Family orgy, house of family secrets

Mum screamed.

– – – – – – – – – – o O o – – – – – – – – – –

Mum was on tranquillisers for months after that and said that she would go to the police if we did not stop our stupid behaviour. Granddad took his pictures back and we did not meet up for our family fuck fest that Saturday.

Lucy and Mark visited regularly with Mark spending the night downstairs with Susan and Lucy up here with me.

“You’ll have to get yourself a steady girlfriend. Mum keeps asking awkward question.” Lucy said after a night of hectic sex.

“Does that mean you want us to stop?”

“Hell no. I want us to continue fucking each other for the rest of our lives. This is one up on friends with benefits”

“Do you think Mark would mind if I muscled in on Susan?”

“You serious?”

“Yes. I like her. She’s beautiful.”

“Go for it. Mark won’t mind and I’m sure she’ll say yes.”

“She must have realised by now that we’re and . Has she said anything to Mark about the night she saw us fucking.”

“She knows were and she thinks that we’re wonderfully perverted. I think she’d like to see us do it again.”

“No time like the present as mum always says.” I jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes.

“You’re serious. It’s almost three in the morning.” Lucy picked up her jeans.

“It’s not as though we would be interrupting anything, she’s only with Mark. And don’t wear anything more than what you’ve already got on. That’s an order.”

Lucy looked at me with a startled expression on her face. I had never spoken to her like that before. I made my sister walk down the stairs in front of me. She put her hands up to cover herself but I told her take them away and leave everything uncovered.

“I’m not wearing anything. What happens if someone comes in and sees me?”

“You face the person and you don’t cover anything. You just act normally.”

Mark opened the door. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes. We were bored and decided to come and join you.” Lucy replied.

Susan wore only the smile on her face. Her eye’s opened wide when she saw us. “You walked down like that?”

“Yes. My brother made me. We wondered if you would like to have some four way fun with us?”

Mark did not waste any time and started playing with his wife’s nipples.

“Yes. We’d love that.” Susan came over to me.

“I’m going to fuck you while my sister and her husband watch. Then this afternoon we are going to visit my grandparents and have sex with them.”

Susan held her naked body against mine and pushed her crotch hard against mine. Her smile got bigger.

Lucy and Mark watched me fuck Susan. Then she knelt on the floor with my cum dripping out of her and sucked Mark’s penis. Lucy and I could not stop ourselves from fucking each other in front of them.

– – – – – – – – – – o O o – – – – – – – – – –

That afternoon I phoned my grandparents and took Susan to meet them. They were sitting in the garden when we arrived.

“Hello, It’s nice to see you. You must be Susan.” Granddad shook her by the hand.

“I’ve just got off the phone to Lucy.” Nana said as she brought out drinks and cake. We sat around their small garden table.

Please wait…

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