited to, what promised to be, a killer beach party. To top the night off, her parents were going to be out of town so we planned to go back to her house and, I prayed and prayed, finally have sex.

I headed out for a training run after school on Thursday, returned to my car, and glanced at my phone. There it was. Another nail in the coffin of being a horny male who was still a virgin. Gretchen had received very poor comments from a professor on a project and had to spend all weekend rewriting it; there would be no beach party, no visit to her parents, and no sex. Nothing at all. While I understood, my disappointment couldn’t be contained and I fired off a rude text back: “If you had done it right the first time, you wouldn’t have to redo it.” Had I stood even a glimmer of hope to see her that weekend, that ended it; and maybe forever.

“I need to concentrate on getting this project done. I will talk to you Monday. We need to talk.”

My attempts to apologize, be nice again, regain some standing as someone she liked, all went ignored.

Friday came and I had to endure the agony of talking to other people at school that were headed to the party that night, knowing I wouldn’t be going. Of course they all still wanted me to go, but it would suck being there by myself when everyone else was coupled up. I went for a really long run after school, returned to my car, and headed home to pout.

On my way, my mom called, “Hey John, its mom. Do you have any plans for tonight?”

“Um, yes mom, at least I might. Why,” I replied?

“Your dad’s half-sister is in from New York and called us out of the blue to see if they could stay with us for two nights. She’s here looking at colleges with your cousin and I thought maybe you’d like to go to dinner,” she said.

“I have a cousin,” I asked my mom, confused?

“Well, she’s your dad’s, half-sister’s, daughter, so she’s about as close to a cousin as you can get,” my mom explained.

“Oh, well, first, that doesn’t sound like fun. Second, I am just headed home from a run, and I was going to run by In-n-Out for a burger, so no. I don’t want to go. I’m tired.”

“Okay, okay. Well, I guess we’ll see you when we get back. Text me if you change your mind and I’ll tell you where we’re eating.”

“Okay mom.”

I headed to grab a burger. I ate inside so it would take more time. I wanted to make sure I got home after everyone had left. Whoever this cousin was, I was in no mood to meet them and pretend that I wanted to be there. I wanted to be at the beach with Gretchen and I was still dealing with the fact that I might never be with Gretchen again.

I pulled into the driveway and headed into the house. My parent’s house is pretty large. The upper story is the main living area with 3 bedrooms at one end of the house and their master suite at the other end. There is a large area downstairs, that includes a spacious family room/home theater, and a separate bedroom and bathroom with a private entrance. My 18th birthday present, was my mom and dad let me move into the downstairs and, effectively, have my own place; well away from them.

Once inside, I jumped in a hot shower, through on some boxers, no shirt, and headed upstairs to find something to snack on; my hunger was never fully satisfied. I popped through the upstairs door and into the kitchen, my back to the family room, I started rifling through the fridge to see what I could scrape up. “Hello John,” a female voice said, scaring the shit out of me.

I jumped out of my skin, spun around to face the voice and simultaneously yelled, “What the fuck? Who are you?”

My heart racing at about 200 beats per minute. The fact that I was staring at a young woman, and not an ax murderer straight out of a cheap horror movie, calmed me down a little bit, but I had no idea who this person was. “I’m Kathy. Your cousin from New York,” she explained. “I’m sorry I startled you. I thought you knew I’d be here and, from the way you jumped, and the way you’re dressed, you didn’t.”

“Oh shit. Sorry. Um. Let me get dressed,” I said.

“No. No. That’s okay. Be comfortable,” she quipped.

Rather than debate the point, I darted back downstairs, threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt, and started to head back upstairs. As I did, I had to ask myself whether I had really seen what I thought I just saw. Taking a deep breath, I trotted back upstairs to officially meet Kathy and see if it was true.

“Hi, I’m John. Again, sorry about that. I really thought you had gone out to dinner with my parents.”

“It is totally fine John. It is not something I haven’t seen before,” Kathy laughed. “I decided to save myself from all that boring adult shit, stay home, and see what you were up to.”

