Cheating Times, Fucking around with two voluptuous married women

Cheating Times, Fucking around with two voluptuous married women

I stare in awe at the naked woman lying on the bed in front of me. Stretched out on her back and smiling, she motions for me to join her. I shake my head in disbelief at this amazing, dreamlike vision. Jane is a stunning blonde bombshell. Her immaculate skin is the color of bronze and it glistens under the dim light. The body on this incredible woman is mesmerizing, highlighted by huge, mountainous tits that stick straight up from her chest.

I join her on the bed, straddling her chest while pressing my thighs hard against both sides of her upper body. Gazing down at her naked torso, I marvel at the beauty of this spectacular woman. I take her massive tits in my hands and squeeze. Staring directly into her big, bright, beautiful blue eyes, I slide my hard dick between her huge tits and squeeze hard again. I then begin to slide my dick up and down, slowly fucking those incredible titties.

There is no way to describe Jane without talking about her heavy, tanned and very beautiful breasts. I do not exaggerate when I say that Jane simply has the biggest, sweetest, most beautiful set of tits I have ever seen on a woman. Whether she is wearing clothes or completely naked, Jane’s tits are an awesome sight. They are alive, erotic, and sexy and they seem to have a dynamic energy that exudes from them.

So how do I even begin to describe the experience of being in bed with those titties, fucking and sucking on them for hours at a time? It is simply a thrilling, exhausting erotic experience. I squeeze them, lick them, suck them and wallow in them. I allow them to smother me, completely engulfing my face as I gasp for air.

Jane’s tits are big, hard and they stick straight out. But that’s only half the story. To go with those great tits, Jane also has the greatest set of nipples that I’ve ever seen on a woman. They protrude right at 1 1/2 inches from her mounds of flesh. I am certain of the length because I have measured them many times.

Jane’s tits and nipples are also extremely sensitive. I have made her come countless times just by playing with her titties. One of my favorite things to do is finger Jane’s pussy with one hand while massaging her beautiful tits and nipples with the other hand. It drives her crazy and I love to do it just to see how many times I can make her come.

Jane and I have been having an intense, dynamic sexual affair for more than two years. It was about one year after our first meeting that I first fucked her and we’re still fucking every chance we get. I never get tired of fucking those big titties. The greatest thing about Jane is that she is a very sensuous, sexual woman. She loves to fuck. Jane’s idea of a good time is getting sucked and fucked for hours at a time. She is a woman whose life is centered around sex.

I love to look at Jane’s completely naked body. The site of her standing nude with her short blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and huge tits and nipples are like something out of a dream.

But it is a dream that I am living and experiencing. I am fucking another man’s beautiful, sexy wife, a woman that any man would covet, and I’m enjoying every minute of it.

We all live in a world of dreams and it would appear that I have turned the ultimate dream into reality. At least I thought I had. How could anything possibly top being able to regularly fuck a woman like Jane, an intelligent, vibrant piece of pussy whose body is the envy of all women who come in contact with her?

The situation was perfect. At least I thought it was. Then, two months ago, I got my first taste of Vikki, the wife of a good friend of mine, and it was like being hit with a bolt of lightning. The result is that my world has taken yet another incredible turn.

I have known Vikki and Tom for more than 20 years. Tom and I actually started becoming good friends about 10 years ago and our friendship has continued since that time. I never dreamed I would ever start fucking his wife and I still ask myself how it happened. How was it possible that I could be fucking both my wife and an absolute sex goddess like Jane and still want more? I never thought it possible until I put my dick into Vikki’s incredible pussy that first time two months ago. At that moment, all questions were answered.

Vikki is a very short, slightly stout woman in her late 40’s who is starting to show her age. She is good-looking but not a beauty by any means. She has long black hair with streaks of gray and she has very beautiful brown eyes. Vikki is certainly not in Jane’s league when it comes to looks. But there was something about her that always struck me and my instincts told me that she would be a fantastic fuck. I never thought I would get the opportunity to find out and never really tried to seduce her. But sometimes circumstances just happen and I now find myself fucking a mother, grandmother, and the wife of a good friend. And, to add to the surprise, she is the most phenomenal fuck I have ever had in my life. And that includes Jane, the penultimate sex goddess.

