“Shut-up,” Mom groaned, though she gave me a weak smile, too. Dad just grunted while Maggie didn’t even look up from her coffee cup.
Once inside the tent, I stripped off my bathing suit, toweled off my private parts, and dug around for a new pair of underwear, except I couldn’t find any. That was odd; I was positive I had packed one clean pair for every day of Camp Reunion. I dumped out my bag, but couldn’t find any. Beneath my cot, I found the shorts I had worn that morning. Oddly, the underwear I had left tangled inside was missing, too.
“You decent yet?” Maggie asked from the other side of the partition that separated our tent into three rooms.
“Hold on.” I snagging my closest pair of shorts as Maggie pushed back the partition. “Do you mind?” I nearly tripped trying to turn my back to her.
“Nice ass,” she giggled, still holding her cup of coffee as she sat on her cot.
“Where’s my underwear?” I demanded in a low tone since I knew Mom and Dad were just outside the tent.
“Why are you asking me?” she asked with false innocence that I didn’t buy for a second.
“I’m serious, I can’t go commando the rest of the weekend.”
“Sure you can. Chicks like when a guy goes commando.”
“Give’em back.”
“Can’t,” she said in soft tones that wouldn’t leave our room. “I think I tossed them into the woods or something.”
“You bitch!” I snapped, louder than I should have.
“Probably,” she said, getting up and leaving. As soon as she was gone, I searched through her stuff, but never found my missing underwear.
I didn’t say anything to Mom or Dad, why would I? Maggie had pranked me; big deal. Without a word to anyone, I hung up my swimsuit and towel on the line behind the tent and tried ignoring the sensation of freeballing inside my baggy cargo pants. That didn’t stop Maggie from eyeing me as if she could tell the difference between me going with or without underwear. Somehow, I’d get her back.
“Who were you talking to this morning?” Mom asked as she peeled the wrapper off a breakfast bar.
“Cousin Holly, she’s Aunt Abby’s daughter.”
“I think I know my own nieces,” Mom said before checking to make sure she had it right. “Pretty blonde, right?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen her around,” Dad said, giving me a stern look. “What did she want?”
“She was looking for Maggie,” I said, unsure how much of the conversation Mom or Dad may have overheard.
“Good,” Dad huffed, still staring me down. He didn’t suffer hangovers very well. “Just remember she’s your cousin, okay?”
“First cousin,” Mom added.
“Almost a sister,” Dad said, as if I needed the extra emphasis.
“I get it,” I snapped, embarrassed and pissed off at the same time. I snagged my cell phone and went for a walk. The last thing I needed was Mom and Dad riding my ass. After spending every summer of my life at Camp Reunion, I knew the best places to hide without anyone thinking I had wandered into the woods and gotten lost. The secret was being within eyesight, but out of earshot. I flopped down against a favorite tree and fucked around my cell phone until a grumbling stomach forced me back to our tent for food.