Aunty marie

He comes up and i tell him dude im pulling my dick out of my shorts and gonna try and rub it up against her. Mat says so am i.

Aunt marie eases back into the pool and swims towards us. I dunk mat and push him away. Marie jumps up placing her hands on my head trying to dunk me. I tell her
I don’t think so. Turning and wrapping my arms around hers as i move around behind her. I just hold onto her with my dick pushed up against her ass. She starts wiggleing around. My dick is up against her bare skin. She stops moving around i feel her hand wrap around my dick and squueze it. Just then mat runs up wrapping his arms around both of us and we all 3 fall under the water. I let go of her as she let go of my dick and swims off to the deep end.

Right then maintenance man walks up hey yall i have to lock up the pool now. Oh hey marie how are you doing. These your nephews. She tells him yes and ask him would it be okey if we stayed in alittle longer?
He tells her guessed so but he would need to turn off the pool lights so no one else would come swimming and she had to lock the gate when we left.

He turns off all the lights around the pool and in the pool but left on the lights that were on the fence.

Mat swims up, dude lets take off our shorts. I tell him yeah right aunt marie would freak out and deffintley tell on us if we done that. Mat says you wouldnt do that would you aunt marie.

She looks down at us and ask do what?

I tell her mat wants to skinny dipp but i told him you would freak out and tell our moms. She laughs. Mat says tell him your not some old shrud snitch.

She laughs again. Im not that old and im deffintley not a snitch.

Mat says see dude. He throws his shorts over to the steps. Me not letting mat out do me i take off mine and throw them to the steps.
Aunt marie starts moving around alot goes under the water comes up and a second later she puts what looks like her bikini top on the edge of the pool.

She laughs and says you 2 little perverts better stay away from me now. She starts swimming around the deep end and mat tries to dunk me. As we start wrestling around aunt marie swims alittle closer to us. As soon as she gets close enough mat lunches at her trying to grab ahold of her. She moves away from him and i move towards her grabbing her arm yanking her towards me. Pulling her into the shallow end i move around behind her my dick slides right between her legs. I start humping against her. She laughs saying you little perv. Mat swims up she tries to kick at mat and he grabs her legs spreads them apart and starts moving up between her legs. She pulls her arms free and starts pushing mat back, saying i dont think so buddy. I reach around and squueze her titts pinching her left nipple. She yanks my hand away. Mat has his hands under the water between them and she says oh no you dont and manages to get her leg up placing her foot on his chest pushing away from her.. as her legs go down i manage to run my hand between her legs. Shes shaved. I quickly slide a finger between her lips and push my finger into her pussy. Work in and out a couple times before she manages to pull my hand away. And says nice try and pushes me away.
She swims over to the edge of the pool again. Mat swims up. Dude i almost had the head of my dick inside her.
I got a finger in her.

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