College aged nephew seduces his favorite aunt

College aged nephew seduces his favorite aunt

Kyle Simmons just finished his junior year at Purdue. 6′ 3″ and 190 pounds, Kyle was a member of the Boilermaker Swim team. Like most swimmers, Kyle had a lean, muscular physique with washboard abs. He was blessed with the best features from both his parents with his mother’s deep brown eyes and his father’s masculine jawline. Kyle was a looker and he knew it.

He was the only child of Lisa and Dan Simmons. Dan was a lawyer with a sharp mind and an aggressive streak that helped him to have a very successful practice. Dan’s take no prisoners attitude made him the go-to divorce lawyer in Indianapolis.

Lisa’s sister Kim was married to Patrick Sharpe when she was 30. Kim felt the tug of her biologic clock, and Patrick seemed like a nice guy who would be a good provider. Kim and Patrick had two girls, Brittany and Amanda, and seemed to have a good family and marriage.

That is until Kim discovered that Patrick was actually gay. Kim confided to her sister Lisa that she and Patrick hadn’t had sex in nearly seven years. After she spoke with Dan about this, Dan put a PI on Patrick to see what was up.

While Dan’s PI was investigating, Patrick landed a huge contract for Eli Lilly and got an enormous raise. The Sharpe’s moved to Traders Point in a huge home and things seemed to be going well. Until the PI discovered that Patrick was having an affair with his co-worker Scott.

Kim was crushed, and asked her sister Lisa to have her husband Dan to take care of things. Dan met with Kim to discuss a plan of action, and Kim told Dan, “Just do whatever you think is best to settle things.”

Dan went for the throat, and Patrick gave Kim their new home along with a disproportionate portion of his income for alimony and child support. Kim was shell-shocked from finding out her husband was gay, and signed the papers without even reading them.

Part of the settlement was that Patrick would be able to take Brittany and Amanda on a trip that he’d planned over the summer. This left Kim home alone for almost two months. Dan and Lisa were moving to Charleston, and Dan arranged for Kim to allow Kyle to stay with her over the summer while he and Lisa made their move to a warmer climate.

Kyle had an attraction for his Aunt Kim for many years. Kim looked a lot like Kyle’s mother Lisa. While Lisa maintained her figure with exercise and a careful diet, Kim had added thirty plus pounds since her daughter Amanda’s birth. Kim carried her 146 pounds fairly well on her 5′ 4′ frame, being much bustier than her sister Lisa. Kyle had jerking off while thinking about Kim for much of his early teenage years, but as he grew older he started getting the real thing and his masturbatory habits greatly decreased.

Just before his parents left, Kyle overheard his parents talking about Kim and Patrick. Lisa said, “Poor Kim, she must be so frustrated and hurt. I can’t imagine going years without having sex.”

“Patrick was more interested in sucking a dick than fucking his wife honey.”

As Kyle walked in the kitchen his mother said, “Look out for your Aunt Kim while you’re there. She’s probably going to be lonely with the kids spending the summer with their dad.”

Kyle smiled and replied, “Oh, don’t worry mom, I’ll take care of Aunt Kim.” Kyle looked at his father who chuckled and slapped him on the shoulder. He motioned for Kyle to follow him.

Once they’d gone out to the garage, Dan spoke with his son. “Kyle, your Aunt Kim’s marriage was doomed from the start.”

“You mean because Uncle Patrick was a fag?”

Dan laughed, “That too. But the real reason is because Kim is wired to be a follower, and with Patrick she had to lead.”

“You mean like mom?”

Again, Dan chuckled. Kyle was definitely his boy. “Yes, like your mother. The reason our marriage is successful is that I lead and that makes your mother comfortable.”

“So you think Aunt Kim would be happier if someone told her what to do.”

“I could be wrong, but I think so. She’s also probably to the point where she’s over the shock and is wondering if she’s still got it.”

“Gotcha, Dad.”

On the drive down from Lafayette to Indianapolis, Kyle thought about the situation with his aunt. A late thirties woman recently divorced with two young children, Kim was definitely a MILF. Bad enough that her husband cheated on her, but cheating with a man had to damage Kim’s feminine confidence. Being a fan of “Naughty Family” type porn, Kyle had decided that he’d press to seduce his aunt while maintaining some deniability in case things went sideways and he had to face his mother. If nothing else, Kyle was going to be able to get some great workouts in the Sharpe family pool, which was 16′ by 50′.

When Kyle arrived at Kim’s house she greeted him in the driveway. Kim was wearing jeans and a long sleeved cotton button down top with a floral print. Her top was unbuttoned enough to display her ample cleavage. “So good to see you, Kyle.”

As Kyle stepped out of his car he noticed Kim’s eyes doing a bit more than a loving aunt look. “Good to see you too, Aunt Kim.” Kyle saw that Kim had updated her hair with some highlights and layered look. Pretending to pout, Kyle said, “Am I too old to get a hug from my gorgeous aunt?”

While Kyle stood with a boyish grin on his face, his aunt came to him to deliver the hug. Kim’s eyes sparkled from the compliment, and she said, “Of course you’re not too old.” Kim went in on an angle, but Kyle pivoted his hips slightly to greet her head-on. Eschewing the over the shoulder embrace, Kyle wrapped his long arms around Kim just under her arms and held her a second longer than might have been expected. Kim’s breasts smushed against him, bringing another grin to the young man’s face.