So, the bottom line is that by fucking Vikki, I’m cheating on the woman (Jane) that I’m cheating on my wife with. It sounds complicated and surreal and it is both. My ultimate pleasure in sex is finding a beautiful married woman who is ready to fuck and to seduce her. There is nothing more thrilling for me than putting my dick in another man’s wife. Little did I know that I would ever be fucking two at one time, especially two that are sexual animals in bed like Jane and Vikki.

While contemplating my current situation, the telephone rang. I was delighted when I heard Vikki’s voice on the other end of the line. “Hey sweetie,” she said. “How are you doing?”

“I’m doing ok, how about you?”

“Doing good, just sitting here thinking about you,” she said. “Are we still on for this afternoon? I can’t wait.”

“Sure, I said. “I’ll be there. You just be ready to get the fuck of your life.”

Vikki laughed. “Hey, I got the fuck of my life last time. It will be hard to top that one.”

“That’s my goal,” I said. “Every time I fuck you I want it to be better than the last one.”

“I’ve got a feeling it will be,” Vikki replied. “I tell you, the way I’m feeling about Tom right now, I may just let out all my frustration on your dick.”

What’s wrong?”

Oh, just Tom, married life and life in general I guess,” she said. “Did you happen to notice Tom yesterday at the ball park, buzzing around Jane Crockett all afternoon? “You men must really think women are stupid. I know he’s trying to fuck her, why doesn’t he just admit it? We got into a big argument about it last night.”

Vikki mentioning Jane gave me reason to pause. I knew that Vikki and Jane knew each other because we all live in the same neighborhood and we all have kids playing at the local ballpark. But for some reason it never occurred to me that Jane’s name would come up in a conversation with Vikki. And now she’s suspecting that her husband is trying to fuck Jane, the same Jane that I’ve been fucking on a regular basis for more than two years.

I gathered myself quickly and tried to make a joke out of what she said. “Yeah, Vikki, Tom’s trying to fuck Jane and I’m trying to fuck you,” I said. “I guess that’s what makes the world go round.” I laughed but caught myself immediately, thinking that what I said was probably insensitive. “I’m sorry Vikki,” I said. “I shouldn’t have said that. Here you are talking to me about a problem and I make a joke about it.”

“No need to apologize,” she said. “That’s one thing I love about you. You can find humor in the middle of misery. You did make one little mistake in what you said though. Tom is just trying to fuck Jane but you’re already fucking me.” She laughed and that helped to relieve my tension.

“And what a fuck you are too,” I said. “I know I’ve asked you before but where in the world did you learn to fuck like that?”

“It’s all you, baby,” Vikki said. “You bring out the woman in me. I’ve never had a man turn me on the way you do. When we’re not together, all I do is think about us being together.”

“It makes me feel good to hear you say that,” I said. “You are so beautiful. Tom’s a lucky man.”

“Yeah, he is I guess,” she said. “But I think he’s trying to get lucky with Jane. Has he ever said anything about her to you? Are they already fucking?

Now wait a minute Vikki,” I said. “Don’t get me involved in this. I doubt if he’s fucking her and he wouldn’t tell me anyway. But it sounds like it would really bother you a lot if it was true.”

“It probably would,” she said, “and I know I’m a hypocrite saying that. I guess turnabout is fair play. I guess it’s just an ego thing. I know how all of you drool over Jane with those damn tits she’s got. Maybe I’m a little jealous, especially since I know her and I believe she’ll fuck anything with pants on.”

“Now Vikki, be nice,” I said. “Jane’s a nice girl.”

“Oh yeah, fuck you too smartass,” Vikki said, laughing. “If Jane waved those big tits in your face, I wonder how long it would take you to start fucking her. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t already fucked her. Have you?

This was getting too close to home and I knew that I needed to steer the conversation into a different direction quickly.

“Remember now, you’re mad at Tom, not me,” I said. “No, I haven’t fucked Jane but listen to me. I know I kid around and bullshit but there’s one thing that I’m completely honest about. You have ruined me for all other women and I mean it. I just can’t imagine fucking anybody else but you. You are the best looking, the sexiest woman I have ever met in my life. So I’ll let Tom fuck Jane all he wants. I could care less, as long as I get to fuck you.”

Vikki laughed. “It really makes me feel good to hear you say that. I feel the same way about you. Never in a million years did I think I would ever cheat on Tom. But you came along and changed everything for me. I never knew sex could be like that. I can’t get enough. If Tom finds out, I don’t know what I’ll do. All I know is I can’t stop.”

