Camping in Scotland with friends looking for women

We had been on the train for over seven hours now and we had just crossed the Scottish border. Richard, Ben and I were going camping for the week. There idea not mine as I’m not a fan of camping. They kept trying to persuade me as they wanted to go looking for women. They’d heard that Scottish women love English guys so they fancied there chances.

Both of them are good looking. Richard is 6ft, brown hair, muscular and quiet and Ben is about 5ft11, long blonde hair, slim and witty. Neither have any difficulty attracting women and when I’m with them women don’t even notice me. My name is Chris, 6ft2, short black hair, plain face and slim.

I figured the holiday would be camping in the rain with them bonking continuously. We were camping just outside the capital. The campsite they chose was big with all the facilities such as showers, toilets, swimming pool and a bar.

Once we had set up our tents we showered then headed to the bar. Though it was busy there weren’t many girls and those that were there were with guys. Richard and Ben were both disappointed as we sat there drinking. About an hour later the door opened and two women walked in. A blonde, about 5ft2, short brown hair, big boobs, slim, cute butt and a redhead, about 5ft4, medium build, plump boobs and a big butt.

Before they could even order a drink Richard and Ben had moved in for the kill and in less then five minutes of them chatting to the women they all left the bar leaving me sitting on my own. I ordered another drink then sipped it slowly while looking out the window before heading back to the tents.

As I approached I could hear moaning coming from both of their tents and feeling depressed I went into mine, put on my headphones and went to sleep.

The next morning I was up early and went for a walk. Passing the house that the campsite owners lived in I saw a woman by the gate. In her early twenties, long curly black hair, chubby, lovely smile, big boobs and I hadn’t seen her butt.

She smiled at me and I smiled back and told her my name. “I’m Nancy and my parents own the site” she replied. She went on to tell me that she helps out around the place since she finished university.

“Would you like to go for a walk Nancy?” I asked and she replied “I’m waiting for a delivery and I’ve a few jobs to do but come back at twelve and you can take me to lunch”.

I agreed to meet her and went for my walk. Exploring the hills and the loch I made sure I was back before twelve and waited outside for Nancy. When she appeared Nancy was wearing a long colourful dress and looked lovely.

There was a village nearby and we went to the cafe and ate a big lunch. Nancy told me about her science degree and that she was dating a guy but he moved away once he obtained his degree so now she’s single.

After lunch we strolled through the village and reaching a farmers field we sat on the grass and enjoyed the sun. Nancy rested her hand in mine and looking at her we kissed softly. It felt delightful and putting my hand on her side I stroked her gently which she seemed to enjoy.

Just then a dog came running up to us followed by a farmer. Nancy knew him and they chatted and I heard him say they were about to plough the field so we’d need to go. Walking back to the campsite I asked Nancy if she’d like to go out this evening and we agreed to meet at the bar at eight o’clock.

Getting back to the tents Richard and Ben were sitting outside. I told them about Nancy and described them to her and they seemed pleased I’d met someone. The girls they were with last night had left.

That evening before meeting Nancy I went and showered then I put on my best clothes. A smart shirt, trousers and jacket. Reaching the bar I went inside but she hadn’t arrived so going back outside I stood by the door.

By eight thirty she hadn’t shown up so I went to her house and rang the bell. A lady answered who I assumed was her mum and said “Nancy was talking to two guys earlier and she left with them”. Confused I thanked her and walked back to the tent. Did she forget about our date I wondered?

As I reached the tents I heard moaning from Richards tent. Intending to ignore the noise I unzipped mine then I heard a woman’s voice that sounded like Nancy’s. Anger rose in me and I walked over to his tent and saw the zip was already undone. Lifting the flap I looked in and there was Nancy on all fours with Richard’s dick in her pussy and Ben’s in her mouth.

“Are you taking the piss out for me?” I shouted. All of them were startled and Nancy bit Ben’s dick making him howl in pain. “I’ve been waiting for you outside the bar and all the time your here screwing these two arseholes”. Not waiting for a reply I stormed away and began packing my things away. As I came back out Richard was standing there and said “Sorry Chris we shouldn’t have done that”. Glaring at him I replied “You two can have any women you want but you had to take her?”.

Removing my tent pegs he said “Don’t go we’ve still six days left. You’ll find a nice girl”. Glaring at him again I said “What would be the point? You both would only end up screwing her”. Folding my tent up I put in in the bag then putting it on my back I began to walk away. As I did Ben came out in his boxers holding his dick and I said loudly to them both “Stay away from me in the future”.

