Fun with the shop assistant in the changing room

We were shopping for a dress. I am relatively unusual for a ; I hate dress shopping. I normally hit my go to shops and see if anything takes my fancy – as I tend to spend more time undressed than dressed it doesn’t feel too important. This time I needed a specific dress and my usual haunts were not working and I was getting tired and frustrated. I could tell Andy was too. So why was I putting myself through this pain?

A few weeks prior, we had been enjoying a quiet day at home, I was pottering around in the in cropped denim shorts and a bikini top and Andy had popped out to buy food for a barbecue later. The phone rang and it was our friend Amy, she was having a crisis and wondered if she could call over. She lives an hour or more away so I said she was welcome to stay over and that I would contact Andy to lay in more food and wine – other than that she should take us as she found us.

About an hour and a half later, by which time the bikini top had gone (the sun on my tits is always a pleasure), Andy was back and firing up the Barbie when we heard Amy’s car arrive. Andy answered the door in shorts and an apron and Amy flounced in. Seeing me just in shorts, she immediately stepped out of her dress, jiggling her tits at Andy with a smirk, and then came and joined me in the garden. We headed for the sofa at the end of the garden in the sun, leaving shorts and thong on respectively as we are slightly overlooked; the neighbour has seen my tits plenty of times (and sometimes more) and I could hear him in the garden so I knew he would be enjoying a treat with both of us there. Andy brought us both a glass of wine and went back to the barbeque, but I could tell he was still.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“I have agreed to organise a sex and I need help, it is a total crisis ,” Amy mock drawled.

I nearly spat my wine out. Slightly more seriously she explained how she had met a for a threesome and found herself part of that bastion of small villages life, the swingers club. Being a single, bisexual and available female had ensured she was adopted and had fucked most of them. The challenge was that whilst they were all swingers, most of them were not very sexually adventurous, and in some cases frankly not very good. She had jokingly suggested an organised and found herself organising it.

“I need to plan something that gets them all out of their comfort zones and enjoying proper filth – so I thought of inviting you two….and getting you to help me plan it” she said, running her finger up my thigh and giving me a flirty smile.

“Okay…happy to help you plan it, but you know we don’t swing”.

It turns out Amy had thought of this and over the next couple of hours, a couple of bottles of wine and a barbecue, we went through ideas and plans – with Andy chipping in as well – and she persuaded us.

This might have been helped by the fact that as we moved to the quieter and more private end of the garden nearer to the to eat, her thong was removed and she equally deftly helped me out of my shorts; smirking as she realised I had no knickers on. Not one to be left out, Andy removed his shorts and apron, his enormous erection showing his appreciation of the two naked women across from him. Once we had the basics of a plan in place, we relaxed into fabulous evening of fucking, which again, our neighbour probably watching.

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