I hated to lie to Vikki. But what could I do? Risk everything and tell her. What would I say? I guess I could say, “Yes, I’ve been fucking Jane and fucking her often for a long time. She is the kind of woman that every man dreams of taking to bed. Blonde hair, blue eyes, huge tits, great legs and a great ass. Just a very sexual woman. I had never cheated on my wife until I started taking Jane to bed and now I am cheating on both my wife and Jane with you. And I don’t regret one minute of it.”

I just didn’t think that such honesty would be the best policy in this case.

One thing that I told Vikki, however, was the truth. As luscious and sexy as Jane is, there is just something about Vikki that drives me crazy in bed. Her body exudes heat and her ass and pussy are always on fire. Plus, she has one of the biggest asses I have ever seen on a woman. And a big ass is something that can keep my dick hard 24 hours a day.

I changed the subject. “How do you think Tom would react if he found out we were fucking?” I asked.

“To be honest, I’ve wondered that,” she said. “He would probably kick me out of the house I guess. But who knows? What about you? What would Melissa do to you if she found out her husband was fucking around? Or should I ask what would she do to me?”

“She would probably kill me, or kill you, or kill both of us,” I said.

“That’s a sobering thought,” Vikki said. “But you know what. It’s still worth it. I’m just so glad we got together.”

“I know it,” I said. “I was a little drunk that night but I still can’t believe that I just came right out and asked you if you wanted to go to bed with me.”

“No, you didn’t say it like that,” Vikki said. “Don’t you remember? You said, ‘When are we going to get together and fuck’? I remember when you said that my pussy started tingling and my nipples got hard as a rock. To be honest with you, I’ve always been attracted to you. I’ve used my vibrator many times thinking about you. I’ve been wanting to fuck you ever since we met but I never thought you were attracted to me.”

“Damn Vikki, you are one hell of a woman,” I said. “I wish to hell that I would have spoken up sooner. That’s a lot of years gone by that I could have spent putting my dick in you. By the way, have I ever told you that you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had?”

Vikki laughed again. “About a thousand times,” she said. “But I don’t get tired of hearing it.”

“While we’re on the subject of fucking, what are you wearing right now?” I asked.

“I’m wearing those tight black shorts that you love,” she said.

“Oh shit, what about panties? Are you wearing any?”

“Now you know I always wear panties,” she said. “I just don’t have them on long when I’m with you.”

We both laughed.

“Oh, by the way,” Vikki said, “Tom’s got a new job. That’s really what I called to tell you. He’s going to be working out of town on Mondays and Tuesdays and in town the rest of the week. He’s really excited about it. It sounds like a good job and it pays more money.”

“That’s great,” I said. “I hope it works out for him. So what are you going to do by yourself those two days that he’s out of town?”

Vikki laughed. “You’re a real smartass today, aren’t you,” she said. “Well, just to make sure you know, I plan to spend part of the time with your dick in my mouth and another part of the time with your dick in my pussy. And hopefully I’ll have time left for you to put your dick in my ass. How does all that sound?”

This woman was just unbelievable.

“Sounds like a plan,” I said. “I’ll certainly do my part. But make sure you schedule time for me to see how far I can get my tongue up your pussy.”

“Damn, we better stop this kind of talk,” she said. “I’m already so wet I’m about to slide off this chair.”

“Good,” I said. “My goal is to keep you wet. Tell me some more about those shorts.”

“I can’t tell you anything about them that you don’t already know,” she said. “They’re getting tighter and tighter because I keep gaining so much damn weight. All I know is that I love it when you take them off.”

“What about your top? I asked. “Do you have on one of those low-cut jobs that you’re famous for?”

“Actually, I don’t have on a top right now. No top, no bra. Naked from the waist up. I was getting dressed and thought I would give you a quick call. So I’m half naked. How do you like that?”

“Damn, I bet your nipples are hard as a rock too,” I said.

Vikki laughed. “Oh yeah, very much so. I need you to come over here and suck on them.”

“I wish I could,” I said. “I wish I could.”

“Hey, I’ve got to go,” Vikki said. “I’ll see you at 4. And don’t be late.”

“Sounds good,” I said. “In the meantime, don’t worry about Tom trying to fuck Jane. Chances are she would turn him down anyway. Does that make you feel better?”

“The only thing that would make me feel better right now is your big dick in my pussy.”

