A Drawing Affair

Hi readers

It’s Ananth here. 28 years old, little dark, good physique, painter by profession, and very much naughty in my mind. I will like to narrate a experience of mine which I enjoyed about a month ago.

I am good at painting and even teaching the same art. So I work as free lancer teacher in many painting classes in hyderabad. As I was working as usual, a new girl in fact a cute and innocent girl joined the classes named Surbhi. She was 24 years of age, 5’3 of height, fair colour, lite spectacles, figure of around 34-28-32.

She actually looked like a princess to me and I was very much attracted to her. I used to make sure that I always be at painting classes when Surbhi used to come their. She was very much impressed with my art work, and we very soon started to share some good bond over paintings. We started to meet after the painting classes for coffee, movie or some casual drives. I always had a desire to make out with her from the day one I saw her. But she wasn’t so easy to take to bed.

We became good friends in near time, and she even started visiting my home where I used to stay alone. One day at my home while having coffee she asked what doest it takes to be a good painter. I said “it’s the imaginations of the painter by which he creates varieties of images from a single thing and every painter surely makes atleast one piece of which he feels proud about”

She asked “so u made any of such kind”.

I said “no… I didn’t got any such image still to do so”

She :what are you looking for
Me :its actually against the norm of the societies
She :like
Me: well I think I can tell you and I know you won’t judge me as well
She :ofcourse I won’t
Me : well… I want to make a sketch of nude lady…
She : many did that…. I mean u can get the artists who are ready for that.
Me : no I want to draw someone like you
She got stunned for a minute… And asked
She : are you serious…. What’s special in me
Me : you are different…. And more than that I like you…. So I want to draw down my feelings along with you.
She : in your dreams….. I ain’t doing that
Me : I know, it’s stupid to ask… But I just gave a try.
She : hmm… I will be back

She went to the washroom…. And I was just busy with my mobile. When I saw her back, my mobile just fall down from my hand. She came out of the washroom by dropping all her clothes and just wrapping a towel around herself. My eyes were wide open and my dick was already hard as the view was already so beautiful that my hands were not at all interested in lifting up the pencils…. Instead they just wanted to feel the bare skin of Surbhi and her stiff boobs.

She said laughingly
“so Mr. Painter, control your eyes and that thing…. And draw your dream picture… Even I want to see how well you portray me.” and then she dropped the towel as well.

She was just standing in her panties and her boobs were nude in front of my eyes. I just walked towards her and while walking I unbuttoned my pants and removed my t shirt. And my right hand straight away went on her right boob and oh my god I really never felt anything so softer than that. I lifted her chin a little with my left hand and kissed her for the first time. She was aroused to and kissed me back passionately. I went close to her ears and said
“I want to draw u total nude… So I have to take down even your panties”

She didn’t said anything but hugged me tightly.. I knew she won’t resist me so I just went down on my knees and pulled down her panties. Her cunt looked so delicious just I couldn’t resist my eyes from staring it. It was so beautiful tight and well structured cunt with very little hairs just above it. My breathes were already heavy and so heavy that every time I was inhaling I was actually taking the aroma of her cunt inside me and every time I was exhaling I was actually warming her cunt with my hot air. I kissed her cunt and held her waist tightly. She was very much aroused by then.

I then got up and kissed her again and praised her beauty. She smiled. She then asked in which pose she should be. She had clean armpits so I decided to capture everything of her body from her hairs, deep eyes, beautiful smile, perfect boobs, lovely waist and her sensitive cunt. So I asked her to lay on bed with her both hands above her head and her legs just hiding the hole of her cunt by a inch. As she laid in that position all I wanted to just fuck her… But I knew I won’t get this opportunity again so I decided to finish my painting first.

I started to draw her body and with every passing minute she was getting more n more comfortable. I finished it after around 3:30 hours and all was set to show Surbhi her nude body and her special attributes in a painter style. She got up and took towel and wrapped it back on her body. She came and stood in front of me with her face towards the drawing. She was amazed with my talent and way I captured ebeeber corner and depth of her body. She was very happy to see it and I was very happy to feel her body in front of me, as my dick was already searching for her holes from back.

She turned back and kissed me even more passionately. We were kissing around for more than a minute and I don’t even remember when her towel went down and when my dick was out of my pants and was rubbing her cunt from top of it. We broke from the kiss and were looking at each other. I said her now u submitt yourself to me…. And let me explore your body from little inside. She got shy and was smiling with her face down… I lifted her face and kissed her hard this time and by now my hands were little wilder on her body and boobs.

I lifted her in my arms and placed her on the bed. She just kept her eyes closed and allowed me to do anything I want. So I just got up and pulled down my shorts… My dick was in rocky mood by now and was straight saluting the beauty lying in my bed. I went to her started kissing every part of her top body. Her nipples were so good that I just wanted to suck them whole day. I went so mad on her boobs that I was literally eating them and this made her cum. When I realised that she came by this thing I decided to make her more hotter. I went near to her face, looked into her eyes which were very much happy by now, and kissed her. While kissing her I took my finger inside her cunt hole. It was really tight but well lubricated by her cum that my finger started to have a good in n out flow. She was enjoying it and her aaahhhhh mmmmmmaaa….. Made me feel proud. She came again. And this time I enjoyed her expressions while she was Cumming. I started kissing her neck….

And then looked at her eyes, they were like ordering me to now fuck her and insert my tool inside her. I again went to her ears and said I want to fuck u without Condom and cum inside u. She replied “you are allowed to do anything you want to do with my body”. Her words made me go mad and I placed myself above her and my dick exactly knew where to enter.

She was so tight that I really had to put good pressure but once I was inside my dick was into the most beautiful cave I have ever imagined of. My senses were out of this world, her hands rolling all over my back, my hands enjoying the soft texture of her body, my lips joined to her lips, and my dick passionately drilling the best piece it could ever. After about 3-4 minutes of missionary position, I got harder on her lips, my hands were now squeezing her boobs more harder, she already in her best climax position, my ears filled with her louder voices of aaahhhhh hhhhhuuuu yeahahhhhh, my dick gave a best shot possible inside her cunt and filled her cunt with so much of load that even I couldn’t imagine. Even she came for the third time by now. I was tired and laid down beside her. But my hands were enjoying her boobs like stress balls. Her pussy was dropping hot drops of both of our juices. We had one more round very much like same as above and then she had to get back to her home. She comes many a times now and poses in different ways for the drawings with no cloth hiding her glorifying body. And as always we everytime have a Happy Ending.

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Added by Ankit Jain

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