Family orgy, house of family secrets

For a moment I thought she was going to stretch out her arm and touch his chest.

“I’m sorry that we woke you. Thank you for being so understanding. We’ll let you get your beautiful face back onto it’s pillow.” Mark replied.

Susan blushed. If I had spoken I would have made her angry but Mark seemed to arouse her.

By midday we had finished carrying in the furniture and all of the bigger boxes. Mark left leaving Lucy and me to carry in the smaller boxes.

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It was fun being alone with my . It brought back many happy memories of when we were growing up together.

Lucy began to make fun of me and accused me of being anal because I had written on each box the room that it came from and what was in it. My handwriting is terrible and even I could not read what I had written on some of the boxes. She pretended to read what was written on them by making up a room name and contents.

“From Master Bates’ bedroom; a box of flavoured condoms and a… WHISK!” Lucy looked at me. “I hope they’re not all used young master Bates.”

I replied in my poshest voice. “My dear young lady I’ll have you know that my condoms are fresh and clean. My housekeeper washes them thoroughly after they’ve been used.” The box may have contained a whisk but it certainly did not contain condoms. I had used my last packet earlier in the week.

“Oh! That’s disgusting.” She whined.

Lucy struggled with the next box. “What have you got in here?”

The unlabelled box had belonged to our grandparents. Resting against her stomach it pulled her shirt down exposing most of her breasts. She saw me staring at her tits and smiled. “Are you going to answer me?”

“It’s not mine. When I helped nana and granddad move we found some boxes in their attic. They asked me to look after them. I took them home, put them away and forgot about them. It’s probably full of granddad’s photographs.”

“Let me know if you find any interesting pictures.” She said.

Our grandfather was a good photographer and took at least ten pictures when one would do. The bad part was that he would describe every picture in detail explaining why it was different from the one before. Being his grandchildren Lucy and I suffered a lot from these talks.

I carried in the last of granddad’s boxes while Lucy started to open the boxes in the kitchen.

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In my mailbox I found the usual selection of junk mail and a menu from a local Chinese restaurant. Lucy and I phoned in our order and ate sitting next to each other on the sofa. One of granddad’s boxes was open in front of us and we looked at the pictures while we ate.

“Boring! Boring!” Lucy turned over each picture until one captured her attention.

“Do you think I look like her? Mum and dad keep telling me that I do but I can’t see it.” She held a picture of our grandmother that had been taken when she was the same age that Lucy is now.

“Yes, you do. If you were to dress like that and do your hair the same it would be impossible to tell you apart. Seriously, you look so much alike you could be twins.”

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