Husband wants to watch his wife help out a friend

Husband wants to watch his wife help out a friend

“So, how was your spa weekend?” Kayleigh asked as Kate watched her complete her round of renegade rows with an ease she envied. Kayleigh’s plank was rock solid, the slight swell of her buttocks barely interrupting the 5’9″ line from her heels to her head. Her short black exercise shorts and bright orange crop top hugged her tight curves and left plenty of her muscular form visible – though one of the nice things about their all-female gym is that no one really cared about what they were wearing. At 37, Kayleigh outpaced many of the younger women in their boot camp, but her enthusiasm and quick wit motivated the others as much as good-natured competitiveness did.

Kayleigh stood in a fluid movement and replaced her black kettle bells in their neat rows near the base of the mirror. Several other women were scattered around the room, either on the mats or the concrete floor, and all at various stages in today’s circuit. Kayleigh returned to the mats, deadlifting the 20 lb sandbag she had left next to Kate’s feet for her squat thrusts. The room was warm and although she had a few beads of sweat trickling down her freckled chest, her breathing was slow and even.

Kate paused in her own set of rows, dropping down to her knees for a brief rest and considered Kayleigh’s question. “It was awesome,” she said finally though she wondered if the sudden warm flush to her cheeks was entirely due to the work out. Probably not, she mused, reminiscing about the events of the previous weekend. Kate had gone up North with a few girlfriends to a remarkable spa where they had all…well, “expanded their sexual horizons” might be the best way to describe it. She didn’t think she would tell Kayleigh those particular details, however. Kayleigh was about as hetero as they come and while she was very open-minded generally, Kate was pretty sure their all-female orgy would shock the daylights out of her friend.

“I’d love to go back,” Kate said honestly, recalling her first experiment with tribbing and feeling a familiar throb in her groin. She struggled back into the high plank and finished her set, conscious that her own plank was significantly wobblier than that of her friend. She replaced her equipment and following Kayleigh to the changing rooms. “What are you up to this weekend?” Kate asked, refilling her water bottle from the sink. Several of Kate’s auburn curls had escaped her ponytail and were now sticking to her sweaty cheeks. She drank almost a third of her bottle before straddling the bench in the change room, towelling off her neck and face.

“I’m off work on Friday,” Kayleigh responded. She unselfconsciously stripped off her exercise gear and rummaged through her bag for her street clothes. She had small breasts, which sat high and pert on her chest. Kate absently noted that Kayleigh’s pubic hair was a pale reddish brown and neatly trimmed. She wondered if her friend would agree to try out her favourite esthetician. Kate had personal experience with the benefits of a completely shaved pussy but Kayleigh had always laughed off her suggestions to try something more exotic.

Kayleigh’s knit dress slid over the matching lilac satin bra and panties and she held her nylons in one hand, obviously debating whether it was cold enough out to bother struggling into them. “And we have a friend visiting from out of town. Remember I told you about Mike?” she continued, pulling her tights over her long legs.

“Liam’s friend from school, right? The hockey player?” Kate responded. Kayleigh had shown her some pictures of Mike a few months ago and the memory was still quite vivid. “Gorgeous” did not do him justice, she recalled. At 6’2″ and 215 lbs of solid muscle, the 39 year-old was a very manly man, she thought. Green-blue eyes, curly brown hair that brushed the edge of his collar, and just enough facial scruff to look sexy.

“Didn’t you tell me that he was recently divorced?” Kate asked. She wasn’t going to bother changing; she needed a good shower but that would have to wait until she got home. She was eager to get out of her clothes though – sports bras for large breasted women are never particularly comfortable, no matter what the advertisements say. She sighed. With size B breasts, Kayleigh didn’t seem to have the same problem.

“Yeah,” Kayleigh said, fluffing out her short strawberry blonde hair and stuffing her workout clothes in her bag. “I don’t think he’s dating again yet either – Liam said he didn’t want to rush into anything serious. Our kids are away this weekend too, so he’s staying at our place.”