We both laughed. “That will happen in about three hours and five minutes,” I said. “I guarantee it. You just make sure you stay dressed just like you are and make sure those nipples stay hard.”

Just as I hung up the phone after saying goodbye, the telephone rang again.

“Hey Joseph, what are you doing?”

I recognized Jane’s voice and sighed. What was I supposed to tell her? That I had found someone else to fuck, someone else to cheat on my wife with.

“Hey Jane,” I said. I’m just sitting by myself. What are you doing?”

“Just thinking about you,” she said. “To tell you the truth, I’m a little worried.”

“What’s wrong? I asked.

“I don’t know. I just feel like you’re getting away from me. We haven’t fucked in three weeks and you don’t seem as enthusiastic when we talk. It’s kind of scary. Am I wrong?”

“Jane, everything’s ok,” I said. “Why do you say that? You know how crazy I am about you.”

“I guess you could call it woman’s intuition,” she said. “Things just aren’t the same. I’ll just come right out and ask you. Are you fucking somebody else?”

“Jane, come on,” I said. “So I’m fucking my wife and I’m fucking you. And now you think I’m fucking somebody else?”

“Look, you don’t owe me anything,” she said. “I shouldn’t even have asked. We’ve always been up front with each other that our relationship was purely sexual. I don’t have any right to say who you can fuck and who you can’t. But it’s just human nature for me to wonder and be a little jealous I guess. You know, what does she look like? Is she a better fuck than I am? I just can’t imagine any woman fucking and sucking you any better than I do. I mean, who is it? Do I know her?”

“Jane, this is ridiculous,” I said. “Let’s change the subject. When can we get together? I know it’s been three weeks too and it’s driving me crazy.”

So I found myself in the same situation with Jane that I had been with Vikki just a few minutes before. I had to lie but I didn’t want to. But I was truthful when I told her that I was dying to fuck her. Vikki may have been wearing me out lately but that didn’t stop me from wanting to fuck Jane.

“You’re right,” she said. “How about tomorrow afternoon? I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

“I’ll work it out,” I said. “What about Dennis? Are you sure it’s ok?”

“Yes,” she said. “He’s working two routes and doesn’t get home until around 7. We’ll have plenty of time.”

“Good,” I said. “I’ll be there. What are you going to wear?”

She laughed. “Why don’t you let me surprise you? You just be here. As horny as I am, you better come prepared to get fucked big time.”

“You just fuck me all you want,” I laughed. “You have my permission.”

I said goodbye to Jane and looked at my watch. I had two hours until I was supposed to meet Vikki. I took a hot shower, got dressed and fixed myself a stiff drink. I contemplated my situation. It was difficult but I knew for certain that I wanted it to continue as long as possible.

I arrived at the hotel right on time and tapped lightly on the door. It opened immediately. Vikki grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. “Get your ass in here before I go crazy,” she said. I gasped with excitement when I saw her. Just as I had requested, she was wearing nothing but those black shorts and a pair of high heel shoes. But I only got a brief glance as Vikki slammed the door and threw her body up against mine. Pinning me to the door, she attacked me, finding my tongue while simultaneously unbuckling my belt. Quickly removing my pants, Vikki slammed her body into mine, almost knocking the breath out of me. But I was so excited and so turned on that I didn’t care.

I immediately moved my hands down to her great ass and began squeezing. We continued to kiss each other passionately, both of us on fire. I pushed Vikki away from my body, grabbed her hand and began leading her to the bed. “I’m going to eat your pussy until I make you beg me to stop,” I said. Then I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.”

“Not yet,” she said, stopping me in my tracks. “You can do it all later. Right now I’m going to eat your dick.”

She went down to her knees and quickly took off my underwear. She was groaning with desire. When she pulled my underwear down, my dick popped out, hitting her on the side of the face. She yelled. “Oh, you sweet motherfucker, that’s what I want right there.” She took my dick in her right hand and studied it briefly. She then put it into her hot, wet mouth. Vikki was consumed with a sexual rage that I had never seen before. She grabbed my ass and pushed as hard as she could, forcing my dick in as deep as it would go into her threat. I thought for sure that she would choke but she just started sucking harder and harder while moaning and groaning like a whipped dog.

I had never experienced anything like this. Vikki had never sucked my dick like this before. It was like she was possessed. And even Jane, who I thought was the greatest cock sucker alive, had never come close to making me feel what I was feeling right now.

