“You were saying both Kristy’s and Amy’s names last night when I walked in on you dad. I was standing there for like five minutes watching you.” Then she added with a wink, “You’re a dirty, dirty man, daddy”
My mind was trying to cope with two different revelations at that moment. One – that I had been caught saying God-knows-what about my daughter‘s friends while masturbating, and two – that my daughter had not only walked in on me the night before, but had stood there watching me until I had finished and opened my eyes to see her standing there.
I just stood there, wanting to say something, but thinking of nothing to say. This was not a conversation I ever expected to have with my daughter. She was obviously not offended or upset though, as she seemed amused watching me process all of this.
“Don’t worry dad. I won’t tell my friends or mom. They’re your fantasies. Enjoy them!”
I stared at her speechless.
“Besides, why do you think I told them to dress up tonight when I knew mom would be away?” she asked.
“And they agreed to dress up like that?” I asked back incredulously.
“Well, they don’t know it’s for you, but yeah. They agreed to it.”
My mind was finally starting to wrap around the reality of what was happening, and I could feel my cock start to swell again. I was actually going to have these young girls running around my house in sexy outfits, just like I had fantasized. I kept thinking I was about to wake up and realize I was dreaming, but I was definitely already awake, and this was no dream. My mind kept going back and forth between excitement and guilt. Trying one last time to maintain at least some semblance of a responsible adult, I started to make my counter-argument.
“Forget it dad,” Lindsay interrupted. “I know you’re trying to be “appropriate” and all, but the girls are already on their way over and I’m holding you to your promise to help tonight.” Then she very slowly and purposefully looked down and stared straight at the bulge in my pants, causing it to swell a bit more. At this point I was almost completely hard.
“Besides,” she continued, still staring at my crotch. “I think you like the idea.” She looked up again. “Now let’s get set up. Kristy called while you were in the shower and they’re on their way.” Lindsay leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and then proceeded to lead me down to the basement family room where the girls would be hanging out all night. As she walked away, I couldn’t help but check her little outfit and wonder just how far she would have to bend over for me to get a peek…
When we walked into the family room, I saw Lindsay had already set up some things in preparation. The back of our family room has a small squared out room/entryway area that provided outside access to the basement family room. Lindsay had strung up a blanket as a makeshift curtain, closing off the small area from the rest of the large room. The main floor area was covered in pillows gathered from throughout the house, blankets, and a few of our family sleeping bags thrown over to one side. The couch and the futon had also both been pulled out to provide more lounging/sleeping area.