“Maybe if you’re lucky, he’ll walk around in tight boxers all weekend,” Kate teased, throwing Kayleigh’s towel at her. “Or you can forget to mention that the lock on your bathroom door is still broken and ‘accidentally’,” she continued, making air-quotes, “walk in on him while he’s showering. Offer to wash his back.” She winked.

Kayleigh laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. “Kate, you’re such a horn-dog!” she said. “That’s something you would do!”

“Totally!” Kate responded, grinning at her friend.

“You know,” Kayleigh began thoughtfully, “Liam told me once that he’s always fantasized about watching me with another man.” She glanced at her friend through the corner of her eye, gauging her reaction. She had an inkling what Kate might say and found herself wishing she could be as sexually adventurous as her friend. Kate had told her about the conference she had attended out West a few months ago and how she had a threesome with an old friend and his wife. Although Kayleigh wasn’t interested in women, she admired Kate’s gumption.

Kate gaped at her. “You’re not serious!” she exclaimed. “Oh my God – how awesome would that be? Do you think Mike would go for that?” she asked, obviously working through the details in her mind. “I mean, you and Liam are completely happy together so it’s not like he’d be insecure, Mike will be heading home after the weekend, he’s single right now, you’d get to sleep with a hunky hockey player – it’s like all the pieces of puzzle just coming together!” She clapped her hands together in obvious vicarious excitement. “What are you going to wear?” she continued. “Maybe that pretty wraparound dress you wore to Jen’s party. Oh – and that matching lace bra and panty set you bought last month. The colour brings out the blue in your eyes so well!”

Kayleigh shook her head, laughing. “Hold your horses, Kate! It’s just a fantasy – those never really come true, you know. Besides, I’m not sure I’D be able to do it!”

Kate grabbed her shoulders and gave her a playful shake. “You idiot! You might possibly have a chance to have sex with a crazy hot guy and your husband is okay with it – how can you not jump at this? Frig – I will personally come over and slap you silly if you pass this up,” she exclaimed, raising one hand and waving it in the air near her friend’s face.

“I’m not -” Kayleigh broke off, shaking her head. “Disinhibited enough,” she finished.

“You?” Kate laughed in disbelief. “Your frontal lobe is turned off more than anyone I know! You just need to get into the zone.”

“What? Like you? You sex-maniac!” Kayleigh laughed too, zipping her bag closed and taking a swig of water.

“I am just a healthy 30-something woman who has needs like everyone else,” Kate said solemnly. “Like you have. Like Mike probably has – well, except the ‘woman’ part,” she continued, nudging Kaleigh’s shoulder with her own. “And hey – if some of Liam’s needs involve watching you with another guy – then who are we to argue?”

Kate buttoned her coat and grabbed her bag. “Let’s stop by the liquor store. You’ll need a nice bottle of wine for supper tomorrow. Or three. Relax you a bit, get you in the mood…” she left the sentence hang and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Kaleigh slapped at her butt, laughing.

“OK Horn-Dog,” she called Kate again. “We’ll go shop for wine. But no promises!” She grabbed her purse and the two women started toward the door. “Although,” Kayleigh said finally, “they do say that ‘everything is twice as nice when you share it with a friend'”.

“More wine?” Kayleigh offered the bottle of Saint-Emilion Grand Cru towards Mike. They were still seated at the dinner table, working their way through the second bottle of red. Kate had suggested the wine as being a perfect pairing for their steak tonight and Kayleigh was pleased with the outcome. Although Liam had initially balked at the idea of barbequing on their snowy back deck, Mike’s good-natured teasing had finally convinced him and the results were well-worth the effort. Kayleigh fiddled absently with the stem of her glass and resolved that barbequing would become a four-season activity from now on.

She sipped her own wine and watched the two men laughing at some remembered story from their youth. It was great to see her husband relaxing and taking some time away from the office – he had promised the entire weekend, for a change. She was lost in her own thoughts when she heard her name.

