A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo

A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo, Joey was 19 years of age. He did not look his age, appearing more like a 14 or 15-year-old with his youthful face. His skinny, 5′ 6″ frame, lacking muscular tone, gave him a frail demeanor.

But Joey was ambitious! In high school he had gained an apprentice electrician position at a local electrical company. He was 3 years in of a 4 year course. He was energetic and competitive… and he liked girls. He liked girls ALOT!

His good qualities did not help him very much gaining credibility with the mothers and fathers of the neighborhood. They berated him to their daughters when Joey asked them to step out on a date with him.

Few of the girls his age or older in the 1950s neighborhood had little ambition to attend college and were more interested in finding a husband with a good job and settling down, raising a family, following in their parents footsteps.

Joey fit that bill to a T! Still, many of the girls avoided Joey, heeding their parent’s warning that Joey would never amount to much.

There was a bit more to the rhetoric! Joey’s stepfather was a merchant seaman and was gone many months at a time on sea duty. He was considerably older than his wife, Jane, and she was, by the consensus of all of the adults in the neighborhood, the neighborhood whore, though the men of the neighborhood had no chance with her, should they had so desired. Many did but were refused. Maybe that was their reason to degrade. Unfortunately, parents reflect on their sons and daughters.

Unaware of the other parent’s opinion of him or his mother, he was very much aware of his mother’s propensity to frequent the downtown bars that catered to the area’s naval population of sailors. Many a late evening, or, wee hours of morning, his mother would bring home a fellow in sailor attire. From his bedroom, he was very much aware that his mother was giving up her feminine attributes to a stranger. He could only speculate, and often did, if his mother was receiving payment for her lack in judgment and morality.

Now, Joey received poor ratings from the parents, but a few girls, though still leery of his qualities as a husband and father, could give Joey raving reviews due to what hung between his legs. The half-dozen or so girls who had scoffed at their parents warning had had their hands on Joey’s one physical gift, his 7-1/2 inch, thick cock. Of course, it had not been their original intent to seek it out, but Joey had learned early that not to ask was a definite no. Sort of like winning the lottery; if you don’t buy a ticket you’re guaranteed not to win.

Always finding a way to get his date, the girl, in question to a secluded parking spot, alley or even his apartment, he would offer his services first, finger or tongue, to alleviate pent up female hormones. Favors given… favors returned. Nothing ventured… nothing gained. Joey had 100% success rate of participation but we have to admit that many of these gals were “good girls” at heart and were saving themselves for marriage. Having their vagina massaged, feeling the jolt of orgasm, while tugging or stroking a firm ample cock, awed by the eruption, were all they were willing, in good conscience, to commit to.

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