An incest birthday

“Oh yes youre fucking me so hard! yes! i love you, Randy! I love you! I love you!” she screamed.

After a few minutes a felt the familiar tingle in my balls and screamed “im gonna cum!” I pushed in her as far as i could go and exploded all of my seed into her. After what seemed like a minute of filling her up i we both collapsed on her bed exhausted.

We both lay there and held each other. I looked at her clock and it read 4:37. After a while she looked at me and smiled. I kissed her on the lips and caressed her.

“So does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend now?” she said with a smirk on her face

“Yes and so much more” i said

Before we could say anything else we both saw a light hit the hallway, which meant our parents had cut their bedroom light on, since i never really shut the door when i came in Ritas room, so i grabbed my stuff to leave before we got caught.

Before i got out the door, i heard Rita call me. “Randy” my called out, “yea” i said

“happy birthday” she said as she winked at me. I smiled as i went to bed happy, awaiting what the rest of the day has in store for me.

Added by nivek

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