Bhagirathi aunty sends me and mummy to a journey of INCEST

My name is Dhruva. I stay in Bangalore with my dad and mom. This incident happened about 6 years back. That time I was 19. My mom name is Kalpana. So when this incident happened she would be 42 years.

Mummy had a best friend called Bhagirathi. This lady was some 2-3 years elder to my mom. Bhagi aunt was a widow who lived with her son Vijay and aged mother. Every now and then she and her son would come to our house. Sometimes we went to their house. Just a 10 minute walk from our house to hers.

[Note : Usually we talk in Kannada but here I have translated all conversations into English]

One Ugadi festival day, mom prepared “payasam” and told me “Putta, quickly go to Bhagu aunt’s house and give her this payasam. Its her favourite. Come back soon. I would have breakfast ready then”
It was 8 a.m when I went to Bhagu aunt’s house. Her aged mother opened door and let me in. I asked where is aunt? She told me “Today is festival. So head bath for her son. Bhagu aunt is applying oil to Vijju. Go to the backyard”
When I went near backdoor it was closed. So I called out “Bhagu aunty. Can I come there”. She heard me and said “Come putta.No problem”.
But when I went to their backyard….I was left shocked. Her son Vijju was standing stark naked and Bhagu aunt was oil massaging him. Even aunty was not wearing saree…..just blouse,petticoat. When aunt was casually applying oil to Vijju and talking to me I was thinking “Chee….What a shameless fellow he is….22 year old and standing naked in front of his mother”. Even I wondered about aunty “No saree… can she wear just blouse in front of son”. In fact when I went near I could clearly see Bhagu aunt’s cleavage from within her blouse.
Since Vijju is my friend, I teased him “What man..arent you ashamed to be naked like this?” VIjju told “Why should I feel ashamed. She is my mother. I am naked in front of her”. Then Bhagu aunt told me “No son should be ashamed in front of his mother”

A week later when Bhagu aunt visited our place she asked mummy “Kalpana. Who gives headbath to putta?” Mummy told her that my son is very shy and he himself will have bath. He wont allow me to give bath to him. He is shy to undress in front of me also. Bhagu told “Very sad. A son ashamed in front of his parents. Bad. I will sort it out”. She asked mom when I will take head bath next. Mom told “Every Sunday after 9 am”
The next Sunday Bhagu aunt came to our house at 8.30 am. My dad had Sunday working day,Monday holiday. She talked with him and mummy for sometime and then dad left.
Then she called me and told “Putta.Today amma will give you headbath”. I was somehow reluctant saying I am grown up now. But she said “Listen to me. You should give amma the privilege to bathe you”. Then she told mummy “Kalpa, go and get the oil container”.
Mom went inside and very soon came with the oil container. Then Bhagu told me “Putta, remove your pyjamas”. After some reluctance and persisting by Bhagu aunt I removed Pajamas and was in shorts. Then Bhagu aunt told “Putta…Now come on…remove the shorts”. I told “Aunty….no…How can I…I am 19 now”. Even mom added “Bhagu Leave it. He will feel ashamed. He’s a shy boy”. But Bhagu was adamant. She said “No…No…I don’t like it if a son is shy in front of his parents”
She told me “Come on..Putta…remove the shorts”. Surprisingly even mom too started encouraging me “Its Ok…Putta…remove it…Don’t waste time…after all I am your amma and Bhagu is like your doddamma”
Seeing no way out….I slowly downed my shorts and within no time I was standing naked in front of these 2 ladies. After a gap of almost 11 years I became naked in front of mom. In fact, when I downed my shorts the eyes of both ladies went to my cock. It was embarrassing.
Then when amma took the oil container. Bhagu aunt told her “Kalpa…you just remove your saree”. Mom was astonished. Initially reluctant but Bhagu’s adamancy came to the fore. So mom removed the saree and kept it aside. There she was in a blouse,underskirt. To be honest,I felt happy to see mom like that.
Then mom started applying oil to me entire body. It felt so great. Mom’s soft hands all over my body. In fact,when she bent down to apply oil to leg I got a glimpse of her breasts. When mom was finished Bhagu told her “Put some oil on his thunne(cock)….Why did you leave it?”….Mom felt ashamed and covered her face and ran away into kitchen to further heat the bath water.
Then Bhagu told me “Come putta…..15 minutes ..sit with me….we will talk…be casual…don’t feel ashamed”. I sat beside her full naked and she started talking with me. Mom too came and started talking. Then slowly Bhagu aunt took some oil in her hands.poured it onto my cock and started to massage it! Oh My God…..this time I was really ashamed….some lady hands on my cock….When mummy again covered her face Bhagu told her “You people are really shy. Kalpa, even this thing (cock) needs to be taken care off”
Then my mom gave me a bath. Interestingly, when mom was giving me bath, this lady stood at the entrance of the bathroom and talking with mom. But to be honest, I was really happy that day for getting a bath from mummy.

