My Friend Irma, You just can’t find a better friend than Irma

My Friend , You just can’t find a better friend than Irma, One of the perks one gets as a result of writing erotic stories is the feedback, some of which is quite interesting. One such feedback message to one of my stories led to a fantastic adventure, one that I’m itching to tell while it’s still fresh in my mind. At this very moment, I’m returning from a business trip to Denver, which turned out to be very professionally and sexually satisfying (a business trip?), and am busily typing the story into my trusty laptop.

The feedback message in question was simple and innocent enough, but WOW, did it lead to something special! The message merely stated that the reader really liked one of my stories, especially the descriptive sex. The reader said that it really turned her on and asked for more of the same, and it was signed ‘frustrated_wife.’

While the message itself was innocent, and typical of many others, the signature caught my attention. She included her email address, so I fired back a thank you message and casually asked if she was truly frustrated or if she had just used the name to attract attention.

She quickly responded with a lengthy message telling me that she really was frustrated, mainly because her husband of 38 years had been impotent and not at all interested in her sexually for the past several years. She went on to explain that the only sexual gratification that she had been getting had been with her fingers and toys. She further explained that she had never had sex with any man other than her husband, but was seriously considering having an affair at the ripe old age (as she put it) of 58.

I liked the idea of exchanging thoughts with a woman, even a wrinkled, flabby (as I pictured her in my mind) 58 year old. I should have such nerve to picture her as wrinkly, as I’m 62, and have no noticeable wrinkles. The major indicators of my advanced age are the almost totally gray hair and beard, and the slightly receding hairline (at least I still have most of my hair).

I wrote back, giving her some inane advice and revealing to her that I, too, was sexually frustrated. Thus, having a common problem, we began an almost daily email exchange, and occasionally, when our schedules permitted, we would chat. During these exchanges we revealed many personal things about one another, especially our sex lives. She also revealed her given name, but for the purposes of this story, I’ll call her Irma. She and her husband lived in Denver, which meant that the chances of meeting face-to-face were very slim, indeed.

During our exchanges, one of the things that she disclosed was that her husband has consistently refused to get a medical check-up to find out if his problem was correctable. She went on to tell me that he was as stubborn as a mule and insisted that his problem was due to old age, and there wasn’t a thing that anybody could do about it, but he wouldn’t go to see a doctor to find out for sure. Therefore, she rationalized that she shouldn’t feel guilty about seeking an affair.

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