It’s My Life – 14

Please read the previous part here ( It’s My Life – 13 ). Now let’s continue

I stripped naked within seconds and hugged him tightly. I said “Please take me right now, I cannot live without this”. Rafiq disengaged and quietly went to pick up my clothes which were strewn all across the floor.

Holding my bra for me to wear it, he said “you are making a mistake Anita. Don’t do this out of desperation”. Without listening to a word of what he said I forcibly undressed him and took his flaccid cock in my mouth.

I looked up at him and said “this time I am doing out of own free will, take me when you have the chance before I change my mind Rafiq”. We engaged in two bouts of wild sex.

This time Rafiq did not lose his hardness between the back to back bouts. Even though he entered my butt after eating my pussy I made sure I had him fuck my pussy only today.

It felt like both of us were on fire and the sex we had was the only extinguisher which could put that fire out… when we lay resting and catching our breath, I said “don’t ever do this to me again Rafiq”.

He replied “see Anita, this is your life. You have to decide what you want to do with it”. I said “yes I have understood that very clearly now and this is what I want”.

He replied “I have to admit that I have enjoyed the best moments of my life with you only Anita. Even my wife never gave me so much satisfaction”.

I replied “yes Rafiq, same with me. You are the first man other than my husband with whom I have ever enjoyed so much”. Rafiq said “understand one thing Anita, such clandestine affairs don’t last very long no matter how much we try”.

I replied “yes I know and that is what I am worried about. I have figured I cannot live without you after all this”. He said “promise me that whenever that happens you will move on with your life without regrets or hard feelings”.

I replied “yes I promise I will try”. I began stroking his flacid cock now, I looked at him and asked “can we please do once again”? Rafiq got up and said “no Anita, I think you should go back home now”.

The tone of his voice sounded like he was really serious so I did not touch on the topic anymore. We cleaned and got dressed and I left from there. I sat in the cab heading home.

The drivers eyes lingered on my generously visible cleavage all the time. Then I thought after all IT’S MY LIFE and I have the right to do anything with it.

Especially to look and feel good for a start. I told the cabbie to take me to a mall instead. I went to a big mall which had a lot of upper market stores selling western clothes.

I browsed all the stores and then came back to a particular store which had the largest variety. A store assistant approached me while I was going thru the jeans section.

Her name was Priya, she was surely in her teens and very enthusiastic to be of help. She excitedly asked “so who are you shopping for maam”? Blood rushed to my face because of embarrassment, I was thinking how to tell her that I was here to shop for myself and that too while wearing a saree…

She quickly saw thru my discomfort and then with a confident composure said “come with me maam, let me show you what will look best on you”. I quietly followed like a pet on a leash.

With warmth overflowing in her tone, she asked “so is this your first time maam”? I nodded no. She asked “so when was the last time and what did you wear then”?

I finally found my voice and said “it was during my college days”. She leaned in and asked “was it just jeans and skirts or something more”? I said “yes, yes only jeans and skirts. Nothing more”.

She asked “so you are shopping for daily wear or a special occasions also”? I quickly replied “both”. Then she asked a direct question, she asked “so you want to give sir a surprise or just do this for yourself”?

I thought for a moment and said “well… both… but more importantly for myself”. She warmly replied “then you are in good hands maam. Let’s start with what you used to wear earlier” and took me to the jeans section.

She asked me my size and gave me one jeans to try out in the trial room. I saw the tag, it read “low waist”. I said “no not this one, I used to wear high waist only”.

Priya said “maam don’t get me wrong, but high waist is so old fashioned and the only women who ask for it are the ones who have a protruding bellies. You are perfectly flat. If you trust me then try this. This will look great on you maam”.

I reluctantly took it and headed towards the trial room. Priya stopped me and said “wait maam, take this top also” handing me a t-shirt which had “are you kidding” written across the chest.

I took it quietly and headed to the trial room. I removed my saree and dressed up in the new clothes. I looked in the mirror and for sure I was looking hott.

The t-shirt was decent but still left a decent amount of my midriff exposed. I thought to myself, If I can leave my full waist exposed wearing a saree then this was nothing compared to that.

The jeans also as the name suggested just covered enough above my panties leaving my navel exposed. I was feeling good and naughty from inside wearing this after so many years.

I was trying to imagine the reactions I would get back home from my two teenagers and Prakash. Priya softly knocked asking if I was okay. I opened the door and asked “I need your opinion because I am confused and undecided”.

She looked at me from head to toe and said “maam I am not exaggerating, but you are looking at least ten years younger. You are going to give today’s youngsters and sir a very hard time”.

I blushed uncontrollably wanting to close the door but Priya said “wait maam, let me get the tags off. You continue wearing this only. Fold your saree and bring it with you when you come out”.

Just like I had taken Rafiq’s suggestions seriously, I decided to take hers too. I folded my saree and came out walking very shyly towards Priya because there were so many people in the store.

I felt piercing stares from men who were around shopping with their wives and girlfriends. Priya whispered in my ears “maam, don’t worry. You are looking really hot. Try to feel good about yourself”.

Her motivational talk boosted my confidence and for the first time since exiting the trial room, I raised my head and smiled at her. Priya patted my shoulder saying “very good” giving me a further boost.

I selected one more jeans in a different color and a few t-shirts with funky one liners on them. Then she took me to the skirts section. I bought only one knee length skirt saying “I wanted to see the reaction back home before buying more”.

We checked out at the billing counter after which Priya gave me the bags including the one with my saree. At the exit she held my hands and said “maam welcome to the new look” followed by a wink. I warmly replied “thank you Priya. Hope this has the desired effect…”.

I left from there and went straight home. Everyone from the cabbie to the watchman to people around were staring at me with jaw dropping stares. This made me feel even more proud and I confidently walked home with my head held high this time.

I decided against changing my clothes and when my sons arrived, it was whistling mayhem again. My elder son even dared to say “yes mom, I don’t think I am kidding” while reading off my t-shirt.

Even Prakash was much worse. He hugged me and lifted me up in his arms excitedly. I had to remind him about our sons being right there after which he lowered me to the ground.

Dinner was even more noisier than before making me blush again uncontrollably. Finally, I had to threaten everyone that I would leave the table without eating if they did not stop teasing me.

Everyone calmed down but the cat calls and whispering still continued. Then it was bedroom time and when I told Prakash that I went to meet Rafiq today, purely for fun, he went berserk with excitement.

What followed was two rounds of mad love making. Prakash teasingly said “I guess all your sarees can now go into permanent storage”. I said “no way, what will people think? Especially our relatives”?

He replied “I don’t care Anita… You remember my aunt from USA, you have seen how she dresses right? So if everyone is fine with her dressing then why not you”?

Listening to him got me even more enthusiastic to try the skirt. I decided to keep that for tomorrow’s surprise to see everyone’s reaction after. We slept and next morning was again repeat rocking performance by Prakash.

Today I wore the other jeans and a tshirt when Nirmala came. She too blew a whistle saying “madam thank you for listening to your heart for the first time. I am so happy”.

I did not blush this time, I confidently said “thank you Nirmala. I was not expecting you to react like this”. She said “you know madam, you are already the talk of the town. All the houses I work in, the ladies are burning with jealousy because of you”.

I innocently asked “why? What did I do”? She answered “madam from what I have heard, you came back yesterday evening dressed in something like this right”?

To be continued….

Let me know how you liked this and I will post more parts, you can reach me on [email protected].

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