Next 2-3 Sundays, also that lady came during bath time. Since both had seen me nanga what shame I had then. I used to remove my pajamas,shorts and get naked. Mom her saree.

But on the 4th Sunday…One surprise was in store. I was all oiled up naked in bathroom. Mom readied the hot water. Bhagu was standing there only. Just when mom got ready to bathe me Bhagu stopped her and told –
“Kalpa….today….remove your blouse”
Both me and amma were SHOCKED!. Mom turned around and quickly told “Bhagu….What are you saying? I am not wearing a bra inside….How can I remove my blouse…”
Bhagu told “I told you na…..remove your blouse”….To which amma told “Bhagu….I will be barebreasted…How can I show my mimmi’s (breasts)( to my son”
Bhagu told “Yes…That’s right…show tour mimmi’s to YOUR SON….he’s your son….let him see it…I didn’t ask you to show your breasts to my son or the neighbour’s son”
“Come on Kalpa..remove your blouse today…see, when your son himself has removed his shame in front of you….Why cant you?”
After much persisting finally mom gave in. Slowly her hands made its way to her blouse. But Bhagu told “Don’t remove in front of me…Turn around..remove blouse in front of putta”
Mom turned around. One by one slowly she removed her blouse hooks. My heart was pounding. Finally when amma opened her blouse….I was in HEAVEN….first time in life got to see her breasts….Wonderful…Milky white…..fuller breasts…Great tits. From behind Bhagu aunt helped mummy remove her blouse off her shoulders and aunt kept that blouse aside.
As mummy became topless in front of me…her head hung in shame…she bowed her head.
Quickly Bhagu added “No…Kalpa…No…Don’t feel ashamed…He’s your son….Look at him….Look at his face…”
When mummy looked at me…I got nervous..because my eyes were set on her lovely,ample breasts….I couldn’t face her and looked elsewhere….
This time Bhagu aunt told me “Putta…..Where are you looking….what is there on the wall….Look at your amma….Look at her eyes…Look at her mimmi’s”

But when I stared at her breasts..slowly erection started…..I got embarrassed….my hands moved to cover my erection. Here again Bhagu aunt told “Putta…No…Its natural….Let go…Let go….Let it grow”
Now with an erected cock I stood in front of mom as she started to bathe me. In fact,at one point when mom came behind me to wash my back…..Bhagu aunt signalled me to go one step back…when I did……my back dashed onto her breasts….Wow….What a feeling that was….My own mummy…her breasts against my back….this very feel…..slowly semen started coming out of my cock…I got ashamed…Bhagu signalled to me not to react as it was Natural….even mum saw semen dripping….but she ignored.
In fact,after the bath, Bhagu aunt sat with both of us and gave a huge lecture on nakedness, removing shame….which I am not going to discuss here. Overall, she meant Nudity is Natural. We should not have shame about it.

Next 2 Sundays also not much of changed happened during bath time. Myself naked, mummy topless. However, since mummy’s petticoat/underskirt used to get wet during bath time…. on the advice of Bhagu aunt, 2 Sundays later mom started wearing a towel around her waist. This was even more Hot and Heavenly. Bare breasts, bare waist, thighs,legs all exposed….also if mom turned around her bare back…..Wow….
Slowly Bhagi aunty also started skipping a visit to our house on Sundays. However, some Sunday suddenly she used to come to check whether I and mom have kept her initiative alive. By the time 4 Sundays went by even mummy started feeling comfortable about being bare breasted.