“You just tell me if you need anything, Kyle” Kim smiled at Kyle as she pulled away after Kyle released her.

“Ditto for me. It’s nice to know I have such a charming hostess who’s eager to please, Aunt Kim.” Kyle locked eyes with Kim, gauging her reaction to his purposeful innuendo.

“Why of course, Kyle,” Kim smiled demurely back at Kyle. It was obvious that Kyle’s flirting wasn’t being rejected.

After Kyle got unpacked and somewhat settled in, he headed to the kitchen. Kim was standing in front of fridge with door open when Kyle approached her. “You’re letting all the cold out, Aunt Kim.”

“Oh, hi Kyle, I was just thinking about a snack.”

“Do you always take so long to make up your mind? It’s kinda obvious that you’ve been standing there awhile.” Kyle let his eyes fall to Kim’s nipples which were poking out underneath her top.

Kyle put his left hand on Kim’s hip firmly enough to hold her in place. He opened the fridge door of the side-by-side a little wider, and let his crotch brush up against Kim’s right hip for a split second while he opened the crisper drawer.

There was a variety of fruit in the drawer, including two cantaloupes. Kyle reached behind them and grabbed an apple. Taking another glance at Kim’s chest, Kyle said, “Those are some nice looking melons, Aunt Kim” Kyle grinned at her and took a bit of the apple.

Noticing her erect nipples, Kim blushed. While she hoped Kyle’s comment was directed at her, the idea of her sister’s son hitting on her seemed very naughty. Still, he could have been talking about the fruit, so Kim stuttered, “Why thank you.” Hoping to change the topic, Kim added, “5:30 OK for dinner?”

While Kyle was chewing his apple, he took another look at Kim’s chest, just long enough so it would be noticed. He then made a show of swallowing, and replied, “No, that won’t do. I need to work out. Make it 7pm.”

Kim was a bit stunned at Kyle’s response. She was also warmly conflicted about her nephew checking out her breasts. Kim sputtered, “OK, 7pm it is.” She had planned to eat earlier than 7, but Kyle’s request and good looks made the change inevitable.

A few minutes later Kim was sitting on the couch with a glass of Sangria. The TV was on, but Kim wasn’t really paying attention. She found herself wondering about how Kyle and if she was wishing he was flirting with her or just imagining it. Kyle’s model good looks and familial ties made Kim feel deliciously naughty.

Kim took a deep sip of her Sangria, and tipped her head back. She wondered if it was the wine or Kyle that had her feeling a bit warm all over.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I need a towel.” Kim looked over at her nephew, who was wearing his racing speedos. This time it was Kim’s eyes that wandered, as she couldn’t help but look at the substantial package being held in place by an impossibly small and shiny suit.

Kim wondered if Kyle noticed her checking him out. Part of her mind told her that it was inappropriate to look at her nephew’s crotch. Another part of her mind said something else, and before she could answer her eyes took a second look. “I wasn’t sure where to look. Could you bring one to me?”

She brushed her hair back with her hand and said, “I’ll bring it out for you.” Then for the third time in less than fifteen seconds, she looked at Kyle’s speedo.

Noticing her eyes, Kyle knew he was having an effect on his aunt. “Maybe some time you’d like to come up and watch a meet. It’d be nice to have you yell for me while I was strokin’ ”

Kyle went through the sliding glass door out back to the pool. Kim took a long drink of her Sangria, then another. She couldn’t believe that she let herself look at his groin that way. And oh my God, he looked to be seriously hung. Patrick was very average and unenthusiastic. Kim had always wondered what it would be like to take a big cock… and Kyle’s looked huge.

A while later Kim went to the linen closet and got a towel. She’d had another glass of wine and was feeling no pain. She stood at the sliding glass door and watched as Kyle swam lap after lap. Sighing to herself that tonight was going to be another night with her and her vibrator, Kim opened the door.

Kyle noticed his aunt walking up to the pool and gave her a quick thumbs up while doing the butterfly. Kim stood and waited, and Kyle did five more laps before exiting the pool. “Thanks for waiting Aunt Kim, I need to finish my workouts so I can go long and hard.” Kyle caught Kim eyeballing his speedos. Even with the cold water Kyle’s package was formidable “Like the Boilermaker swimsuit?”

“Very nice, Kyle.” Her nephew’s chest and abs looked like they belonged in a Calvin Klein ad. The wine had lowered her inhibitions. “You don’t even look like you’re breathing hard.” She handed him the towel.

“Stamina and quick recuperation are important for me and the team. I swim in multiple events, so I want to be able to go four or five times in a day, Aunt Kim.”

“Four or five times a day?” Kim asked as she looked into Kyle’s brown eyes.

“Swim meets can be very demanding. I want to be able to get up and go whenever I’m needed.” Kyle let that hang in the air for a moment, and then used the towel to rub himself down. Kim was mesmerized and thought about taking the towel from Kyle so she could rub his cock.

The following Friday night Kim had gone to bed at around midnight. After falling asleep she was awakened by some noise out back. Getting out of bed, Kim pulled the corner of the curtains back and looked out her window at the pool deck, discovering the source of the noise. She saw Kyle fucking a tall, thin blonde doggy style on one of the chaise lounges. Kyle’s back was facing the window, but there was no mistaking the thrusting motion.

