Dad is tricked by his ex-wife and daughter

“Well I don’t know what you saw, but it wasn’t meant to be shared with anyone.” I replied in a huff.

“Well then why do it in front of the window where anyone can see you?” Stacy asked mockingly.

That’s when my thoughts flooded back to when I thought I had seen movement outside. Stacy had been watching us in the throws of passion several times.

“How long did you watch?” I asked halfheartedly.

“Well the first time,” Stacy replied, “I just caught the end of it and had to leave quickly once I saw Mom get up to leave. Mom got back home right after me and she asked me where I had been. I had to tell her that I was looking for her and found her. We talked about you and her for hours that night and she finally agreed to let me watch”

“You watched more then once?” I asked. “With her permission?”

“Yep, I sure did Dad, at first just out of curiosity then more often because I loved watching you, by the way it seemed that you are quite, lets say gifted, with your tongue aren’t you?” Stacy replied, winking at me.

I was breathless and didn’t know what to say, had I just heard my right? Did she just say that I was gifted with my tongue? How would she know? I always hoped that she was saving herself for marriage, my fantasy word I know, but I was her . How could she talk to me this way, to talk about sex with me?

“Chill out Dad,” she continued, sensing my unease “as much as you want me to be I’m not a virgin anymore. Bill from down the road took care of that when I was 16 and Mom went to that convention. You remember, the one in St. Louis, when you and Mom decided I was old enough to stay by myself.”

I had agreed to let Stacy stay by herself, and convinced her Mom to allow her to.

“That was the best week in my life at the time, Bill came over every day and we explored each other. I think I taught him more then he taught me.” She added laughing.

By now my discomfort from the conversation had changed to a feeling of anger, anger at my and that neighbor boy Bill. I couldn’t believe that my little girl had experienced sex so early in life.

Stacy spoke again, “And by then most of the girls in my class weren’t virgins anymore, at least from what I heard in the locker room. Trust me I made sure that Bill used a condom, Mom had some in her bedroom and told me where they were, just in case.”

“Ok then,” I said, still in shock and sitting down in my chair, “Enough about that, I don’t need to hear that from you, and stop watching from outside the window.”

Stacy stood up and I noticed a dirty look in her eye, “Thanks Dad I never thought you would invite me inside to watch.” She giggled.

“I don’t mean that,” I sighed, “I mean stop watching us.”

“Why Daddy, don’t you think I am enough for you?” Stacy said with a very serious look in her eye.

Stacy then brought her hands up and squeezed her through the tank top she was wearing; the nipples began to stiffen and were visible through the material. I moved uneasily in my chair, my stiffening while I was trying to overlook the events unfolding right in front of me. Stacy then took the initiative and lowered her hands to the shorts that she wore. She then proceeded to rub her mound slowly and I swore that I saw moisture begin to soak the material. I stood up and moved to her, standing before her.

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