Vikki continued sucking me, only a few times coming up for air and then only briefly. Totally excited, I grabbed the back of her head with both hands and began fucking her mouth hard and fast. Vikki was moaning with excitement and yelled when I exploded into her mouth. The sensation made me dizzy but my coming didn’t stop Vikki. She continued to lick and suck my dick for the next several minutes. “I can’t get enough,” she said. “You taste so damn good. I love your beautiful dick.”

Both of us were exhausted and we plopped ourselves on the bed. We embraced, me with only my shirt on and Vikki still with just her shorts on. “What the hell got into you?” I asked, laughing. “I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

“I’m just getting started,” she said. “I made up my mind that I’m going to give you the fuck of your life today.”

We snuggled, kissed and licked each other for several minutes, enjoying each other’s body. After a few minutes, I unbuttoned her shorts and slowly took them off. She had on black mesh panties and I marveled at the sight. This woman, with her massive thighs and great hips, had a terrific box.

I then took off her panties so that I could start playing with her pussy. We were both breathing hard as I inserted first one finger, then two, and then three into her hot pussy. It was on fire, causing me to let out a quick moan. “Vikki, Vikki, what a pussy you’ve got,” I said. “I’m afraid if I start eating you I won’t be able to stop.”

With that comment, Vikki rose up and turned around, positioning her mountainous ass right in my face. I slid down until my face was perfectly positioned under her pussy. I took one brief moment to marvel at the sight before plunging my entire my face into her bottom. Her pussy was wet, scorching and pulsating. I plunged my tongue into her, pulling her ass cheeks down hard so that I could get it in as deep as possible. I then began to move my tongue furiously and I continued to struggle to get deeper and deeper. Vikki came almost immediately, flooding my face with her jot juices.

I rolled her over and positioned her on her back. Looking down into those, beautiful, lust-filled brown eyes, I buried my dick into her pussy. There was just something about the heat emanating from this woman’s body that I can’t describe. As I fucked her as hard and fast as I could, I felt like the heat from her body was causing us to merge as one flesh. This caused me to lose total control and I slammed into Vikki harder and harder. We both came and I fell on top of her, both of us exhausted.

While Vikki was catching her breath, I went to work on her body with my tongue. You always hear women complaining about men not wanting to cuddle or becoming disinterested after the sex was consummated. As for me, I’m just the opposite. I take the opportunity to lick every inch of a woman’s body with my tongue. And they absolutely love it. Jane told me once that she loves me doing this almost as much as she loves me eating her pussy.

As I’ve said, there is something about Vikki’s skin that feels different. It becomes almost a glowing reddish color when she’s hot and fucking. It’s beautiful, sensitive and I love putting my tongue over every inch of her. I always begin with the face and I started licking the right side of Vikki’s face and then the left side. I licked her forehead and moved down to lick her sensitive neck. She arched her head up so that I could have easy access. After finishing with her neck, I began furiously licking her full, red lips, I pressed hard for a few seconds so that she couldn’t open them but she squirmed away, opening her mouth for me. Usually, I tease women by doing nothing but licking their body. No kissing, biting or sucking. But I couldn’t resist plunging my tongue into Vikki’s mouth. It was incredible. It was like we were trying literally to eat each other.

I forced myself away from Vikki’s mouth and went to her chest. She was sweating and I began licking the beads of sweat off her chest. Her nipples were sticking straight out and rock hard. I began stroking them furiously with my tongue. Vikki was loving every second of it. This was a woman who had been married to the same man for 25 years and who had remained faithful all during that time. But she was now unleashing her raw, brutal sexuality, a sexuality she had buried for most of her life. She was getting fucked by a man not her husband and the taste of that strange dick had returned her to her true sexual animalistic nature. It was like the explosive activation of a long-dormant volcano.

After devouring her lust-soaked body for several minutes, I positioned myself between her legs. Reaching under her, I squeezed her mountainous ass while pushing her thighs skyward. I then plunged my dick deep into hot, wet, sex-starved pussy. It was like putting my dick into a vise as her pussy walls tightened around me, locking my swollen dick into her womb. Never, never in my life had a woman’s pussy felt like this to me. I had always heard that some dicks and pussies are meant for each other and fit each other perfectly. I now knew this was true as my dick had found its rightful place and home, that being inside Vikki’s wonderful and beautiful sex box.

