Holiday Fun: Last part of my London trip

“Take it Anna, take his cum,” Dillip was telling me from the side.

He spunked and spurted off, splattering me with a good five or six jets before he finished.

We all collapsed in a heap on the bed and lay and kissed and chatted for a few minutes afterwards.

“Did you enjoy that?” Sanjit asked.

“Jesus yes,” I said, though my arse was now beginning to tingle a bit and I had definitely had more than enough cock up me for one day.

Once we had lain for a while we again got up to get showered etc.

I needed a pee and as I sat on the toilet in the bathroom, Ian entered and told me he was “bursting”.

With this he let go a stream of piss onto me!

I sat on the toilet with my tights around my ankles as he peed and peed on my legs and onto my tits!

“You dirty bastard,” I Jokingly said to him.

“Well you said you liked pee fun as well,” he laughed and with this the other two guys came in saw what was happening and they both began to let a stream of pee onto me as well.

“You don’t mind if we wash you down a little do you?” said Dillip.

I sat on the toilet and I could not have felt more than I did at that point. I had let these guys spunk up me, on me, fist me, double fuck me and now they were using me as a pee target!

I sat and took their streams of piss onto me as I did a big pee of my own in the toilet. We then all showered together to get clean and the guys left to go to their own rooms for the rest of the night.

I saw them again the next morning as I was waiting for my friends to return to the hotel. As I saw them I was terrified that they would approach me and maybe embarrass me. I needn’t have worried they merely gave me a little wink and a smile as they stood at the receptionists desk.

My friends noticed Ian winking at me.

“Look at that cheeky bugger!” one of them said to me. “I think he fancies you Anna,” said the other.

“Ugh,” said Tracey my friend. “They are old enough to be our dads, dirty buggers!”

I laughed as we walked away, if only they knew!!

Added by Annatartywife

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