Adventures with mom

Hi readers, Maheshwari (my mom) asked me to share our experiences here, so I m posting it.

I am yash, studying in delhi. I am the only son of my parents.
my dad died in a car crash, it’s been a dad had a huge life insurance which means me and my mom(maheshwari) had a huge bank balance and a house.

now I am 21 and my mom is 40, she had me at the age of 19 when she was in the college and married my dad, they were college sweethearts. my dad’s death devastated my mom, till now she never recovered it from fully. she misses my dad very much and been through a lot.

my mom is not a fair looking women, if you are rude you will call her ugly.
she has a face full of pimple scars and a dark coloured skin. but when she enters the room all guys will turn towards her because of her body.

she is 5foot5inch tall and 60kg of weight, she has the body of actress vidaya balan. she has a long dark hair till her waists and with a cherry red lips.
but her real impressive assets are her ass, they are perfectly round and firm. her breasts are neither shaggy nor tight, they are somewhere in the middle. Her weight padded out her curves, giving her legs thickness to die for.

mom is very much depressed as my dad’s birthday is tomorrow, for every birthday dad will take mom for a trip. but for this birthday he is not with us.
so i decided to take my mom for a trip to cheer her up.

when I told mom about the trip her face brightened up. she immediately said okay. she asked me where are we going and I said we are going to shimla to see the sunset tomorrow evening and return here by midnight. mom agreed to the plan and everything was set, we are starting our journey tomorrow morning.

mom came near me and gave a kiss in my forehead and said good night and left. i went to my bedroom and slept thinking of tomorrow’s plan.
I woke up early in the morning and made my car ready for the travel, I didn’t pack much stuff as it was a short trip for about 18hour.

I opened my laptop and started browsing through my face book feed, mom came out of the room and said
“What do you think? Is this good?”
she was wearing a pink salwar kamize. The top showed off her massive breasts while sticking to her small frame tightly. After scanning her body
“it was fine.” i replied

“fine, not good?” she went into her room and shut the door again.
After another few minutes she emerged again.

this time she was wearing a white saree with red borders and a red blouse and a red petti coat. her saree was tied an inch below the navel and her hips were revealing. She had a belt of flesh cinched around her stomach, creating curves that any woman would be jealous of.

“How about this?” She said, looking down at her body.

In my eyes she looked absolutely gorgeous.
“It looks great!” I said, “Maybe formal, but it’s still good.”

she is finally satisfied with my answer and we both walked towards the car.

i sat in the driver’s seat and mom took the seat near me, i inserted the car’s key and with a roar the car came to life. i started to drive the car, I glanced over, eyes catching as the seat belt was pulled tight between the valley of my mother’s breasts. She was occupied with leaning forward to try and get a glimpse of the road.

after few hours we were on the shimla highways, we stopped the car to have some snacks in the nearby hotel and refuelled the car and we continued our journey.

we reached our destination at around evening 5 o clock and we enjoyed the hill tops of shimla, took many selfies. I was finally happy to see my mom happy. we saw the sunset from a hill top. while enjoying the view, it started pouring heavily so we decided to return to delhi.

the sun was out, the road we were on had no other cars, it was a “S” bend road. I was cruising at a 30km speed and suddenly we heard a rumbling sound from the top of the hill. several tons of sand slid in our way blocking the road.

“watch out” my mom shouted.

I applied the brakes suddenly and tires screeched, the car stopped after a few feet. Fortunately we were safe, but our road is blocked by tons of sand.
I looked over at my mother, who had up to this point been dead silent during the commotion. She looked like she was hyperventilating.

“Are you okay Mom?!”

She looked up at me, eyes filled with hysteria but quickly fading.

“Yeah, but what was that?”

“it was a LANDSLIDE” mom.

We took a second to catch our breath.

mom began to call the emergency services, after few seconds of “hmm okay hmm” she hung up the line and
said to me “it is pouring heavily, they will clear the landslide after the pouring dies down, till then we are stuck in this car.”

“So we wait?”

mom merely shrugged in response.

