Evil step sister take advantage of brother

Then I heard talking outside, figuring it was Amanda and Lori checking on things I opened the door. But instead of just my two sisters, funneling though the doors to the house were about 16 girls. I shut the door quickly but quietly. I had seen most of them before. They were a collection of various heights and hair colors and body types, and they were all gorgeous. They were all between Amanda’s and Lori’s ages.

In just a few seconds they were scattered around the pool area. How could they all be here so early? I was trapped; I couldn’t let all these girls see me like this. I thought I could sneak out of there and into the heavy landscape foliage. I reached for the handle on the door but heard someone coming; I jumped into the bathroom and hid behind the door.

“I’ll be right out, I just have to change” a girl voice said.

“Hey look!! What’s that over there?” a second voice yelled.

“Waaa? Hey! no fair I was here first” The first said laughing as the trickster ran into the pool house and slammed and locked the door.

I gasped when I saw through the crack between the door and the wall that it was Tiffany. She was the last person who could see me. She put a small bag on the couch; and reached in taking out 2 colorful pieces of her bathing suit. She grabbed the bottom of the t-shirt she was wearing and in one motion pulled it off. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Tiffany was in a bra.

I had a choice to make; hide and hope she didn’t need the bathroom or let her know I was there; letting her see me in just my uniform. I decided that I would hide and hope. She reached behind her and undid her bra clasp. I know I shouldn’t have looked especially knowing what it felt like to be exposed, but I was unable to even move. I thought for sure she could hear my heart beating in my chest.

She pulled off her bra and tossed it onto the couch. My cock got hard seeing her small bare tits. They were only slightly bigger than I had imagined. Her nipples were tiny and her skin was milky white. She reached onto the couch for a hair band. Nearly directly facing me she looked into the mirror and raised both hands to tie her straight-red hair into a ponytail. With her arms up there was nothing blocking my view; I considered masturbating on the spot.

Satisfied that her hair was set, she reached down again and grabbed her bikini top. Before she got it on though she stopped and remained still, listening. She heard my heavy breathing and covering herself with a towel came over to investigate.

She saw me behind the door. “Come out from there. Are you trying to watch me change?” she said angry but not loudly.

“No I swear I didn’t know anyone was coming in here. I swear I wasn’t watching you” I answered

“Why ARE you in here then?”

“I was hiding. Please don’t tell. ” I answered again as she noticed my uniform and looked me up and down with a surprised face.

“And what are you wearing? Is that your bathing suit?” She asked.

“No, this is why I’m hiding. I didn’t want anyone to see me like this” I said.

“I don’t blame you, you’re just about naked.” She said calmly, without any remaining anger. Looking down she continued “It doesn’t cover you very well.”

Please wait…

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