Vikki tightened her legs and thighs around me as our two bodies squeezed tightly together, almost struggling to become one flesh. Vikki let out an almost violent scream as she came. Her hot juices merged with my hot semen and the resulting liquid flowed like a sexual river.

“Oh, damn, what am I going to do? Vikki cried. There were real tears in her eyes. “I will never be able to stop fucking you. Oh God I’m on fire. Joseph, fuck me again. Suck me, eat me, bite me, do something.”

My eyes grew large as I looked at her. Vikki was like a crazed animal, filled with uncontrollable desire. She jumped up quickly and pushed me down on my back. As soon as my head hit the pillow, her thighs were straddling my face and she was forcing her pussy down to my mouth. I knew immediately what she wanted and I began to lick and suck this beautiful woman’s vagina for all it was worth. In a frenzy, she began yelling and bouncing her pussy up and down on my face. I kept trying to clutch her ass to force her pussy down permanently but she wouldn’t let me. I then began slapping her ass, first lightly, then harder and harder. This turned both of us on even more if that was possible. I couldn’t’ stand it any longer. I unlocked myself from Vikki’s thighs and rose up. I positioned myself behind her and told her to lean over. I then found her ass with my dick and slid it as far into the hole as it would go. I started slapping her ass cheeks again but that didn’t last long because we both came almost instantly. Moaning and groaning and breathing hard, we fell onto the bed, me on top of Vikki’s back, with my dick still connected to her beautiful ass.

We fucked two more times before we left the hotel room. I was completely exhausted but felt an exhilaration that I’ve never felt before.

As I drove home, I just shook my head and smiled. “Just another routine fuck session with voluptuous Vikki,” I told myself. “She is one spectacular, unbelievable woman.”

My thoughts then turned to Jane. This may sound unbelievable, especially after what I had just been through, but just the thought of Jane caused my dick to twitch. Even after slamming into Vikki’s body for almost three hours, thinking of Jane still got my dick hard.

I first met Jane three years ago when I was coaching my teenage daughter’s fastpitch softball team. She was the mother of Christine, one of my best players.

I noticed Jane right away when I had my first meeting with the players and parents. She is one of those women who you see for the first time and immediately think sex, the kind that literally stops you in your tracks and causes your jaw to drop. Jane definitely stood out in the crowd. It was an unusually warm day for March and Jane had on a sleeveless black top and tight black pants. I quickly realized that she was one of those women whose tits were so awesome that it was hard to look at her without looking at them.

After the meeting ended, Jane came up and introduced herself and we had a brief conversation. She was in her late 30’s probably but she had a body that would be the envy of any woman of any age. Jane looked absolutely stunning with her short blond hair and dark, tanned skin. I was also struck by her bright, beautiful blue eyes. To add to this terrific package, Jane had a beautiful smile and an engaging personality. I was awestruck to say the least. This was a woman in the truest sense of the word. Her entire smell and the aura around her told me that this was a woman built for fucking and fucking often. Her eyes, her body, everything about her exuded lust.

I also met Jane’s husband at that first meeting. I could immediately tell that Dennis was one of those arrogant guys who tried to act superior to those around him. He started asking me pointed questions about coaching but his not-so-subtle message was clear. He knew more than I did, or so he thought.

Dennis volunteered to help me coach the team. I knew it was a mistake but, since I was in desperate need of help, I accepted his offer. While talking to him that first time, I couldn’t help but wonder what Dennis would think if he knew that I was already thinking about fucking his wife. Maybe he probably did know. A man who is married to a woman like that has to realize that every man who sees her thinks about taking her to bed.

I left the park that night thinking about Jane. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. What a woman. “What would it be like to fuck something like that?” I asked myself. How many times have I asked myself that after seeing a beautiful woman? But somehow this one seemed different. I just kept picturing that beautiful smile, those eyes and that smoking body. I also thought about what a jerk she was married to. Dennis was definitely not a nice guy and my guess was that Jane was not happy with him.

I came to a decision just about the time I was turning into my subdivision. “I’m going to try to fuck that woman,” I said aloud, speaking to no one but myself. “That’s it. I’ve made up my mind. I’m going for it. I’m going to put my dick in that woman.” I also thought about Dennis and what a pleasure it would be to put my dick into that arrogant jerk’s wife.

I didn’t see Jane too often in the first few weeks of that first softball season. Since Dennis was helping me coach, he would bring Christine to practice and take her home. Jane would show up every now and then and sit in the bleachers. It was at a practice about a month into the season that Jane and I had our first real conversation.