As Kim watched she began to focus her hearing. The first thing she heard was a smack as Kyle slapped the blonde’s ass hard. Kyle had a handful of her long straight hair in his left hand and was spanking her ass cheeks with his right.

The blonde’s moans got louder and louder, and a minute later there was a loud squeal. Kim knew the blonde had just had an orgasm. Kyle continued to fuck her hard, punishing her with his cock. Kim then heard Kyle talking to the blonde while he pounded her from behind. “So did Lisa just cum on my cock?”

“Uuuhhhh,” the blonde groaned. A loud smack followed as Kyle slapped her ass hard.

“I asked you a question. Did Lisa just cum on my cock?” Kyle pulled on Lisa’s hair, raising her chin up.


Kyle was relentlessly pounding Lisa from behind. “Do you want to cum again?”

“Oh God, yes!” Lisa said loudly.

Smack! “Then fuck me like you mean it,” Kyle commanded. His thrusting stopped, but Lisa began to rock back and forth. “That’s better,” Kyle said as he shifted his hands to Lisa’s shoulders and began pulling her back onto his cock.

Kim had never watched someone else fucking before in real life. She’d watched some porn, but this was different and much hotter. She wished she could see Kyle’s cock. Kim was wearing a light cotton button down pajama top with matching pinstriped shorts. Kim unbuttoned the top three buttons of her top and began playing with her nipples.

Kyle continued to fuck Lisa doggy-style for another ten minutes. He was manhandling the thin blonde and verbally dominating her as well. “What kind of girl fucks a guy an hour after she meets him?”

Kim couldn’t hear Lisa’s reply, but did hear another loud smack followed by Kyle’s voice. “What kind of girl?” he said louder than before.

“A slut!” Kim slipped her hand down the front of her shorts and began rubbing her pussy. Listening to Kyle dominate Lisa was an incredible turn-on for her.

Another loud smack. “That’s right, a slut,” Kyle growled at Lisa. “A slut who likes to get fucked. Do you like getting fucked Lisa?” Yet another smack as Kyle was wearing her ass out.

“I love getting fucked,” Lisa said louder than before. “Oooohhhhh, oooohh, ooohhh,” she called. Kim wondered if the neighbors could hear.

“That’s right slut, cum on my cock again,” Kyle commanded. Kim slipped her finger inside her wet slit as she continued to watch from her window. Kim couldn’t believe how long Kyle was fucking her- it had been almost twenty minutes and he hadn’t stopped for a second. “I think it’s about time you took my load, slut.”

Lisa groaned loudly again. “Give it to me!”

SMACK! Kyle kept fucking her hard from behind. “Tell me what you want, slut!”

“I WANT YOUR CUM!” Lisa was now almost yelling. “PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR CUM!”

Kyle backed off of her. “Get on your knees NOW!”

Lisa immediately complied. For the first time Kim caught a glimpse of Kyle’s dick. It seemed impossibly long to her, but before she could get a good look, Lisa began deep-throating Kyle. “That’s right, slut, swallow that cock.”

Kim rubbed her clitty while she watched her nephew get a blow job. Kim wondered how the young lady was able to take Kyle all the way in her mouth. Kyle had his hands on both sides of Lisa’s head as he face-fucked her. “Rub my balls. I want you to rub my balls while I cum in your slut mouth.”

Kyle’s dirty talk sent Kim to the edge and she came as she masturbated watching her nephew with his girl. Kyle’s head lifted up and he said, “That’s it, take it, take it all now!” Kim gasped as she came hard, immediately wondering if she could be heard outside. She stepped away from the window panting. Kim couldn’t remember ever being as aroused as she was now.

Resisting the urge to look back out the window for fear of being caught, Kim went back to bed. Unable to calm down after what she’d seen, Kim reached in her bedside table and pulled out her rabbit. Slipping her bottoms off, Kim fantasized about being fucked by her nephew as she worked on herself with her toy. Still wet from being at the window, Kim quickly slipped the vibrator inside her pussy and adjusted the level on Mr. Buzzy. A few minutes later she had a huge orgasm.

Getting out of bed, Kim went to the master bathroom to clean up and pee. She wondered to herself if Kyle had noticed her voyeurism earlier, but there was no way to be sure. Kim put her bottoms back on and climbed back into bed. As she put her rabbit away she heard some voices downstairs, then doors closing and a car starting. Kim’s mind drifted, replaying the pool scene in her mind with her as the female lead. She imagined Kyle telling her, “That’s right, slut, swallow that cock!” She considered masturbating again, but decided on a glass of wine instead.

As she poured the wine Kim thought about saying something to Kyle. Truth was it was disrespectful for him to bring a girl to her house like he did. The kitchen clock said 1:35. Kim took a deep drink and went back upstairs.

As she got to the top of the stairs and turned, the hallway bathroom door opened and Kyle walked out, naked and semi-erect. Kim gasped as she was startled, but Kyle was totally unruffled at being seen by his aunt in the buff. “Kyle, I didn’t know you were still up!” Kim tried to maintain eye contact, but couldn’t help looking at Kyle’s manhood up close. He looked to be literally twice as long as Patrick was and significantly thicker.

