Iris: Ohhh OOHhhho yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes . Fuck… Uhhh.
As she orgasmed, I blew the biggest load in my hand. I had to pick myself up because I didn’t want to get caught, but it seemed that the viagra proved to work.
I did this for the next week, putting viagra in her drinks about two days at a time. It seemed like her masturbating was a direct causation to me drugging her. And all throughout, she didn’t suspect a thing, and that was when I knew, I could pull this off. I would need a plan.
Chapter 13 – Forming the Plan Part 1 –
By this time, it was late march, I had devised somewhat of a plan but refindment still needed to be made. I found that working backwards was the best way to get my ideas in check, so here’s what I got. In early April, spring break would commence and I would use that time to execute my plan. My goal was to have sex with her incapacitated body at the peak of night, without getting caught. While the drugs are strong enough to keep her down in the act, I wouldn’t know how she would feel afterwards. Maybe she would feel a stretch in her cunt or something I didn’t know, but I did know that if something was suspicious, she would see it and may pin it on me. In order to cope with this, I needed an alibi, that way if she thinks something is up, i’m “not home”. To do this I could schedule a hangout with my friends and spend the night at George’s house. I did this before and it was always cool with him and his parents. I could sneak away at night, go back home, and commit the act. Then, when it was over, I could go back, and proceed with my alibi. The plan was pretty strong so far, but I needed another way to guarantee my mother would feel absolutely the same when getting up.
I came up with this: I needed to drug her with viagra and sleeping pills. Theoretically, the fast acting female Viagra should kick in before the sleeping pills, even though it was a high dosage. In doing this, my mother would be encouraged to masturbate before being knocked out, that way if she wakes up feeling like someone just had sex with her, she can blame it on masturbating the night before and her hormones. If anything, she would feel more inclined to masturbate that morning like nothing ever happened. Just simply being horny. However, to calm my nerves I made sure to order a specific kind of anesthesia that would make her incapable of getting up for several hours, way past the time of me finishing the deed. While this calmed my nerves slightly, I still had so much anxiety. When I say I was nervous, BOY WAS I NERVOUS. I was about to fuck my own mother, while she slept. But… I had to keep calm and keep control in order to be successful.
Chapter 14 – Forming the Plan Part 2 –
In sum, this was the plan:
On the week of spring break, I would organize the sleep over at George’s house that Friday. Friday, April 8th, would be the day I went to George’s house and I would sneak out in the middle of the night to go home and come back. If I got caught leaving, I could just say I’m getting something from home and coming right back. I only live about 10 minutes away from George walking distance. I would take my bag with me to enforce the excuse of me bringing over some items from home back to George’s house, however, all the materials I needed to committee the deed would be in a box in my closet. I would walk home, open my door with my own keys, and if the drugs worked like they should, she should be upstairs out cold on her comfy bed. The best part about this was, if she wasn’t sleeping and by some chance heard me come in, I could just use the excuse, I needed something from home, or I just didn’t feel like staying over there, effectively holding a safe way out. It was a small chance but still considered. Anyway, as I got home, I would silently go to my room, take the box of anesthesia, walk to my mother’s room where she would lay, and inject her in the forearm where it was most effective. Then I’d wait 10 – 15 minutes to make sure the anesthesia kicked in – even thought it supposedly works immediately, then boom, incapacitated. I would make sure she slept by shaking her and moving her around. If she woke up during that, which is EXTREMELY unlikely, I could just say “I’m home, but I heard you having a nightmare, I didn’t know if I should wake you up”. But like I said, that is very unlikely. After all the trials of making sure she was sedated, that… is when… I would unleash all of my sexual fantasies onto her in the form of sexual exploitation. The main desire was vaginal penetration but there really was no limit to what I could do, she wouldn’t feel a thing.