I didn’t know where Nancy was nor did I care. Reaching the station I discovered I’d missed the last train as it was a quiet line so I sat on the bench and cursed my luck. Then I heard a woman’s voice and turning I saw a lady in a railway uniform “You missed the train sweetie” she said. “Thanks I know” I replied.

“You staying here all night?” she asked and I replied “No where else to go”. The lady sat down next to me and I told her what had happened. “I know the girl you mean. She appears sweet and innocent but I think she’s not” she said. “She’s most definitely not” I replied. “I’m Carol. Would you like to come home with me? she asked and with some hesitation I replied “Ok sure”. Carol was a tall lady. About 6ft, shoulder length dark brown hair, medium build, boobs looked small but difficult to tell under her uniform however I did see she had a curvy butt. As for age I would guess mid thirties.

I told her my name as she locked up the station then we walked to her house which was just over the road. Once inside I put my bag on the floor and she led me into the lounge. I sat down while she went to change her clothes and make tea. I must have dozed off as the next thing I remember was Carol nudging my arm. Apologizing I took the tea from her then realised she was now only wearing pyjama shorts and t-shirt. She looked sexy I thought.

Drinking the tea I couldn’t help but stare at her. Her boobs were small but looked perky then she must have noticed me looking as she said “Like what you see?”. Blushing I replied “Sorry Carol”. She laughed and said “I’m not innocent either. I’ve been checking you out too”.

Smiling at her in surprise she put her cup down and walked over to me. Taking my cup Carol then sat on my lap and started to kiss me. Her lips were warm and tender and I put my arms around her and stroked her back. She then took hold of my t-shirt and pulled it off before stroking her hands over my chest and stomach.

Feeling my dick begin to harden I pulled off her t-shirt revealing her cute little boobs. They were still perky and though her areolas were small her nipples were really long and hard. Leaning forward I flicked them with my tongue causing her to moan out loud. My dick was now pushing against her leg and she must have felt this as she smiled at me then unzipping my trousers and taking hold of them and boxers together I lifted my bum as she pulled them down and took them off.

Now naked Carol stared at my thick but not long dick and grinned at me then she pulled down her shorts revealing her trimmed pubic hair and below I could see her pussy looking lovely and wet. “I haven’t any condoms have you?” she asked and fortunately I’d bought a new pack. I told her where they were and she went out to the hall and took them out of my bag.

After she rolled one on Carol knelt down in front of me and slid my tip into her mouth before easing down my shaft until it had disappeared. Then she began sucking up and down and somehow her tongue wrapped around my dick as she pulled up and down. I’d never had such a wonderful blowjob and when she took hold of my balls and rubbed them together I moaned loudly as pleasure was channeling through my groin and into my body.

Carol was sucking even faster now and my balls were beginning to tighten. I was hoping to last longer but I couldn’t and suddenly a wave of pleasure tore through my body and I groaned as I came hard. Carol kept sucking until I was soft then she took her mouth away and removed the condom. After wiping my dick clean she said “My turn now Chris”.

We swapped places with her now in the chair with her legs wide apart and me kneeling on the floor. Gazing at her pink neat pussy which was even wetter now as were her soft thighs. Leaning forward I gently kissed her hairy mound before moving down to her pussy and slowly licking her pussy lips.

She moaned loudly as my tongue slid over her swollen lips and I also stroked her wet thighs before pushing my tongue in her slit and licking up and down. Carol gasped when I did this so I kept doing it. She began to wriggle about on the seat and was moaning more and more. Spreading her pussy open I could see her little clit so I slid my tongue on to it and slowly caressed it before flicking it quickly.

Carol gasped again then she wriggled about even more on the seat while shouting out loudly. Though tempted to bury my tongue deep inside her pussy as she was enjoying her clit being played with I decided against it. Sliding my other hand away from her thigh I moved it onto her mound and ran my fingers through her hair while still flicking her clit. Carol began to shake then shouted “I’m coming” before letting out one long moan as she came to a toe curling orgasm.

Out of breath and still shaking I took my mouth away from her pussy and held her until she was ok. Giving me a smile and looking worn out she said “That was wonderful Chris”. Instead of the spare room why don’t you stay with me in my bedroom”. Smiling back I replied “Thanks I’d love too Carol”. She took my hand as walked naked up to her bedroom and climbed under the duvet. “You can stay as long as you want to” said Carol and without needing to think I said “That’ll be lovely. You know I wasn’t keen on coming camping but now I’m real glad I did”.

Carol laughed then we began kissing again while we waited for my dick to get hard.

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