Divi’s friends get a boat ride (Part 3)

After clearing her eyes with the back of her wrist she said, “It’s not like we had a good marriage. He was never here. His business was always more important that Divi and me. In his letter that came with the divorce papers he confesses that he has been living with a young woman in India and she wants him to marry her. He’s been living two lives.” She paused and stared at the ceiling fan again before continuing, “I was shocked when I read the papers and letter, but my immediate reaction after that was that I was kind of glad. I have been feeling guilty about us since we started. I had never even thought about an affair even though Naveen was never here, even when he was here.”

Priya pulled her gaze from the fan and looked up at me and continued, “I’ve felt guilty about us but I couldn’t stay away. I didn’t realize how much I’ve needed the comfort of a man and I never got that from Naveen. He has given Divi and me a comfortable life and the divorce papers indicate that he will continue to do so and he won’t contest my full custody of Divi.” She forced a smile and lifted her head and pecked me on the lips. She then dropped her head back to her pillow scanning my face for my reaction.

I said, “If your immediate reaction was that this is a good thing, why the tears now? Did I do something or say something?” I couldn’t image what it could have been. We hadn’t spoken a word other than my query about what was troubling her.

Priya chuckled and shook her head. “When I heard that train whistle and the rumbling of the wheels on the tracks and the clackity-clack, it took me back to happier times with Naveen before Divi was born, when we were young and he struggled with his business living a few miles away from the train tracks. I suddenly realized that in our twenty plus years together we had accumulated a library of history and memories like the train. It made me think of him. There will always be some place I’ve been or a song on the radio or some kind of trigger that will make me think of him and I don’t want to think of him.” Her eyes flooded with tears again. She wiped them away with the back of her wrist and forced a smile.

Priya turned on her side facing me and said, “Thank you Jack; for being here for me. This has been a tough day. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go home and make dinner for Divi and Joanna and then I’m coming back here to add to our memories.” She didn’t wait for a response from me. I was certain that the look on my face told her that she was always welcome in my bed. She slid over to the edge of the bed and dropped her feet to the floor. She pulled on her bikini while I watched. She giggled when she saw my cock growing on my thigh. “You hold that thought. I should be back in an hour or so.” She came around the bed and put one knee on it and leaned in and kissed me hard. I watched her go.

I laid there on the bed for quite a while after Priya left. I realized that I had been feeling guilty about having a sexual relationship with a married woman, let alone the guilt I felt about having sex with her daughter. My cock grew quickly as thoughts of Priya and Divi and even Joanna filled my mind. I wrapped my fingers around my erect shaft and looked down and said, “Well, I see that you don’t feel any guilt, do you?”

Please wait…

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