As she stood there and talked, I thought to myself, “Damn. You were definitely right.” She was smoking hot. She was about 5′ 4″ tall, had long, dark, straight hair, big tits that were pushing their way out of her deep, v-neck shirt, and a short skirt. I wanted to bury my face in her cleavage. Her face was cute as hell, her piercing eyes were mesmerizing. “Why the hell didn’t my parents introduce us before,” I laughed to myself?

“Do you have plans tonight, John,” Kathy asked? “If you do, I totally understand.”

“Not really. I mean, no. No. I don’t.”

“What were your ‘not really’ plans?”

“Oh well, I was supposed to go to a beach party with Gretchen, but she has to study and so we’re not going,” I explained.

“Oh okay. So, Gretchen is your girlfriend,” she asked?

“Well, um, as of today. But as of Monday, I doubt it,” I laughed.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Kathy laughed back. “If you still want to go to the party, I’ll tag along; I mean if you’re cool with that.”

“Holy shit. My friends would shit their pants if I showed up with someone as hot as Kathy,” I thought to myself. What actually came out of my mouth was, “Okay. Sure. We could roll down there.”

“Am I dressed okay,” she asked?

Not wanting her to change at all, but wanting to be honest, I said, “Well, it might get a little chilly later.”

“Wouldn’t you keep me warm, cousin,” she asked?

“I think you’ll be fine. And I have a blanket in my truck if you need it.”

“Good, let’s go.”

On the way to the beach in my truck, a Toyota 4X4 with a camper shell, we caught up on a lifetime of who we were. Kathy was 18 years told, only 3 weeks younger than me, and lived in New York with her mom. Her dad lived in Florida, so she spent summers there. She was out in California with her mom, looking to study pre-law at a local university. She really wanted out of the east and wanted to settle in sunny Southern Cal and meet a “hot surfer dude” as she described it. She was more of a partier than I was, but we got along like we’d been friends forever.

As we got closer to the party she asked, “What will your friends think when you show up with someone besides Gretchen?”

“I hadn’t thought about that,” I laughed.

“Well, I have a fake ID from New York. Should we grab something to drink and find another spot on the beach to go,” she asked?

“We could do that,” I said.

We went out of the way from where people might know me, bought some wine coolers and a small “party pack” of firewood and headed to a beach. We found an unused fire pit and had a small fire going in no time. Being a veteran in beach party-going, I dug in some small holes to support us as we leaned back, and we wrapped up in the blanket.

We laughed, joked, jabbed at each other sarcastically, exchanged high school stories, and inched closer and closer together under the blanket as we drank a couple coolers. As it got quiet for a minute, Kathy blurted out, “Do you and Gretchen have sex on the beach?”

“Well, no. We haven’t actually had sex yet,” I explained.

“Wow. You poor thing. It seems like a great place to have sex.”

“I don’t know. All this sand and everything, it sounds like it might be hard,” I laughed.

Under the blanket, Kathy hooked her arm around my upright knee and rubbed my leg a little. My cock stirred in my jeans. I slipped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her tight to me; like a side hug. She leaned into me, then pulled back a little. The light of the fire was illuminating her intoxicating smile, making her more beautiful than ever, and she kissed me. A short peck at first and then a little bit longer kiss with a bit of tongue.

“That was nice,” she said, “I’m glad we got that out of the way.”

“So, that is what a ‘kissing cousin’ is like,” I said.

Laughing, Kathy replied, “Yes, that is what it is like. Did you like it?”

“Yes. Yes. It was very nice.”

“There’s more where that came from,” Kathy invited.

We kissed for a while more. She was rubbing the inside of my thigh, giving me a hard on, and occasionally she brushed against the bulge in my pants. I brushed my hand against her young, firm tits, but stayed away from actually feeling her out. As we kissed, I finally broke the silence, “Would you like to go back up to my truck? I have a foam pad in the back.”

“What do you want to do up there,” she asked? “Aren’t we just kissing cousins?”

“Sure. Yes. I mean, I just thought it would be more comfortable.”

“Okay. Let’s go,” she agreed.

We held hands on the way back to the truck, stopping a few times to adjust our sandals and continue the kissing. As we got to the truck, there were several other cars and people in the parking lot, so I suggested that we go to the secure parking garage at my dad’s office. Because of the security gate, which I had the code to, there were no actual security guards and, from the roof, there was a great view of the city lights.