“I guess we have to.”

so we had to spend a night in the car, i turned the ignition off thus we won’t get run out of fuel.
we are freezing inside the car, due to the cold weather. we both are shivering. we don’t have any blankets and sweaters with us.

mom said to me ” we can fold the seats on the back row and could lie down inside the boot of the car”
i nodded my head and we got out the car and opened the boot door and flipped the seats and entered into the car from the and my mom got settled into the car. it was not comfortable, but it was slightly warmer than before.

mom said ” I will remove my saree and we both could get into the saree and hug each other to keep us warm”
I said nothing and simply nodded my head.

mom removed the safety pin from the blouse and begin to remove her saree, although it was dark i can see my mom’s glowing skin in the dim moonlight. she removed her saree fully and gave me the one end of it to me. I covered myself with mom’s saree and the other end mom covered herself. now mom was only in her blouse and petticoat

now we both were inside my mom’s saree. mom said “lets hug yash”, on hearing it I went to hug my mom, but she stopped me and said ” we should not hug facing each other, beta I will turned towards my left and you hug me from my behind.”

I said “okay mom.”

she turned towards her left and I hugged my mom from behind, my left hand was under my mom’s neck and right hand was around my mom’s face was behind her head and hair was rubbing in my nose. I started to smell her fragrance, it was a motherly scent, that I would never get tired of.

anyone seeing us from outside would tell that we are a romantic couple.
my dick started to grow and I know mom would feel it in her butt, as my waist was brushing against mom’s was the strongest erection I ever had in my life.
time started to roll out and a silence started to spread inside the car, to break the silence I started a talk.

me: maheshwari (I call my mom sometimes by her name), why are not into any other men?

mom: (smilingly) my son is in good mood today

me: u know dad would be happy if you found an, another man for you?

mom: it’s not easy to get someone caring nowadays

me: u have to try harder, maheshwari

mom: all men want to have sex, but they don’t even treat me as their soulmate.

me: So, you want a romantic partner?

mom: yes, I want a man who cares about me like your father

me: So, you will marry him, if he cares about you as much as my dad

mom: who will marry an ugly woman like me?

me: mom, what’s wrong with you? you are the most beautiful woman I ever met.

mom: stop it yash, I know how I look, stop kidding me.

me: mom believe me, if you were not my mom, I would fuck you! (lowered my voice as I am saying that)

I realized it was a mistake, waited for the mom’s reaction.

mom:( raising eye brows) you would what?

mom turned towards me (now mom and i are facing each other and hugging) her soft melons are pressing against my chest. my hard dick is touching her groin. We both feel our breath’s hotness.

mom: do you know why I love your father so much? My self-esteem was at rock bottom during college days and your father changed all that for me. now he is no more

on saying that mom started to cry and buried her face in my shoulders. i started to pat on my mom’s back.

me: don’t worry maheshwari, I will fill up my father’s place in your life.

on hearing it she lifted her head from my shoulder and placed a kiss over my lips.

I could feel the wetness of my mom’s lips and we kissed for about two minutes.
by the time we separated, I could feel a change in the atmosphere around us.

After only a brief moment of staring into each other’s eyes, our lips met once more, this time both of us rushing forward to meet. A passion had emerged, one that ought not to be between a mother and a son, but one that had appeared all the same.

My hands naturally wandered to my mother’s butt, but I quickly pulled them back up, worried that it could shatter the wonderfully raw air between us. However, I immediately felt one of my Mom’s hands leave my back, reaching to place my hand back onto her butt.

We continued on like that, long enough I didn’t think it would end. Minutes passed as our passion grew. Later, and much to my chagrin, Mom pulled her head back to separate our lips. Her next words changed my momentary despair into the highest of delights.

“You know yash, there was one thing your father did that would always cheer me up…”

I could feel her hand tracing the bulge in my pants as she spoke.
I know what she was implying, “Are you sure?” I asked, “I mean, I totally want to, but… Are you sure about this…?”

A sly grin came over her face as she placed a firm hand over my rod.

“I’ve never been more, sure in my life!”

With that, we both rushed forward, our lips connecting as our passion erupted again. Our tongues intertwined, as our longings were realized.

I was using my hands to feel my own mother’s glorious ass, revelling in its perfect mix of softness and firmness, evident even through the tight fabric of her petticoat.
A wave of excitement rolled through me as I felt one of her hands tugging at my belt and the zipper of my jeans. Feeling her clumsy fumbling with the buckle I quickly reached down and undid the buckle, allowing her full access to my crotch.

We tossed aside the saree, too inflamed by our desires to notice or care about the now even lighter chill.

