A bored housewife wishes to be a slut for a night

Mature,erotic stories,, a bored wishes to be a slut for a night.. Wrapped in a dirty white towel, the man stood by the broken north facing window and gave a passing look over the foggy landscape with his first puff at the cigarette. The sombre looking slum in front of him had sunken to an indifferent oneness of obscurity by the rested veil of mist at this hour of the night. Far away, keeping the faint red sky against its background, a pair of chimneys stood, excreting piles of white smoke. On the street, three floors below the window, the Topsy-turvy passers by looked painted by blinking neons of the ‘one-night-cheap-hotel’ banner, which he had checked in two hours ago. The highly expensive car, parked at one side of the street gave a sharp contrast to the whole picture. And in this moon-bathed night, fifty feet above the ground, the owner stood silent, reclined to the heavy crawling of the passing moments. His wedding ring once shone bright as the moon-light fell on it and he felt a bit disappointed.

Behind him, there rested a messy room, suffocatingly filled up with the fumes of cheap liquor that came from the shop at ground floor, which mixed up with the scent of a precious feminine perfume and the resultant was almost choking. There was a small side table which claimed a heavy activity in past few hours: few bottles of whiskey, empty cigarette packets, used and virgin condoms, a ring, Viagra pills and a violet vanity bag; a bed, chiefly for wild purposes; two pieces of a slutty outfit lay crushed at a corner of the room; a noodle-strap brassiere hanging abandoned, from a nail on the wall and a g-string swirled at one leg of the bed. One the bed a lady squatting, a blanket partially covering her, and her cup shaped voluptuous breasts left at ease. Her disoriented hair showed the intensity of the recently passed hours and the bags beneath her eyes, her utter exhaustion.

Few hours back, a small car slowly dragged itself down a deserted street and at last its engine stopped with a jerk. This part of the city is very much different from the rest, separated by an invisible, undefined but consciously existent line of demarcation, where perversion is explicit, rather than secretly practiced like the rest of the society; this is the red-light area. Here the car stood with impatient anticipations of a tumultuous night, and after a few moments of certain considerations, the door opened. A bare, perfectly nurtured leg, waxed and smoothened with one singular intention to flaunt, decorated to burn with a pretty high heel shoe, came out and after an initial shiver landed confidently on the ground. Then came a hand and rested on the top of the door and then, putting pressure on the hand and the leg, the entire mystery spread itself out against the dark canvas of the surroundings. The lady was in a two-piece dress: her skirt worn significantly below the waist line as if a bit more might have exposed the butt crack; and considerably short in length, that revealed the lower part of her butt to quite a much extent. The perfect roundness of her hips climbed upwards to a remarkably thin waist-line, continuing the attraction through her velvety bare back with a sweet interruption of a knot between the straps that held her blouse to her chest, till the ivory-white neck; her hair tied upwards into a swirling bun, leaving her entire back at display. It seemed as if a fantastic dream is been painted on the portrait of Grey reality, a vicious web of mystery been woven, intertwining the fanciful and the conscious living. For an instant or a many, as if the night waited the revelation of this suspense, and then dispersing all clouds of tired imagination, the beauty turned. The attraction now raises to the level of hallucination; a creamy abdomen with an artistically cut navel, soft feminine ribs and on it, resting the crowning glory of male-fantasy, two ample breasts, carved out to flawlessness and covered with a tiny piece of blouse which seemed disappointingly unable to hold the pressure with the help of two extremely thin straps that rested on her otherwise naked shoulders. The cleavage was alluring t

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