“…Kayleigh, for instance,” Liam was saying. “She’s not overly controlling like some women. I can go out for a night with the guys – or even lunch with a woman friend – and she’s okay with it.” He ran a calloused hand up her forearm where it was resting on the table. “You need to find a SANE woman, Mike,” he finished.

“I don’t know if sane is a word you can use to describe me,” Kayleigh laughed as she stood and started clearing the table. “My friend Kate would argue with you with about that!” She dropped a light kiss on Liam’s head, ruffling his short-cropped blond hair as she moved into the kitchen with their plates.

“I’m not looking for something serious right now anyway,” Mike shook his head. “Too many complications. But a friend with benefits would be awesome. It’s been too long, Man,” he finished, shaking his head.

“I hear you,” Liam told him. “Kay – you work with tons of women. You must know someone who’d want to take care of a poor man’s needs?” he joked as she split the last of the wine into their glasses.

“Your poor needs,” she mocked gently and ruffled Mike’s hair too. That’s surprising soft, she thought, distracted for a moment by an urge to grab a fistful of the stuff. Which led to other flashes of thought, mostly involving naked flesh. She shook her head. “Sure, I know lots of women, but most of them aren’t single,” she said.

“Hey – I’m easy,” Mike laughed. “I don’t mind sharing if they don’t!”

“Seriously!” Liam agreed, casually running a hand over her bum as she paused by his chair. If he kept this up, she’d be tempted to drag him off to the bedroom before the night was over.

“What’s the big deal?” Liam continued. “People are way too possessive in their relationships these days. If you’re confident in your marriage or your relationship or whatever, then what’s the harm?”

“I agree,” Kayleigh commented. “You’re adults, you communicate – sometimes sex can just be a physical release.” One I could use right about now, she thought. She carried the leftover roasted beets into the kitchen and bent over to rummage around the cupboards, looking for a storage container. This conversation was making her realise that with all of Liam’s long hours recently, it had been a while since SHE’D had a release. She’d been noticing Mike’s broad shoulders at supper and how the tendons on his forearms rippled when he waved his hands around expressively or passed the wine. It hadn’t helped that Liam had been stroking her bare leg under the table. She could tell her husband was feeling randy tonight, brushing against her ass every time she passed by him, stroking the back of her neck with his fingertips. His fingers had even strayed up under her skirt suggestively, squeezing her upper thigh and completely distracting her from the conversation several times over supper.

“There you go, Mike,” Liam waved an arm expensively over the table. “Maybe Kayleigh will be willing to take care of you.” The two men laughed and Kayleigh joined in from the kitchen, wondering just how serious her husband was being. They’d often talked about casual sex outside of marriage in a hypothetical way. They were of like minds, both feeling that sex didn’t have to be wrapped up in emotions and commitment but could just be a fun activity between consenting adults. It had always remained hypothetical, mostly because no opportunities had ever arisen. Liam worked long hours in a predominantly male work environment and Kayleigh had more female friends than male.

She spotted the container she wanted, deep in the cupboard and grabbed it. As she straightened and turned, she was startled to see Mike standing behind her. He flushed and quickly looked away. She realised that he’d probably been staring at her ass, which had been sticking up in the air and the short skirt of her wrap dress likely left little to the imagination. She smiled slightly as he placed the empty bread bowl on the counter. Well, Liam was always telling her she had a great ass.

Mike excused himself to use the washroom and Liam suggested they move to the living room to finish the rest of the wine. Kayleigh brought her glass over and sat next to her husband on the couch. He lifted his arm and gestured for her to snuggle next to him. She curled up her legs and leaned into him, turning her face up for a kiss. She was a bit surprised when it morphed into a passionate mingling of tongues. She heard herself moan softly and could feel him smile against her lips.