“Oh, hey, Aunt Kim. Didn’t expect to see you up either. Hope I didn’t wake you.” Kyle didn’t make any attempt to cover up. “Kinda late for a glass of wine, isn’t it?” Kyle took a look at Kim’s unbuttoned top which was exposing much of her breasts.

Kim noticed Kyle’s look and cursed herself for not fixing things before she went downstairs. “Something woke me up and I couldn’t get back to sleep.” Again, Kim peeked at Kyle’s cock.

“Sorry Aunt Kim, that might have been me. I didn’t know Lisa was going to be so loud.”

Kim thought to herself, did Kyle know she’d been watching? And did he know that I’ve been checking out his cock? Kim blushed and said, “You really should be more careful.” Kim pulled her top together some as she noticed Kyle checking out her tits.

“Oh, OK, I get it. I really don’t like ’em that loud either. Vocal yes, loud no.” Kim felt flushed by Kyle’s confidence.

“That’s not really what I meant, Kyle.” Kim forced herself to maintain eye contact. She could smell the sex on him.

Kyle slipped his right hand just to the side and underneath Kim’s left breast and pulled her to him. Kissing her on the cheek and putting his mouth very near Kim’s left ear, Kyle breathily said, “That’s sweet of you to look out for me, Aunt Kim. I promise I won’t fuck loud Lisa again while you’re home.”

Kim sighed, excited by Kyle’s aggressively seductive behavior, and replied, “Why thank you, Kyle, I appreciate that.”

After work on Tuesday, Kim went to laundry room and saw Kyle taking his clothes out of the dryer. “Doin’ another load Aunt Kim? I’ll be out of your way in a minute.” Kyle loaded his clothes in a basket and left.

It took a second or two, but then Kim figured it out. She went upstairs to her bedroom expecting to see her laundry on her bed. As she walked in to investigate, she saw three of her bras hanging on the rod of her shower. Kim felt warm thinking about Kyle handling her things.

As she opened her dresser drawers she found that Kyle had neatly folded her things, including her panties and put them away. She flushed at this, and went downstairs where Kyle was making himself a salad in the kitchen.

“Kyle, I…” Kyle interrupted her.

“I know; you want to thank me for taking care of your laundry for you.”

“Kyle, that’s not it, I don’t need you doing my laundry for me. You can leave it in a basket. I didn’t mean for you to have to put things away.”

“Uh, OK. I just wanted to do something nice for you and didn’t think you’d mind if I got into your drawers.” Again, Kim blushed at the double entendre’, but chose to ignore it.

Later that night Kyle returned from the gym and heard Kim on her cell phone. “How could I have been so stupid? I gave up nine years of my life to that cocksucker! Sometimes I wonder if there was something I did that turned Patrick gay.”

Kyle eavesdropped for a while longer as Kim poured herself out to her friend on the phone. He felt sorry for her and decided to give her a push. He went into the kitchen and purposely made a lot of noise so as to announce his presence.

Less than a minute later Kim walked into the kitchen, eyes swollen and red. She got a Kleenex and Kyle said, “You OK, Aunt Kim?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just a cold,” Kim lied, not wanting to share her miseries with Kyle.

Kyle stepped over to his aunt and slipped his hands around her cheekbones, holding her face. He kissed her forehead, then stepped back. “You’re a little warm. I’m going to run out and get some things. You should have a glass of wine and relax.”

Kim flushed at Kyle’s intimate gesture. “That sounds like a good idea, Kyle.”

Kyle returned about ninety minutes later to find Kim napping on the couch with an empty glass of wine in front of her. He took the opportunity to sneak upstairs, then came back down. He took a minute to gather some things from the kitchen, then laid out some sushi and miso soup on the table in front of his aunt. “Hope you like crunch rolls, Aunt Kim. You should eat the soup while it’s hot.”

She thought to herself, “Handsome, hung and kind… where do I get someone like that?” “Thank you, Kyle. You make me feel special.”

“You are special, Aunt Kim.”

“Sometimes I don’t feel that way. My divorce from Patrick has made feel like my whole life has been set on fire and burnt up.”

“Then rise from the ashes. Make something positive happen, don’t be a fucking victim. You’re a hot MILF with a lot to offer, Aunt Kim. Make some changes so you don’t become a man-hating shrew with a half dozen cats.”

Kyle’s words made Kim’s head swirl. She knew he was right about needing to make some changes. “Do you really think I’m a hot MILF, Kyle?” Kim wanted some validation as she was insecure.

“Fuck yes, I think you’re a hot MILF. But it matters a lot more what you think about yourself.” Kyle sat next to Kim on the couch and put his hand on her thigh. “I really appreciate your hospitality. I have to drive to Chicago for a swim meet at Northwestern and won’t be back until Saturday. Will you let me take my hot MILF aunt out for dinner Saturday night?”

Kim blushed at Kyle’s calling her a hot MILF. She felt Kyle squeeze her thigh and said, “I’d love to!”

Kyle stood up. Grinning at his aunt, Kyle said, “Be ready to go Saturday at seven, and wear something memorable. I’ll be wanting to celebrate after the meet- don’t disappoint me.”