On the 15 minute drive, we kissed whenever it was safe to do so, and she leaned onto me and continued to rub my leg; maintaining my hard cock. We pulled into a spot, well away from one of the lights, climbed into the back of my truck and started kissing again. This time, the intensity of our kissing increased and I ran my hand up under her shirt and felt her breasts through her bra. She had on a padded, push up bra, so I couldn’t feel her nipples very well, but her tits were more than a handful. She continued to rub my dick, through my pants, and was much more deliberate about stroking me.

As I started to try to run my hand inside her bra cup, she said, “I think you’ll like this better.” She sat up, pulled off her shirt, unhooked her bra, and let the two most beautiful, 34C tits fall out. She leaned her chest into me and invited me to suck on them. Her nipples were huge, long, and hard and she moaned as I sucked on them. I pulled off my sweatshirt and our chests rubbed together as we kissed.

She yanked on my belt buckle. It gave way easily to her tug and then she started trying to work on the buttons of my pants. I pushed her hand way, as I knew I could do it faster, and as I removed my pants, she unzipped her skirt and took it off. She was wearing a sexy pair of bikini underwear and I was in my boxers. It didn’t take long for her to find my hard dick and start stroking it and I ran my hand down inside her panties and found her wet, neatly trimmed, but hairy pussy.

As we felt each other out, she asked me what, in some ways, I hoped she wouldn’t, “Do you want to be fucking cousins?” I kept making out with her and she asked again, “Well, do you?”

I let out a big sigh and said, “Kathy…”

“I’ll bet you’re a virgin, aren’t you,” she interrupted?

“Um, yes. Yes, I am. But not because I don’t want to fuck. I just haven’t.”

“OMG! Well, your first time can’t be in the back of a pick up truck with your cousin,” she blurted out. “Here, lay down.”

I laid down, she took my cock fully out of my boxers, and slid her full lips down over the top of it and started to suck my dick. She rubbed my balls, stroked me, and sucked my hard cock in and out of her mouth, giving me the most incredible blow job I had ever experienced. The way she sucked my cock didn’t even compare to the few other times Gretchen had given me a blow job. And, the best was yet to come.

The few times that Gretchen had given me a hummer, she would feel me starting to cum, pull her mouth off, and finish with a hand job. Kathy did no such thing. I yelled that I was about to cum, I could feel the pulsing start, and she deep-throated me as I shot my entire load of hot, salty cum down her throat. Kathy gagged for a brief second and then not only swallowed all of my cum, but licked off what oozed out.

As I laid there, stunned with satisfaction, all I could say was, “Fucking Ay! That was amazing. Fucking Ay!”

“I’m glad you liked it. I loved doing it for you,” Kathy said.

She started getting dressed and I jumped in, tugging on her, “Do we have to go somewhere so soon?”

“Yes, it is pretty late, don’t you think,” she asked? “And, you can’t take anymore,” she added while pointing to my now limp dick.

We laughed together, got dressed, took our positions back in the cab of the truck and headed home. On our ride home, we collaborated our story about driving around the shopping areas by the beach, getting dessert, etc. The house was pretty dark when we pulled up, so we entered through my private entrance. She gave me a big kiss, let me cop one more feel of her tits, and she headed upstairs to go to bed.

As I started to get ready for bed, I heard the door to the stairs open and my mom whispered, “John, can I come down?”

“Sure mom. I’m just getting into bed.”

“So, was it fun hanging out with Kathy? What did you guys do?” my mom asked.

“Yeah, she’s alright. It was fun. We just drove around, I showed her the beach and all the shopping down there and we ate some food.”

“Thank you so much for taking her out. I know it probably isn’t the most fun you could have on a Friday night and we really appreciate it.”

“Yeah, okay mom. It’s no problem.”

“Well then John, I have a favor to ask you.”

“What’s that mom?”

“Kathy has a college tour at 1 pm, but your dad really wants to take her mom, his half-sister, up to the little town he was raised in and show her some family history. We have to leave at like 6 am in the morning and probably won’t be back until dinner time. Could you take Kathy?”