One Sunday a major incident happened –
Bhagirathi aunty hadn’t come. As usual mummy gave me a bath. While giving bath she used to talk something or the other. That day as she finished giving me a bath, the mug in her hand fell down. While trying to pick it up in a hurry…..the towel which she had wrapped around her waist fell off…..making her Complete Naked in front of me….first time mom became total naked.
Seeing mom naked right in front of me…and with Bhagu aunt also not there…I got heavily aroused. I got up and hugged my mom. My mom tried to free herself saying “Putta, What is this ….leave me…..I am your amma”. As my hug grew tighter….she found it uncomfortable and started panting right in front of my face…her open mouth, fresh breath coming out of her mouth really turned me on….as I put my mouth on hers. My wet mouth kiss, my naked wet body against her naked body surely would have aroused her as she too hugged me and responded to my kiss. But after a minute yet again, she freed herself and told “Putta..Please..Stop..What are we doing”
Saying so, she raced towards the hall. Her bouncing bum really turned me on. As I too quickly ran behind her. She had ran till the Diwan in the hall when I caught up with her and from behind I caught hold of her breasts with both my hands. Yet again she started saying “Putta….This is wrong…I am your mother…whats wrong with you”
But with both her breasts in my hands I was in no mood to listen. I pushed her onto the Diwan and she fell flat on it. The very sight on my mom naked lying on the Diwan further aroused me and I quickly mounted on her and again put my mouth on hers. Slowly I took her lower lip into my mouth and started to chew on it. With both of us laid naked on the Diwan and with my mouth chewing her lips…slowly she started giving in as she too took my lips into her mouth and chewed on it.
With mom silently laid….I slowly started kissing allover on her face….her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks….in fact, I even licked her chubby cheeks…licked her lips…went further down and started to kiss her neck…then went over to her breasts….for about 5 minutes I was just licking her breasts and tits…then started to suck her breasts and tits for another 10 minutes. Up there she was moaning and moaning with delight. All sorts of sounds from her mouth. But when I was sucking her tits……I felt like cumming. So I quickly took my cock to her cunt. But alas….she saw and quickly realized what I was upto.
She shouted “No Putta…no…I am your amma….dont do this thing”. As she got up to leave…in all the hurry I exploded my semen onto her thighs instead. She started running towards the room. I knew if she goes into the room and locks herself it will be all over.
So again I went behind her and caught hold of her from behind near the room door. She was saying “Putta.Leave me….Enough…we have already crossed limits”. Surprisingly, as she was saying this simultaneously she started saying “aaaahhhhhh” “aaaaaaa”. Then I realized – My erected, semen-stained cock was rubbing her bums and yet again she was getting aroused.
Again I came behind her correctly and started to rub my cock onto her bum. Same time I was squeezing her breasts and kissing her neck. For 5 minutes this went on until fully aroused she turned around and pushed me onto the floor. I fell down…luckily we have a spongy carpet on the floor…didn’t hurt much. As I lay on floor…a fully aroused mom with a beastly look on her face mounted on me…lay on me…took my mouth in her mouth and started chewing on it. In fact, my entire lips was in her mouth. For 5 minutes she chewed and chewed. Then she kissed me all over my face. Kissed and licked my neck, chest,nipple….and with a huge arousal happening….my cock erected to monstrous size. Seeing that, she went down and in one go took my entire cock in her mouth. Next 15 minutes she was just sucking, sucking and sucking.
Both of us started getting tired and at one stage when she let go off my cock…..I exploded another round of orgasm…all over her…..semen on her cheek,breasts,waist,thighs….fully tired she crashed onto me and both of us cuddled up with each other.

Then came the shocker. Door bell rang. We got worried. Is it Daddy? Cant be…..Luckily Bhagu aunt called out “Putta….Kalpa…..Its me”. Mom got up to attend the main door.
I held mom and told “No….Mom…don’t open door…what will she think if she sees us both like this…Let her go away”
Mom told “Why should we be afraid of her? After all it was that bitch who started all this..Let her see till where it has reached”.
Mom went to the main door and asked Bhagu whether she was alone or with someone. She told that she was alone. Mom opened the door slightly and let Bhagu in. When aunt came in she was shocked on seeing mummy naked.
“What is going on here? Why are you naked?”. Slowly aunt saw me naked on floor with an erected cock….she slowly looked at mummy again…semen on her cheeks, breasts, thighs…slowly she realized what was going on.

“Here lady…have a chair. It’s Showtime” said mom to Bhagu aunt….as aunt sat on the chair….mom sexily came upto me, mounted on me…both of us hugged each other, began making love to each other….right in front of Bhagirathi aunt… Bhagu aunt sat and watched a mother-son travelling deeper into the WORLD OF INCEST.

Story : Felix Feedback : [email protected]

Added by Felix

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