Kim flushed and replied, “I’ll be ready.” She felt warm all over as she watched Kyle head for the door. Kyle was right, she needed to make some changes and not be a victim. Kim took a bit of her crunch roll and smiled as she got an idea. She picked up her phone and started to do some research, and in less than five minutes found what she was looking for and made an appointment.

As Kyle was passing Lafayette on his way back to Indianapolis, his phone rang. He’d been expecting his Aunt to call. “So how’d the meet go?”

Kyle replied, “Pretty well. We came in second overall and I won the 200 IM. Long day.”

“If you’re too tired to go out that’s fine,” Kim said. She was worried that she was going to be let down after she’d done a lot of preparation.

“Not at all. I told you I have great stamina.”

“That’s great. You going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope, it’ll be a surprise.”

Kim said, “Kind of like the Victoria’s Secret stuff you left for me?”

Kyle laughed. “Oh, so you found my little gift. After folding your granny panties I decided that my MILF aunt deserved better. I’ll see you soon.” Kyle hung up, thinking, “Always leave ’em wanting more.”

Ninety minutes later Kyle pulled into the driveway. He grabbed his overnight bag and came into the house from the garage. Leaving his bag on top of the dryer, Kyle came through the laundry room and into the kitchen.

Kim was dressed in a sleeveless silky maroon dress that tied behind her head. Kyle immediately saw that Kim was braless, as her nipples stood out under the sheen of the dress. With a hem about four inches above her knees and wearing some black pumps, Kim looked fabulous. Her full brown hair fell around her bare shoulders, and the V neck cut on the dress showed just the right amount of cleavage.

Noticing his eyes on her, Kim asked, “You approve?”

Kyle smiled and replied, “Oh hell yes!”

Kim gave Kyle a spin, and said, “I’m glad you like it.” She excitedly walked across the kitchen towards Kyle. Putting her hand behind Kyle’s neck, she pulled him down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Oh, and congrats on the win at the swim meet!”

Kyle reached out with his left hand and put it on his aunt’s shoulder. “Thank you,”

Kim winced at his touch, and Kyle noticed. “You OK?” he asked.

Kim responded, “Yeah, I’m OK, just a bit sore. Like my surprise?” She turned around and lifted her hair to display her new tattoo.

“I’m more surprised that you got a tattoo than where you put it.”


“I just didn’t think that my proper Aunt would get inked.” Kyle spun Kim around so he was behind her. “OK, lemme see.”

Kim used both her hands to pull up her hair to give Kyle a look. “A Phoenix, rising from the ashes.” The tat was small with the bottom just above the midpoint of her neck. Kim started to turn away wanting to see Kyle’s reaction.

Kyle said, “Hey, hold on, I’m not done looking at it yet.” He put his right hand on Kim’s hip and pulled her back into him. Kyle used his left hand to pull Kim’s dark auburn hair off to the side so he could get a better look.

Kim was a bit shocked that Kyle would manhandle her like he did and started to move away. Kyle pulled on her hip and pushed his crotch up against Kim’s back to hold her in place. Kyle pushed on Kim’s shoulder, forcing her to lean forward slightly. This move meant that Kyle’s groin pushed up against his Aunt’s ass. Kim could feel Kyle’s cock against her backside. “Nice job. I like the simple outline with the small tattoo.” He released Kim, who turned to face her nephew.

“I’m glad you like it. In some ways, I got it for you, after our talk the other night.” Kyle nodded. “What did you mean when you said you weren’t surprised at where I put it?”

Kyle smiled at his aunt, admiring her full breasts. “We both know exactly why you put your tat where you did.” Kyle laughed and gave her a knowing look.

Kim responded by playfully pushing Kyle in his chest. “Quit teasing me and tell me!”

Kyle laughed even harder. “Tease? Moi?”

Kim stepped up to Kyle and smacked his chest again. “Yes, you mister!” The tension was too much for her, and Kim kissed her nephew. The kiss was electrifying for Kim, who knew she’d crossed a line, but didn’t care. “You’ve been teasing me ever since you got here, young man.”

Kyle kissed her back, this time opening his mouth wide. Kim responded by immediately pushing her tongue in his mouth. Kyle broke the kiss. “I may have teased a little….” With both hands Kyle felt his aunt’s large breasts, using his thumbs to rub her nipples. Looking into her eyes while he felt her up, Kyle said, “Melons.”

Using both hands, Kim reached behind her neck and untied the top of her dress and let it drop. “Do you like my melons, Kyle?” Kim kissed him again and began to unbutton his shirt. Kyle quickly finished the job and put his shirt on the counter.

“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” Kyle said and leaned down to suckle his mother’s sister’s breasts. Kim had large, dark areolas and Kyle used his tongue to circle them and pulled Kim’s nipples into his mouth. He alternated back and forth and Kim began purring with lust.

Still keeping his mouth busy with Kim’s breasts, Kyle reached behind her and unzipped Kim’s dress. He pulled it down around her ankles. After stepping out of her dress, Kim stood in front of Kyle wearing the Brazilian cut lace panties he’d bought her and her heels. While he’d been with many women, Kyle had never been as turned on as he was at that moment.

As hot as Kyle was it was nothing compared to Kim’s passion. Not having had sex for several years she was nearly out of control. “Am I really a hot MILF, Kyle? Am I a mother you’d like to fuck?”

