Aunt is a slut

Simon could tell Sophia was anxious. When she came down in the morning she was positively glowing with excitement. He gave her a smile and from her reaction he thought she was going to have an orgasm right there in the middle of the breakfast parlor. She had to grab onto the counter to keep her balance.

With everyone around Sophia was trying to figure out how she was going to survive until the evening for her rules. The wait will be excruciating especially if he keeps smiling at her like that. Her pussy nearly exploded in front of everyone. Her panties were already soaking wet.

When Simon reached the rocks he saw that Sophia was already there.

Simon: Well someone is anxious tonight I see.

Sophia: You have no idea.

Simon: I think after the display at breakfast i just might.

Sophia: Yes, that was close.

Simon: You are determined then?

Sophia: Very, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to address you right now.

Simon: Ah, you are eager for your rules?

Sophia: Again very.

Simon: Yes I see that. Did you make yourself cum again last night?

Sophia: Yes.

Simon: Did you taste your pussy juices?

Sophia: Yes.

Simon gave her a big smile. Sophia just rolled her eyes.

He explained the rules to her. For now while they were on vacation she was Aunt Sophia until she offered him the panties she was wearing. If he accepted them then she was no longer Aunt Sophia but rather his dirty slut until he returned them to her. She was expected to do whatever he asked without hesitation or question. She was also required to answer any question posed to her with complete truth. He would have complete control over every inch of her gorgeous body without question. She would also be required to address him as sir. If she offered him her panties this was her agreeing to these terms, they were nonnegotiable and it was her choice each time. He also explained that any infraction would be dealt with harshly and if she refused him anything she would be expected to leave his presence immediately along with the termination of this agreement. He also explained that if they decided to continue after vacation it would become his option to demand her panties at any time with all rules applying.

Simon: Do you fully understand these rules.

Sophia: Yes sir.

Sophia had listened to his explanation of the rules trembling from head to toe and juices gushing from her pussy. She was having a lot of difficulty controlling herself. She watched him pour himself a glass of wine and sit down on the rocks. He stared at her in complete silence swishing the wine in his glass. She realized this was it, that he was waiting for her to offer him her panties or chicken out. He had that smug grin on his face that told her he had no doubt she would give in to her new slut self and his every demand. This was her sister’s son and she was about to give complete control of her body over to him and no amount of alarm bells in her head were going to stop her. She moved forward so she was right in front of him and with trembling hands pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. She picked them up, sighed and offered them to him.

Please wait…

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