He idly brushed his fingers along the curve of her breast and murmured, “So what would you think of taking care of Mike’s needs?” He kissed along the length of her neck, whispering, “It makes me so hot to think of you with him, Kay. I want to watch you with him – see him make you come. Does that turn you on, too?” His tongue drew a line up towards her ear and she shivered as it reached a particular sensitive spot.

Kayleigh could feel her nipples tingling from the kisses and the featherlight caresses of his fingers through her dress. She thought of Mike kissing and licking them and a slow ache began to grow between her thighs. Liam’s hand dropped to her thigh, tracing the hem of her skirt. She found her own hand drifting almost involuntarily towards the bulge in his jeans when she heard the bathroom door open. She snatched her hand back, flustered and aroused as Mike walked into the living room.

Kayleigh cleared her throat and blushed as she noticed Mike’s eyes stray to Liam’s hand on her breast. She stood abruptly and moved past him, muttering, “Be right back.” Her bare feet padded quickly along the wooden floorboards to the washroom. She closed the door and leaned against it. I want this, she thought and brushed her fingers across her nipple, hard beneath her clothes. She used the facilities and stared for a long moment at herself in the mirror, gripping the sides of the sink. Her flushed face and shining eyes told her that she was more than a little tipsy but perhaps that was for the best. Despite what Kate thought, Kayleigh knew she was inhibited when it came to sex.

She opened the door and stepped into the hallway, hearing quiet murmurs from the two men. She wondered if Liam had a plan for this because she had no idea how to proceed. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest; she was sure it must be audible from the other room. Her skin tingled, feeling tight and sensitive and she recalled the signs of arousal she had noticed in the washroom. She had discovered that she was already wet, her clit engorged. She walked slowly into the living room, noticing that Liam had dimmed the lights. Her husband stood as she entered and moved towards her. Mike was sitting on the couch, one foot resting on the other knee, with a rather intent gleam in his eye.

Liam’s arms folded around her confidently and she relaxed into his familiar embrace, raising her lips to meet his and closing her eyes. His hands stroked and kneaded her buttocks, pressing her pelvis into him. She could feel the hard bulge of his cock through his jeans. The kiss was deep and long, his hands exploring her hips and back, moving up towards her breasts. She felt him push aside a fold of her wraparound dress, exposing her bra. She thought to herself, this is really happening, and forced herself to stop thinking. She tensed for a moment but was quickly distracted as her husband slipped his thumb into the cup of her bra, reaching for her nipple. He pulled her breast free and bent his head to the hard nub, licking and sucking at it until her head fell back and she gasped. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive and Liam always gave them appropriate attention during their lovemaking.

She had almost forgotten Mike was in the room, when she felt a warm body press against her back. She wondered vaguely if Liam had given him some hidden signal. She felt her body tense and she wondered if she could go through with this. She kept her eyes tightly shut and wished for a blindfold – or more wine! Relax, she told herself. Just enjoy it. Liam pinched one of her nipples gently and all other thoughts were driven from her head as she gasped.

Mike’s hands rested on her waist and he kissed along the back of her neck towards her ear. She moaned softly when she felt him nibble her earlobe and she unconsciously arched her back to press her ass against him. She started as Liam firmly grasped her hips and turned her towards Mike, her hands resting against their friend’s chest to keep her balance. Now her husband was pressing into her butt, his hands raising her dress to her waist. Mike’s chest was warm and hard. Her hands traced the v-line of his torso to his hips, cognisant that both of her breasts were now exposed.

Mike was obviously similarly conscious of her bare skin, as he smiled slightly, bending his mouth to her small mounds. Her nipples were hard, surrounded by pale areolas and a smattering of light freckles across her skin. She was vaguely aware that Liam had slid her underwear down her legs and was running his hands over her bare ass. Mike straightened, taking a moment to look into her eyes before leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers. She frowned slightly, unused to the contrast between his full lips and surrounding stubble; Liam’s lips were definitely thinner and he was usually clean-shaven. His tongue was tentative and she opened her mouth to it, reaching out with her own tongue to explore his mouth. She clumsily unbuttoned his shirt, baring his chest to press against her skin and feeling the coarse hair tickle in an unfamiliar but pleasant way. Her hands dropped to the waistband of his jeans, tugging at his belt.

