How cousins turned into lovers

I had a very strong sense that she got aroused by my touch and that she didn’t want things to go further and that is why she asked me to stop. I now knew that this massage thing might turn out to be my path to her body. If I get more chances to massage her, I’ll definitely be able to arouse her to the extent that she herself surrenders her body to me. Now I atleast had a plan in my head, it might or might not work out but I wanted to take a chance and it was kind of safe as well. She would not get suspicious about my intentions till the last minute but I had to be slow and take only one step at a time.

Day – 1 (Tuesday)
I prepared everything for the evening before she came back from office. The plan was to first put hot water soaked towels on her legs and then massage her but I would just confine myself to below the knee. She came home, cooked food and as soon as we finished our food, I stood behind her back and started massaging her back and neck. She thanked me and I told her that I have something more for today. She was surprised and asked me what? I told that you are stretching yourself too much, you need to slow down and take care of yourself as well. You are deteriorating your health. It would trouble you in long run. I asked her to change and come to the bedroom.
I had already laid towels on the bed so that it doesn’t get wet and when she came I asked her to lie straight on her stomach. I felt her calf muscles and told her that they are very stiff and need to be softened first. So I covered both her legs uptill her knees with hot water soaked towels and started gently pressing over them. She was enjoying it and told me that it is very relaxing. After keeping the towels for about 10 minutes, I removed the towel from her left leg and put a few drops of oil and started massaging her legs. I massages her foot as well in the process. I noticed that in between she would move her crouch and press herself to the bed. She probably was trying to press her pussy on the bed because she was feel aroused by the massage. I massaged her leg for about 10-12 minutes then shifted to the other leg and massaged that also for about the same time.
After finishing the massage I gently run my fingers over her legs. As I finished the massage and told her that it is over, she reacted as if I have woken her up from sleep and I felt that she didn’t want the massage to get over so soon but she didn’t say anything, thanked and went to the washroom.

Meanwhile, I wound up everything and sat on the dining table pretending to study. The washroom was right outside her room and the door opened in the gallery leading to her room from the lobby. The other room too had a separate washroom but that opens, both in the room as also in the lobby, but the washroom being used by her didn’t have direct connectivity to her room and it opened in the gallery of her room. As I sat on the dining table I realized that was taken more than usual time in the washroom. One doesn’t need that much time to pee. I changed by position on the dining table and sat in a way that I can see her when she comes out. After some time, when she came out of the washroom her face was red from cheeks and she looked at me, smiled and said good night and went to her room. I was sure that she was masturbating in the washroom and that the massage is working its magic.

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