“You’re a mother I’m going to fuck,” Kyle responded. He kissed his aunt and pinched her nipples, gauging her sensitivity. Kim gave a low moan, and Kyle began to slowly pull on her nipples with his strong hands. She responded to his rough handling by putting her hand on Kyle’s crotch. Kyle pulled harder, and Kim’s hand began to stroke him through his jeans.

Kyle looked in his aunt’s eyes and said, “If you want it, pull me out and suck me.” He felt her hesitate slightly, and responded with a kiss followed by a firm nipple nibble. Kim moaned louder than before, and began pulling on Kyle’s belt. “That’s right, take it out and put it in your mouth. You know you want my cock.”

Without any guidance from Kyle, Kim got down on her knees in front of him. Kyle slipped out of his shoes, and Kim pulled his pants down. “Oh my God,” Kim said in a low voice as Kyle’s cock appeared inches from her face. Kim immediately put her nephew’s prick in her mouth, trying to take as much of his member as she could.

“Wow, slow down girl,” Kyle said to her and took a step backwards so he could get his pant from around his feet. “Do what I say and I’ll give you what you want.” Kyle put his large hands on both sides of Kim’s face, holding her back.

“Please,” Kim moaned, moving towards Kyle on her knees.

“Are you asking for my dick, Aunt Kim?” Kyle held her head back firmly.

“PLEASE,” said Kim”

“Please what, Aunt Kim?” Kyle kept calling her Aunt Kim on purpose, wanting to drive home that he was her sister’s son.

“PLEASE LET ME HAVE YOUR COCK,” Kim said loudly.

“That’s what I thought you meant,” Kyle said, and began face fucking his aunt, a woman twice his age. Kim gasped trying to handle the nearly ten inches that her nephew was giving to her. “It’s OK if you can’t take it all. Most women can’t.”

This made Kim renew her efforts to swallow Kyle’s penis. She gagged with only half his manhood in her mouth. Giving her a few seconds to recover, Kyle forced himself back in her willing mouth. “That’s right, take me, show me that you want it.” Kim gagged again, and Kyle let her back off. “Look at me while you suck my cock.”

With tears in her eyes from choking, Kim dutifully looked up at her nephew. “That’s good, I want you to show me how much you want it.” Cupping his balls in one hand, Kim went down and deep on her nephew once again. “That’s my girl. Suck my big cock.”

Kim struggled to maintain eye contact while controlling her gag reflex. She enjoyed giving head, but had never experienced a dick anywhere near the size of Kyle’s. Kyle’s eyes locked with Kim’s, and he let out a groan.

“Do you like this, Kyle?” Kim asked.

“I’ve jerked off thinking of you for years. Yes, I like it. I have fantasized about this for half my life.”

Kim got up off her knees and kissed Kyle. She looked deep into his eyes and asked, “Is that true? Have you really thought about me for years?”

Kyle kept locked on to Kim’s eyes. “Yes, it’s true.” Kyle once again fondled Kim’s breasts. “I have wanted to hold these for years.” Kyle kissed his aunt again, and slipped his hand between her legs. His fingers pushed the elastic back on her panties. A few seconds later Kyle broke off his kiss and spun Kim around. Pushing her towards the kitchen table, Kyle slid her panties off.

Placing his left hand at the base of Kim’s skull, Kyle forced her head down. Kim quickly submitted, bending over the table and spreading her legs.

Having positioned her like he wanted, Kyle grabbed his erect shaft with his left hand. Pushing himself up against her, Kyle used his right hand to grab Kim’s breast for a moment. Kyle rubbed his cockhead against Kim’s pussy.

“Oh my God, give it to me,” Kim said breathlessly. She reached back to spread herself open to receive what Kyle was giving to her. Kyle let go of her breast and grabbed a handful of hair at the top of Kim’s neck. Kyle eyed Kim’s new tattoo and put his cockhead inside of his aunt’s pussy.

“Please give it to me!” Kim moaned. Kyle started fucking her with just the very end of his dick.

“Just like I thought,” Kyle smiled and pushed a few more inches inside his aunt’s love canal. Kim groaned and breathed heavily.

“What…. Oooohhh, do you mean?” Kim said, interrupted by Kyle’s ever-deeper strokes.

“What I said about your tattoo.” Kyle pushed more and more, now three quarters of the way into her. “I know why you got the tat where you did,” Kyle pulled Kim’s hair and pushed further into her pussy. “You got the tat so you could hide it when you want to.” Kyle stroked her some more, and smacked her ass.

Kyle continued to fuck his aunt. “The only way anyone would ever see your tat was if they were fucking you from behind like I am.” Kim groaned loudly. “Yeah, that’s it. You love being bent over and fucked hard, don’t you?” Kyle pumped his aunt hard and deep. Kyle’s fucking and dirty talk was pushing Kim to the edge. “Only sluts get tattoos on the back of their necks. Sluts who are trying to keep it a secret.”

Kim gasped as Kyle continued his relentless assault on her pussy. “That’s not it, I…” was all Kim got out before Kyle slapped her ass hard, leaving a red handprint. Kyle gave her three more hard strokes, then pulled out.

“That’s a slut tell, Aunt Kim. You try to hide it, but you’re really a slut, aren’t you?” Kyle slid all the way inside his aunt, causing her to grunt.

