He regularly gives his stepmother what she needs

I had to wait three days before putting my latest plan into action. That was when all of us were watching television in the living room. By chance, the seating arrangement was perfect. I was on the sofa, with Brad next to me. Ryan was on the armchair that was opposite us. He was looking at the television, but if he was to turn his head to the side then he’d be looking directly at me.

I opened them slowly, only stopping when my right leg was close to Brad. He didn’t notice it.

“Ryan, do you like the film?”

He turned his head, as I knew he would, so that he could answer me. His eyes were now looking at what I was offering him while he spoke.

“It’s OK,” then, after giving me a flicker of a smile, he added, “The old ones are the best.”

They were just words, but hearing them was as if he’d licked my clit with his tongue. It excited my pussy, and it made my heart beat faster, because I was convinced that it wasn’t the film that he was referring to, it was what he was staring at. It was the first indication that I’d had from him that he was interested in me. That I could be more to him than just his . It felt like a victory, but there was a long way to go before the war was won.

When he stopped looking at me, I made a decision. I would get him to look at me again, and when he did, his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

I got up to go to the bathroom. When I returned, I was nervous, because there was no going back from what I was about to do. Up to now, all my actions had been suggestive. This was going to be blatant.

I was sitting as before, with my legs wide open. I’d seen the film before so I knew that a car chase was about to start.

I said, “Ryan, this is worth watching.”

When he saw what I’d done his eyes didn’t pop out, but he did do a double take. I’d taken my panties off!

I wanted him to speak, to come up with an innuendo that would tell me that he thought my pussy was magnificent, that he wanted to worship it. However, when he eventually did say something, all I got from him was, “Yes it is.”

I wasn’t disappointed. The expression on his face told me more than the words had. It told me that he did want my pussy.

Showing it off to him was exciting me more than I thought was possible. I was so worked up, that if I was to rub my clit then I’d reach it within seconds. Doing that would be dangerous. Even Brad, who was not particularly observant, would notice if I had a shuddering climax while I was sitting next to him.

But the urge to do it was just too strong. My hand was almost on my pussy before he noticed. He quickly reacted to it, but not in a way that I’d expected.

As he sprang up from the chair, he said, “I’m off to bed.”

Brad muttered, “Goodnight,” then he continued watching the film. I removed my hand and then I closed my legs. The urge to make myself come had suddenly gone. It was as if somebody had thrown a bucket of cold water over my head.

Shortly after, I went to bed as well, leaving Brad alone to watch the end of the film. In the bedroom I went over what had happened. Putting my hand between my legs was stupid, it was just as well that he’d acted as he had by leaving the room.

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