She felt her dress slip off her shoulders as Liam undid its tie, immediately followed by her bra. She was dimly aware that she was naked between the two men but was surprised at how comfortable she felt in this foreign position. Indeed, she felt alive and confidently sexual, conscious of the reaction of both men and slightly dizzy with the power of it.

His pants now undone, she slid her hands over Mike’s naked bum squeezing it and pressing him into her pelvis before sliding the jeans down his hips. She knelt in front of him, looking up and enjoying the heat in his gaze as he stared avidly at her. She eased the fabric down his legs, noting with a mouth suddenly dry the size of his cock as it sprang free. She swallowed, her eyes level with it. It was huge. She knew that Liam had an above average-sized cock but Mike’s was both longer and thicker. He was uncircumcised, she noted with satisfaction, just like her husband’s; she enjoyed the additional variation the foreskin allowed in their foreplay.

The tip of Mike’s cock was just poking out from the folds of skin and a single drop of precum was visible. She licked her lips in anticipation before flicking out her tongue to taste it. Mmm. Oral sex was one of her favourite activities, something for which Liam had often expressed his gratification. Her pussy tingled with eagerness and her mouth began to water, but she first freed his legs from the constraints of his jeans. She ran her tongue along one side of his cock and down the other, avoiding the sensitive tip intentionally. She moved it aside with her cheek, stretching her tongue to his balls. He was neatly trimmed and she licked the thin skin, following the veins, moving to the other side and continuing her teasing actions. He widened his stance, giving her better access and let out a low moan when her tongue traced the underside of his sack. She continued her teasing actions and noticed his hands ball into fists at his sides. She gripped his cock firmly in her right hand and looked up at him again. He was still staring down at her, his lips parted, and his open shirt framing his chest. His chest hair curled between his nipples and her eyes followed its line down his muscled abdomen to past his belly button. He really is gorgeous, she thought, immediately followed by: I can’t believe I’m doing this!

Kayleigh had just become vaguely aware of the hard floor under her knees, despite the slight padding of the multi-coloured area rug, when Liam spoke. “Mike, go lie down on the couch.” Liam’s hands gripped her arms below the elbows, raising her easily and turning her for a firm kiss before pushing her gently towards his friend. Mike had stretched out along its length, his shirt finally discarded and his back propped at an angle against the brown cushions. Her eyes were drawn to his penis, where it lay thick and full against his stomach. She glanced back at Liam who was pulling his shirt over his head and unbuttoning his pants. She swallowed and knelt on the couch between Mike’s legs, running her hands up his muscled thighs, stroking lightly up to his chest, brushing against his nipples.

She bent her mouth again to his cock, this time, using one hand to pull back his foreskin, once again licking away the drop of precum and watching as another formed almost immediately. Starting at the base of his cock, she ran her tongue up its length, circling the tip before returning once more to the base. She continued these light circuits, feeling the moisture gather between her own thighs. She wanted to straddle him and rub his cock against her clit. Instead, she felt warm hands stroking her buttocks, between her cheeks and lower, towards her pussy. She arched her back, thrusting her butt into Liam’s hands, silently asking for more. She drew the tip of Mike’s cock into her mouth, flicking at it with her tongue and easing down the shaft. She made it more than halfway before it hit the back of her throat and she relaxed her muscles, pressing down a bit more. She was used to reaching Liam’s pelvis with her lips with only a bit of effort when she went down on him. She enjoyed the feel of him hitting the back of her throat with his thrusts as he became more and more aroused. Just the memory of the last time he had done that made her pussy feel heavy with desire. She wasn’t sure how it would work with Mike’s larger cock, but she was game to try.