Kyle spun his aunt around so she was facing him. He guided her over to the small desk in the corner of the kitchen and lifted her up, setting her butt down on the desktop. “That’s better. I want to look you in the eyes now.” Kyle put his hands under Kim’s knees and pulled her forward to the edge of the desk. Kyle slid himself back inside Kim and began stroking her again.

“It’s been a long time since you’ve had a good fucking, hasn’t it?” Kyle leaned forward and kissed Kim. “You have a very nice pussy. I love how you’ve left a landing patch instead of going bald.” Putting his hand on the back of Kim’s head, he pulled her forward and kissed her again, all the time thrusting in her hard. “Now, you were saying?”

“Kyle, I’m not…” Kim began, and Kyle put his fingers in her mouth.

“Yes, you are, aren’t you?” Kim began sucking on Kyle’s fingers. Kyle pulled out of Kim, and reached down between her legs. “My god you’re wet,” Kyle said. He held his hand up to her mouth and said, “Taste yourself.”

Kim used both her hands to grasp Kyle’s hand. “No, not that.” Kyle pulled out of Kim, who caught on and got on her knees. “That’s it. Suck me. I saw how you looked at my cock that night after I banged Loud Lisa.”

Kim sucked him for another few seconds before she asked, “Was I that obvious?” She smiled and got eye contact as she resumed giving her nephew head. “You have a marvelous cock. By far the biggest I’ve ever had.” Kim licked his shaft from just above his balls all the way up to his cockhead.

Kyle smiled at his aunt, enjoying the visual of his mother’s sister using her mouth on his dick. “Come with me,” Kyle said and pulled Kim to her feet. He led her out the living room to the couch. “Betcha haven’t done this before,” Kyle said, and he lay down on the center of the three section couch with his head and shoulders against the back of the couch. Kyle’s long frame had his butt off the front of the cushion.

“When I tell you I want you to put my cock inside your pussy,” Kyle explained. He then looped his arms around the outside of his legs, putting the inside of his elbows behind his knee joints. “Do it now,” Kyle said, and Kim nodded, not really understanding what was about to happen. Kim stood in front of Kyle, who had pulled his knees up towards his head, and pulled his cock out so it pointed at her pussy. “Mount it NOW!” Kyle demanded. Kim obliged, spreading her legs and pushing Kyle inside her.

It took Kim a minute to get a handle on the position, but then she started cocking her hips and brought them forward. Soon she had the rhythm, and Kyle said, “That’s right, fuck yourself hard on my shaft. You know you want it.” Kim’s breasts bounced as she rode Kyle. “You’ve got your hands free. Play with yourself while you get fucked.”

Kim’s hand found her clitty quickly, and she started to rub herself while she gorged on Kyle’s long shaft. “That’s it, don’t stop, don’t stop,” Kyle encouraged her. “LOOK AT ME WHILE YOU CUM!” Kim’s orgasm swept over her, and for the first time in her life she squirted.

Kim felt wonderful, embarrassed, ecstatic, and naughty all at once. She shivered as her orgasm subsided, and then noticed the wetness. “Oh God, I’m sorry,” she blurted out, unmounting Kyle.

“Don’t be, I’m not sorry at all for sharing that with you. You’ve never went amazon before, have you?”

“Amazon?” Kim asked.

“The position we just fucked in,” Kyle answered. He released his legs and sat up.

“I’m glad you liked it. I’m going to have sex with you in every room in your house. That way after I leave you’ll be able to smile and have a pleasant memory where ever you go.” Kyle pulled her to him and began sucking on her tits.

Kim moaned, and a few seconds later said, “There are fourteen rooms in this house.”

“I’m also going to fuck you in your garage and out back by your pool.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Kim said, caressing Kyle’s head as he continued to use his mouth on her breasts. Kyle pulled her right nipple into his mouth and looked up at Kim while he put the nipple in between his front teeth and bit down.

“Ooohhh, careful!” Kim said. “I can only take so much,” she cooed.

“We’ll see about that,” Kyle replied, and led her to the exercise room where he fucked his aunt on the weight bench for twenty minutes before he pulled out and finished by tit-fucking Kim until he blew his load on her face.

Over the next few days Kyle and Kim had sex at least three times a day. Kyle held Kim up in the pool, doing her standing up. They fucked doggy-style on the dining room table. Kim rode Kyle in the Jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom. Kyle made Kim wear an apron and a French maid’s hat and did her in the laundry room.

One morning Kim woke Kyle up with a blowjob. Kyle fucked Kim’s ass on the floor of her oldest daughter’s bedroom and made her clean him with her mouth. While most of their trysts were fairly described as animal sex, Kyle made long, slow love to Kim in her bed one night.

One afternoon Kim was paying bills at the desk in the study. Without saying as much as a “Good Afternoon, or a hello,” Kyle spun her desk chair around and pulled out his cock. He roughly grabbed Kim by the hair and put himself in her mouth. “I need to nut,” he said matter-of-factly.

A minute later Kyle was fully erect. “So you think you can just walk in here and have me suck you off?”

“Yes Ma’am, I do,” Kyle replied. He pushed Kim’s head down on his cock and said, “I haven’t heard any complaints yet.” And there weren’t any, even when Kyle pulled out of his aunt’s mouth and shot his load on her face.