Mom took the lead, rolling on top of me while continuing to kiss. Finally, she broke us apart, a smile plastered on her face as she began crawling backwards. Her enormous breasts dragged across my body, a heaven in its own right, until she halted her retreat at my crotch. With a grin that wouldn’t look out of place on a kid receiving a new toy, she quickly unzipped me, before wrenching down my jeans and underwear at once.

Because my dick had hardened down the leg of my jeans, when she pulled them off, it naturally sprang up, nearly hitting her in the face.

“Oh my god!” she said (my size was about 8 inch)
“Mmm” she moaned, licking her lips, “I can’t wait until this is inside me.”

Her cute pink tongue snaked out from her plump red lips, tracing a warm path up the length of my cock, leaving a trail of spit that rapidly cooled in the chilly air. It was wonderful, and as she began pumping my shaft while licking around my glans, I couldn’t help but moan in response.

“Oh fuck, Mom!”

She paused, looking up at me with a grin as she began rapidly jerking me off with just one hand.

“Don’t worry yashie, we’ll get there…”

I could only grin back, my initial trepidation gone, replaced by the desire to fuck my own mother. My desire was temporarily satiated by her extraordinary dick-sucking skills.

Mom choked and slobbered over my dick for the next couple minutes, giving me the most pleasure anyone had ever managed before. Her eye contact was fiery hot, and feeling her moan as she rubbed herself through her petticoat was beautiful.

She finally came up for air, a small strand of spit connecting her to my cock.

“Mmm, I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

The strand broke as she began crawling up my torso.
When she was face-to-face with me, I surprised her, pulling her into a tight hug and mashing her enormous assets against my chest. She was trapped, unable to move as I held her in the tight embrace and forced her lips against my own. I could have stayed there forever, enjoying the plush curves of her body as she melted into my embrace.

With a small effort, I flipped us around, a small yelp coming from my mother before she ended up beneath me. I broke our lips apart to look down towards our touching crotches, blocked by the fabric of her petticoat.

She quickly untied her petticoat, using both hands to try and push off the petticoat. With a herculean effort, she finally managed to wiggle the petticoat off her lush hips and round bottom, leaving only a small pair of white panties separating our sexes.

I took the initiative this time, crawling back to allow me to pull the panties down, revealing a well-trimmed bush and beautiful pussy lips. The folds looked delicious and were covered in a sheen of juices. I could hardly wait to see what it looked like with my dick in it.

I quickly pulled the panties and petticoat completely off her legs, before crawling back on top of her, back in position.

I looked up at maheshwari, the excited grin on my face reflected on her own.

“You ready?” I asked.

She started running her hands over my body as she responded.
“Fuck yes!” she said, surprising me with her eagerness, “I’ve wanted this for years!”

She wanted this for years? I wanted to ask her about what she meant, but there were more pressing matters at hand, such as my cockhead pushing apart her pussy lips.

I groaned as I felt my tip gently begin its intrusion.

She was wet, wetter than anyone I had ever fucked before, and with her juices, the copious amounts of spit, and my admittedly abnormal amount of precum, my entrance was far smoother than I expected.

The car filled with the sound of Mom’s sensual moans, undercut by my occasional involuntary groans. She was tight, but in the most pleasurable way possible.

After I was a few inches in, I felt her hands push against me, causing me to stop.

“Just give me a minute beta,” She moaned, “I haven’t had such a big dick in years. I just need some time to adjust.”

Happy to oblige, I leaned over, filling the time with deep kisses while I gently palmed her enormous breasts. Even through the thick bra and blouse I could feel her nipples, fueling my lust as I continued to feel her up, her moans a bit quieter, but just as sensual.

“Alright baby, fill me up now, I’m ready!”

With her petite hands no longer blocking my way, I slowly began pushing in and pulling out, moving deeper inch after inch. With a soft bump, I soon found myself nudging against the back of her vagina. I looked down to see I only had about an inch left to go; she had taken me deeper than anyone else.

“I think that’s as deep as I can go. How does it feel?”

Judging from her continuous moaning, I guessed it would be a positive answer.

“Holy shit! It feels so fucking good beta! You better start fucking this tight little pussy!”

With her encouragement, I pulled back out, careful not to go too fast, but far faster than my slow beginning. Once I was nearly out, I quickly pushed back in, eliciting a loud moan from Mom as she began to massage her breasts.