She slowly eased her mouth back up his shaft, moving her tongue back and forth as she went. She felt hot breath on her butt immediately followed by a warm tongue. She widened her legs as much as the couch would allow, silently asking Liam to attend to her aching clit. He teased her though, running his tongue along the cleft of her ass, spreading her cheeks and dipping briefly to the entrance of her pussy. His fingers stroked along her folds, spreading her slippery wetness over her labia but intentionally avoiding her clit. She knew he would draw this out, torturing her as much as possible.

She sucked Mike’s cock into her mouth, using her hand to stroke along the shaft as it became more slippery with her saliva. Now wet, her hand slid easily up and down its length, teasing his foreskin against the head with every stroke. She leaned forward to lick at his balls while she continued the firm movements of her hand. She moved her mouth back to his cock, her arousal relaxing her throat to take in more of him. She was pleased that she could just reach his pelvis with her lips and began a slow rhythmic bobbing up and down, from base to tip, covering her teeth with her lips.

She felt Liam grip her hips and the hard shaft of his cock slide into her. She moaned around Mike’s cock and pushed back to feel the length of her husband inside her. She was so tight with her arousal but very wet and she felt her muscles clench around him. Liam groaned and paused. She thought she felt him throb inside of her and held very still, suspecting he was trying to control himself. In frustration and desire, she increased her action on Mike’s cock, feeling it thrust again and again into the back of her throat, wishing Liam was similarly hitting her cervix. She loved the full feeling of having both her mouth and pussy filled with cock. Her clit tingled warningly; she was close.

Mike suddenly grabbed her head, stopping her motions. “Switch,” he commanded, sliding up and away from her. Disoriented at first, Kayleigh remained kneeling, unsure what he meant. Liam withdrew and Mike positioned her to lie on the couch. He leaned over her, kissing her on the lips and moving down her body, pausing to suck at her breasts before continuing the line down to stomach. He was now kneeling on the floor, her legs on either side of his head. He licked, kissed, and nibbled his way up her inner thighs, causing her to squirm in anticipation. Liam had moved to the other end of the couch and now stood with his erect penis level with her face. She turned her head and extended her tongue towards it just as Mike’s tongue connected with her clit. Oh God! she thought and moaned, grabbing her husband’s cock with one hand and drawing it into her mouth.

She revelled at the taste of him, familiar yet very different from the musky saltiness of Mike. She looked up at him and saw he was watching Mike’s actions between her legs.

Mike held both of her thighs in his hands, spreading her legs wide in a large V. His stubble scratched against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh and she gasped when it brushed against her clit. He replaced this with his tongue, licking and sucking at the sensitive spot. Liam reached out to roll one of her nipples with his fingers and she felt an electric shock of connection between that and her clit. Her hips rose and Mike obligingly slipped a finger inside of her. It wasn’t enough – she wanted more. She moaned into her husband’s cock, withdrawing it to lick at the tip and taste the precum she squeezed from his base to her eager mouth. Mike slid a second finger into her pussy, pressing into her upper wall and finding her G-spot. His tongue was merciless on her clit now and she felt her climax approach. She arched her back and cried out, clenching her thighs around Mike’s head. The spasms began in her clit, travelled to her breasts, hardening her nipples under her husband’s fingers, and back down again, to the pulsing of her vaginal muscles around Mike’s fingers.

She relaxed her legs and released Mike as the contractions eased. Liam twisted his cock away from her mouth and said, “Now you need to fuck her.” Mike smiled and leaned back on his heels. “Kneel on all fours, Kay,” Liam told her. “On the couch – face me.” She acceded, gripping the arm of the couch for support. Her husband bent to kiss her then straightened, his erect cock just out of reach of her mouth. “Gentle,” he told her and moved forward slightly so she could lick the tip, but could not take its length into her mouth. She made a disappointed sound, immediately replaced by a gasp as Mike’s tip rubbed against her still sensitive clit. He stroked it along her slit, covering it with her juices before pressing it slowly into her pussy. At the same time, Liam moved his hips toward her mouth, filling her from both ends simultaneously. She looked up at her husband, but his eyes were glued to the sight of Mike’s large cock disappearing into his wife’s cunt.