Patrick and the girls were due back on Thursday morning. Kyle needed to get back to campus, but after Kim begged him to stay so Brittany and Amanda could see their cousin, Kyle agreed to leave Thursday afternoon after lunch.

Wednesday night Kim threw caution to the wind for Kyle. Dark eye makeup, deep red lipstick, crotchless lingerie, the works. After a few drinks Kim really let loose, begging Kyle to “Fuck my slut cunt,” and having Kyle use a vibrator on her ass while he did her pussy.

Kim woke up to the sound of her ringing phone. It was Patrick, calling her from the airport to let her know that they’d just landed. “We’re going to head to baggage claim and then I’ll drop the girls off,” Patrick said. “Amanda says she’s starving, so I’m going to stop and get breakfast. Should be there in about an hour.”

“Oh, my God!” Kim exclaimed. She rolled out of bed and said, “I overslept, the girls are going to be here soon! I’ve got to get ready, Kyle.” Naked, Kim walked over to the other side of the bed and gently kissed Kyle. “Get up, sleepyhead. I’m getting in the shower and you need to finish packing.”

While in the shower Kim thought about the last few weeks. She’d never been more sexually satisfied than she was now, but the incestuous nature of her relationship with Kyle meant that it wouldn’t continue. The hot water felt marvelous, but Kim knew she couldn’t linger.

As she got out of the shower she noticed that Kyle was not only up, but had made the bed. She made a mental note to wash the sheets as soon as possible. Kim put on a knee length peasant dress with three quarter sleeves and an elastic scoop neckline. She felt odd trying to go back to the suburban mom mode. While she was excited about seeing her daughters, she felt depressed at the prospect of not being with Kyle.

As she was finishing her makeup, Kyle popped his head into her room. “Hey, it raining, let’s go wait for the girls in the garage.”

“Kyle, they were going to stop for breakfast.”

“That’s OK. C’mon slowpoke,” Kyle smiled at Kim and waved her on.

Kyle opened the garage door, but the wind blew the rain in so they waited in the back of the garage behind Kyle’s car. “You know, I’m going to miss these,” Kyle said as he squeezed Kim’s breasts.

“And I’m going to miss this,” Kim purred as she slid her hand along Kyle’s crotch.

Kyle unzipped his pants and pulled himself out. “You know you’re a slutty MILF, right?” He bent Kim over the hood of his car.

“Kyle, the girls!”

“Aren’t going to be here for a few minutes.”

“You’re so bad,” Kim looked back over her shoulder at her nephew.

Kyle pulled Kim’s panties to the side. “And you’re so wet.”

“Kyle, I…” was as far as she got before she felt him push inside her. Kim groaned as Kyle began stroking her.

“The neighbors,” Kim panted as she pushed back against Kyle, taking him deeper into her pussy.

“Can’t see a damned thing with the rain. Stop worrying and get yourself off.” Kyle watched Kim reach between her legs. He felt her fingertips along his shaft for a moment, and then heard her groan as she began rubbing herself while he fucked her.

“We’re outside, someone could see…” Kim growled. Kyle knew she was getting closer.

“Does the idea of someone seeing you get fucked excite you?” Kyle pushed even deeper into his aunt.

“Ooohhhhhh,” was Kim’s response, and her hand moved faster between her legs.

“Damn, wish I knew you were an exhibitionist slut sooner,” Kyle said. A second later, Kyle pulled out of her and stepped back quickly. The car turned into the driveway.

Kim stood up and straightened her dress out. Kyle handed her an umbrella. “Go get your daughters.”

Patrick and Kyle grabbed the girls’ luggage and brought it inside. After getting some hugs from the girls, Kyle turned towards Patrick.

Patrick said, “My god Kyle, you’ve grown up to be quite a young man. How have things been?”

Kyle replied, “It’s been great. With my folks moving and the semester being over it was great to be able to stay here with Kim. I’ve been trying to take care of her while you guys were gone.”

Kim smiled and said, “And Kyle, you’ve done a great job of taking care of your aunt. Patrick, he’s very talented for such a young man.”

Patrick looked quizzically at Kim. “Is that so?”

Kim coyly replied, “There were some plumbing issues. Kyle was nice enough to ream things out for me.” Kim still seethed at Patrick’s deception. If she could make him uncomfortable, so be it. “It’s been nice having a willing, strong and capable young man to help me while I was alone.”

Kyle interjected, “Hey girls, let’s go get you unpacked.” He grabbed the girls’ bags and left Kim and Patrick alone.

“Is there something going on with Kyle that I should know about?” Patrick asked his ex-wife.

“Kyle’s my nephew!” Kim exclaimed, giving Patrick the look. “By the way, just what makes you think you have the right to ask me anything?”

A minute later Kyle and the girls returned. Kim said, “Girls, tell your father thank you for the vacation, he’s got to get going.” Patrick looked at Kim who returned his look with a hard stare.

Kim led them all back to the garage where Patrick hugged the girls and waved good-bye. As Patrick backed out of the driveway, Kim told the girls, “Now go back inside so you don’t catch cold. I’m going to talk with Kyle for a minute and I’ll be in.”

“We have some unfinished business, young man,” Kim whispered.

“I agree… we need to explore your exhibitionism.”

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