Me: Mom, Mom, Mom, you ok. [Said in a low but firm voice]
I then quickly took her arm that was facing upwards (opposite the one she’s laying on), then took my anesthesia. I looked for the corner between her arm and forearm, opposite the elbow, prepared to inject, and stuck in. I did it really quick, and almost mashed the syringe top. The whole process took 3 seconds. I whipped a bit of blood and left the room. I waited for what seemed like forever, but in actuality 15 minute. It was 12:32am and I went back in. She was the same, stationary.
Me: MOM! [I yelled]
I started moving her back and forth. The pushing her. She was incapacitated. I couldn’t believe it. The drugs worked wonders. She was mine. I could do whatever I wanted to her. I could enact all of my fantasies on her. I was at the gate of her garden and nothing would stop me from going inside. I started to get horny and erect. I took off my sweater, put everything I had (condoms, anesthesia) on the nightstand next to the bed, and prepared to indulge. Iris, my own adopted mother, would be explored in and out by me, sexually. This was it.
Chapter 19 – CLIMAX –
I started by touching her arms. Grazing them and rubbing along them. I wanted to go slow. She was upright laying on her back and still had her nightgown on. I then kissed her on the lips. I did this multiple times and found them quite nice and warm. Then went to her neck. Afterwards, I fully cupped her boobs through her gown, holding them in my hand and squeezing gently. They felt soft but yet firm, perky but yet big. I then went down to her legs and feet, brushing along her side and stomach as I transitioned. She had this black cherry nail polish coating that looked really sexy in my opinion. I grabbed her feet and rubbed them, then kissed along the top. I kissed and licked her toes, every one of them, taking my time trying to suck every piece of Iris. Then I licked up her leg, starting from ankles to her thighs, and that’s when I saw it. Her sacred pussy lying behind under the shadow of her gown.
I pulled out my phone and started taking pictures of her. I started with basic ones like her fully on her bed, but then went to up close shots of her face, arms, legs and feet. I was going to do the rest once I undressed her. I also took a picture of her gown as I wanted to see the exact way she knotted it. Doing this would allow me to tie it back in its original position. After I did that I kissed her one more time. I licked her lips and then stuck my tongue in her mouth. Next, I took off my clothes and got completely naked. I would soon do the same to her. I pulled on her gown strings and revealed her naked body and oh… my… god. She was so hot. I’ve seen her a couple of times naked before but, seeing it upclose made it all the more better.
I took more pictures of her, this time showing her naked front, then analyzed. Her pussy was mildly hairy and had a small upside down triangular patch above it. I got up close shots of her vagina and boobs. Then attempted to turn her around to see her ass. As I did, I got a little nervous but was confident in the medicine. Still I took some shots of her perky ass and anus, then put her back upright so as to not play with fire. It was 10 minutes to 1:00am and I wanted to hurry a little and get to the more intense stuff.