A couple pick up two strangers for a special night

Chuck rolled down his window. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” said Lonnie, “just…”

She leaned in through the window and kissed him, a real kiss this time. “Just wanted one more,” she smiled. “You really are a good kisser.”

Then she was gone, back up the steps and into her house.

Chuck drove home slowly, minding the speed limit.

He hummed the Eagles Fight Song to himself the entire way.



I wasn’t going to set this story around a specific, real world sporting event at first. I usually shy away from real life settings and events in favor of an “Anytown, U.S.A” approach.

But I figured fuck it, may as well combine two of my favorite things: sex and football.

If you’re not an Eagles fan, my apologies. But hey, come on, you gotta admit that was one hell of a game.

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