The slow filling of her pussy sent aftershocks through her body and she found herself wishing there was a third man to suck at her nipples. This felt incredible! Why had she ever doubted she would enjoy it? Mike continued the gradual plunge into her pussy until his pelvis pressed against her ass. She felt like every part of her pussy was electrified, every nerve ending heightened and stimulated. He paused to allow her to become accustomed to his size and she felt her muscles relax marginally around him. “Fuck, she’s tight,” he gasped, pulling out slightly and moving back inside of her. He throbbed once and it was her turn to gasp.

Mike began slow regular thrusts in and out. She could hear the wet sounds of their sex and Liam’s ragged breathing. The combined motion of her husband’s cock fucking her mouth while his friend fucked her pussy was so exhilarating and erotic – she felt another orgasm build. Mike’s cock felt like it was pushing through to her stomach, almost as though it was hitting her clitoris repeatedly from the inside. His hands dug into her hips, slamming her into his groin. He groaned and she felt his cock pulse inside of her, releasing his hot stream into her cunt. This was enough to send her over the edge again, her cries muffled by her husband’s cock in her mouth. Mike’s last few thrusts sent electric shocks though her body and she shuddered. He withdrew and sat back shakily.

Liam immediately flipped her over onto her back and positioned himself above her. “My turn,” he said with a grin. He spread her thighs and plunged his cock into her in a single movement, groaning at the sensation. He ground his pelvis against her and she moaned, amazed that she was still so aroused and wanting more. She wished she could suck him at the same time again though, and suddenly there was Mike, standing next to the couch. His cock was amazingly still hard. She looked up at him in puzzlement and he shrugged. “Sometimes I can come more than once,” he said, with a sheepish grin.

Not requiring an invitation, Kayleigh grabbed his cock with her hand, marvelling at its stiffness. She drew it toward her mouth and sucked at the tip eagerly, her hand continuing with firm strokes. Liam was thrusting into her deeply, his thumb caressing her clit and she knew it wouldn’t take long for either of them. She made encouraging noises when Mike reached forward to pinch her nipples, twisting them gently in his fingers and pulling them out into hard points. Her clit was so wet and so wonderfully sensitive after the repeated orgasms. Liam knew exactly the pressure and rhythm she needed. She squeezed Mike’s cock harder in her arousal, her motions becoming quicker and more forceful as the waves of her orgasm built. Suddenly, he groaned and shot hot cum into her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed reflexively. She tried to ease off on her strokes despite her own rising passion, but the feel and taste of his explosion brought her to the edge and over again. Her toes curled and spots danced before her eyes. She screamed her orgasm around Mike’s cock and felt her husband erupt into her pussy, the pulsing and throbbing of his orgasm blending into her own until she was a quivering mass of sensation.

Mike stepped away and Liam leaned forward, releasing her thighs and kissing her, his cock softening, but still securely resting inside her. “You are amazing,” he said, kissing her closed eyelids. “I love you”.

“I love you too,” she said, impressed with herself for being able to give into both of their fantasies. He slipped out of her and she had a moment of concern about the couch, when Mike returned carrying a moist washcloth. He handed it to Liam and grabbed his pants, pulling them up over his bare hips. Liam cleaned her gently and draped the throw from the back of the couch over her naked body. She was grateful to Mike for thinking of the washcloth and for using warm water. Liam padded down the hall to return the washcloth to the laundry basket, returning wearing sweatpants and carrying Kayleigh’s bathrobe.

Liam grinned at Mike as he flopped onto the couch. Mike dropped into another chair and grinned back, then laughed. “Well, I feel better,” he said.

“Me too,” Kayleigh agreed, joining in with his laughter.

“So,” Liam began mischievously, “what do you guys want to do tomorrow?”

Added by DragonflySong

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