“Of course. I’d be happy to,” I blurted out.

“Wow. Well, that was easier than I thought.”

“Oh, well, I mean. No problem because Gretchen is busy all weekend and I’m happy to help you and dad out.”

“Thank you. We’re leaving really early, so I’ll leave you some cash to take Kathy out to eat.”

“Okay, thank you,” I said as I turned over to hit the sack. I went to bed with a huge smile on my face and sweet dreams of another day with my “kissing cousin”.

I awoke Saturday morning about 9am, a little confused, as I thought I heard a sound of someone coming down the stairs. And then a gentle, whispering, sweet, female voice confirmed my suspicion, “John? Are you up?”

“Yes, Kathy. Come in.”

The door to my bedroom opened and standing there, illuminated by the sunlight from the family room, was an angelic sight. Kathy was wearing nothing but the same bikini underwear she’d had on the night before. Her tits were standing firm and her nipples already totally erect. “Can I join you in bed,” she asked?

“Sure. Of course,” I said as she walked over to the edge of my bed. “What brought this on?”

“Don’t be silly. I said last night that losing your virginity in the back of a truck with your cousin was no way to do it, but doing it in your bed with your cousin seems perfect.”

With that, Kathy took off her panties, put one leg up on the edge of the bed so I could get a perfect view of her pussy, slid her finger up inside her wet cunt, pulled it out and offered it to me. I took it in my mouth and sucked off her sweet juices. She yanked back my covers and exclaimed, “Oh my. Look at you.”

I sleep in the nude and my cock was rock hard and standing at attention. She climbed into bed with me and our making out started up where it left off. Almost immediately, I climbed on top of her and started to mount her pussy. “Okay, here it goes,” I said anxiously.

“Hold on there sexy,” she laughed. “I need something first, and unless you want to taste your own cum, we need to do it first.”

Kathy guided my head down to her pussy and I started to lick it. I had only briefly eaten someone out once. Kathy’s clit popped out immediately and she carefully instructed me how to satisfy her by drawing her hard clit in and out of my mouth; faster and faster. I had only made Gretchen orgasm once and that was when she had a bathing suit on. As I sucked on Kathy’s snatch, she tensed up, squeezed her thighs on my head, and started to shake with orgasm. And as I did that ( I would find out later that it is officially called a “squirter”) she soaked my mouth with sweet pussy juices as she came; wave after wave.

After relaxing from her orgasm, she invited me up to suck on her tits. While I nibbled on her nipples, she reached down and positioned the head of my hard cock at the entrance of her pussy. “Push it in slowly. It’s been a little while.”

As I entered her pussy, I was instantly in heaven. With proper direction, I started off slowly, and then faster and faster. She grabbed her knees, pulled them up, and spread herself wide for my pounding cock. My balls slapped against her and the slurping sound it made was sexy as hell. “Fuck me harder John,” she yelled. “Just tell me before you cum. You have to tell me.”

Thinking I couldn’t cum inside her for pregnancy reasons, but wanting to go as long as I could, I fought back the urge to cum as long as I could and then yelled, “Oh my god, here it comes.”

With that, I started to pull out, but she wrapped her legs around me, locked her ankles, squeezed my cock with her pussy muscles, and I blew my load deep inside her cunt; splashing into her cervix. Wave after pulsing wave of sperm flowed into her and then spilled out her pussy and onto my sheets.

“Oh my god. You’re amazing. Who would think you were a virgin,” she screamed.

“I came in you. Are we okay? Will you get pregnant,” I worried?

“Yes silly. We’re fine. I’m on the pill. I just wanted to make sure I felt all of you as you came.”

We stayed in bed, lying together naked for a little while. Not wanting this experience to end, I finally whispered, “What time is your college tour?”

“Who cares. We don’t have to go. I’ve already decided to accept their offer and attend here starting in the fall. With you around, who wouldn’t? Now, didn’t your mom say you guys have a pool and hot tub? Let’s grab some breakfast and then enjoy ourselves. I have a few more things to teach you, my kissing cousin.”

Added by wcforfun

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