I sat in the back of the cop car for hours before anyone came to ask me questions or tell me anything. They were kind enough to let me use the bathroom before things went farther though.
Eventually I was taken to the station, where I was interrogated thoroughly again by several officers. Thankfully the lawyer I was given seemed to be good at what he did.
My saving grace though, were the cameras I wore hunting. Because of the audio the cops knew exactly what happened. With the several different videos, they saw what I saw, and to a lesser extent, what I looked like throughout the event. Most importantly though, the cops knew where I was aiming when I fired my weapon; they knew I purposefully shifted my aim from centre-mass to his shoulder to be less-lethal.
Initially I was charged with manslaughter, but once the video was reviewed all charges were dropped. I was kept locked up at the station overnight and most of the next day. When I was released I, thankfully, had enough money in my wallet to get a cab from the police station.
Chapter 2
Due to the lateness of my release I wasn’t able to get much information about what happened to my sister or Karl. All I was told was that Catherine had been released from the hospital, and the remaining attacker was locked up. The cops didn’t tell me anything about Karl.
The cab brought me right home.
It was dark when the cabbie dropped me off, and I handed him enough money to cover my fare and half again.
The house was dark as I climbed the stairs to the front porch. Unlocking the door I stepped into the living room, and flicked on the light.
Catherine blinked in surprise from where she sat on the couch, and her hand shot up to protect her eyes from the light. A moment later when her eyes adjusted, they settled on me. Her stare was blank and expressionless.
“Sis, why are you sitting in the dark?”
As soon as I spoke, her eyes filled with tears. I rushed forward, sitting beside her, and pulled her into my arms. Without saying a word I held her as she sobbed out the stress, fear, and pain she suffered over the past forty eight hours.
After a time– I don’t know how much time actually passed– she said, “Oh God, Kurt, I can’t believe that actually happened. Are you home now? They aren’t going to take you away again are they?”
“Shhh, I’m not going anywhere. The charges were dropped. You’re safe now,” I replied, doing what I could to comfort her.
It may not have been the wisest thing to ask right then, but I needed to know, “Where’s Karl?”
She sniffed in derision. “Still locked up. The cop that came with me to the hospital told me that he was arrested on book-making charges. If the judge sees him, he could be out tomorrow.”
With the necessary information, I simply held my sister. It wasn’t much longer, before her sobs subsided, and she was asleep in my arms.
Carefully I shifted her around in my arms, so I had an arm behind her back, and one under her legs. I did what I could to not wake her, and I think I succeeded, at least she didn’t come fully awake. I carried her up to her room, and tucked her into bed.