I began to slide back and forth, in and out, picking up speed. I soon found a pleasing rhythm, moving fast enough to cause my mother’s titanic tits to heave up and down on her chest. I watched their hypnotic motion, rocking and swaying under the red blouse , until I couldn’t hold back anymore. I placed my hands on the massive mounds, digging my fingers into the soft fabric of her bra and blouse while squeezing the pliant flesh underneath.

“Mmm, fuck, squeeze my huge tits beta! Squeeze your mom’s fat titties!”

She wrapped her legs around my back as she came, forcing my full length into her now spasming pussy. Her legs were quivering as she began to buck her hips, stirring my length around inside her.

It felt like I was going to bite through my cheek as I clamped down to stop myself from cumming. I could usually last at least a half hour in bed if I was seriously trying, but fucking my own mother and her amazingly sexy body was making me cum far sooner.

Her thick legs soon unlocked from behind my back, and she began panting as she came back down from her high.

“Oh my god! I haven’t cum like that in years!”

I pulled out of her now soaked snatch, a quiet slurping noise sounding when my head exited.

“I was pretty close myself, I thought I’d be able to last longer.” I leaned over and kissed her briefly, “But you’re just too damn sexy.”

She scooted out from under me, motioning for me to lay down where she had just been.

“Let me see if I can’t help you finish then…”

After I lay down, Mom climbed onto me, straddling me with her wide hips and juicy legs. She positioned me carefully in her folds, then let herself be impaled on my length. She gasped as my tip pressed against her cervix, but she was even hornier now than before and she could take my whole dick.

Mom began gyrating her hips as she began a show, exclusive for me. She reached down, grabbing the hooks of her blouse and removing it one by one, to reveal her bra-clad tits. She was wearing a white bra with grey lace patterns on the outside. The flowery patterns covering only half the obscene surface area of her chest. Thick straps hooked over her shoulders, more than an inch wide, but necessary to support the weight of her breasts.

Speaking of which, her tits were even bigger up close than I thought, the enormity of them hard to describe. When she saw my gaping jaw, she shook her chest, the flesh threatening to spill out of the cups, something I wanted them to do desperately. I could see her grinning ear-to-ear as she reached behind her back.

When the strap disconnected and the undergarment fell off, the only thing that stopped me from freezing completely was the slow gyrations of her hips on my crotch.

After taking a moment to absorb the magnitude of her tits, I leaned forward, taking her rock-hard nipple into my mouth. My gentle suck was followed by her own gentle smile, as we each enjoyed a quiet moment of pleasure, her grinding and my suckling.

she slowly started to increase the speed of her hips.
i shouted mom “I m going to cum”


I raised an eyebrow as she leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“I want you to cum inside.”

My cock pulsed inside her at the arousing words.

“A-Are you sure?”

She laughed brightly at my words.

“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill, it helps with my period cramps. Besides,” She said, smirking at me, “I felt your dick twitching at the thought of cumming in me.”

She began to bounce up and down, seemingly fully recovered from her last orgasm.

“Do you want that? You want to cum inside your mommy?”

Her playful words were turning me on more than I thought possible. That, combined with the long strokes of her silky smooth tunnel and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to last.

“Mmm, I bet my baby wants to cum right inside Mommy’s tight little hole. I want you to fill me up, honey, fill me up with your hot cum!”

After a minute more of her dirty talk, both of us were about ready to explode. I began to thrust up as she came down, slamming my cock into her hole with even greater force. The air was filled with the smacking of flesh and the grunts and moans of our exertion.

“Fuck! Fill me up baby, I want you to cum inside Mommy!”

I felt her tunnel clamp down on me with a vice-like grip, the extra stimulation sending me over the edge.


I gripped my hands on Mom’s thick hips, slamming her crotch into my own as I began spraying cum inside her. Mom was going through her own orgasm, grinding against me and continuing to stimulate. Her pussy was contracting, milking my cock as I coated the inside of her pussy with my hot cum.

A minute passed, Mom only making exhausted grinding motions. Finally, she rolled us to the side with my cock still inside and we rested in each other’s arms, tired from our intense fuck.

“yashie, that was the best fuck i ever had in my life” said my mom
“mine too maheshwari” i replied.

“are we going to do that again, maheshwari?” I asked looking at her.

she said ” yashie, I love you”.

what happened after is for another story…….

(please feel free to give your feedback at [email protected])

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