A father of one of my players, I’ll call him Larry, had a drinking problem. Unfortunately he would show up at our practice on occasion after having too much to drink. He was a nice guy when sober but very, very annoying when he was drinking. I had also heard through the grapevine that he tried to get a little too close to the women after he had a few.

I saw Larry approach Jane and sit next to her on the bleachers. It was a warm day and Jane was wearing a plaid shirt with white shorts. Jane’s tits are so awesome that sometimes you forget about the rest of her body. But this woman looked terrific in a pair of shorts. Her legs were thick and tanned and she had great hips and a nice, nice ass.

I kept my eye on the two of them for the next few minutes and noticed that Larry was talking to Jane continuously. She was staring straight ahead, looking very annoyed. I thought to myself, “What a piece of shit. You have about as much chance of fucking a woman like that as the man in the moon.”

Larry kept getting louder and louder and he was very animated. Jane continued to look straight ahead and wasn’t saying a word. I also didn’t like the fact that Larry seemed to be edging closer and closer to her and would occasionally touch her on the arm or shoulder.

Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I went to the fence and shouted, “Jane, can I talk to you a minute? I need your daughter’s uniform measurements.” I already had the measurements but Jane used the opportunity to get up quickly. She came over to the fence and said, “Oh God, thank you for rescuing me. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”

“I figured you needed help,” I said. “Just act like we’re talking about something important. Was he really bothering you?”

She said, “Yes, he gives me the creeps. I’ll be honest with you. I’m scared of him.”

“Really?” I asked. “Then I’ll say something to him.”

“No, don’t worry about it,” she said. “I can handle him. I’ve been bothered by a lot worse than that drunk. Believe me, I’m used to it.”

I smiled. “I guess that’s the price you pay for being so good looking,” I said. I caught myself, thinking that maybe that comment was inappropriate. “Jane, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Are you kidding?” she asked. “At my age, I appreciate the compliment, believe me.”

We talked for a few minutes and it took every effort I had just to look at this woman. Her eyes were alive, so big, blue and pretty. How do you look at a woman like that without making it obvious that you want to fuck her? Do women who are as attractive as Jane know what men are thinking about when they look at her? She has to know. But, like she said, I guess she gets used to it.

I watched her walk back to the bleachers, that ass and hips moving like they were crying out to be fucked. Jane was definitely a real woman in every sense of the word, a walking, talking sexual animal. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to get a piece of this woman’s ass.

I started thinking about Jane more and more after that first conversation. I noticed that she began smiling at me and waving to me at practice. We also began to talk more and we actually developed a good friendship. I was really beginning to think that she liked me. Now, did she want to fuck me? I could only wish. But one thing I’ve learned is that you never know what’s in a woman’s mind. And I knew that at some point I would have to find out.

Jane is so beautiful. It’s kind of funny but my sexual fantasies about Jane never involved her luscious tits. I am an ass man myself and I usually concentrate on a woman’s lower body: the ass, thighs and pussy. Thinking about Jane was no different. I wondered if she was a true blonde and wondered if she shaved her pussy. I imagined going down on her, licking and sucking her pussy before plunging my tongue deep into her slit. I thought about kissing her sweet, naked ass and I dreamed of putting my dick deep between those tanned cheeks. There was no doubt in my mind that this woman would be the ultimate fuck.

A few weeks later, I was able to have a relatively long conversation with Jane and it was then that I decided to take my shot. We had an all-day food, fun and games day at the park and I was just walking around, basically killing time by talking to people. From a distance, I saw Jane waving at me from behind her dark sunglasses.

I watched her walk toward me and I was mesmerized. Her tits were bouncing wildly and she had such a beautiful smile on her face, highlighted by her full, red lips. It was a thrill for me just to talk to this woman and my blood pressure rose as she got closer.

We gave each other one of those friendly greeting hugs and started talking, primarily about kids and work. The conversation was great but I could never get it turned in the direction I wanted it to go. It turned out that I didn’t have to because Jane suddenly turned the conversation into a weird direction. Out of the blue, she said, “Dennis and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now. We’ve both been to doctors and they can’t figure out why I can’t get pregnant.” Christine was actually Jane’s child by a previous marriage and she and Dennis had no kids together.

I was kind of taken aback at her telling me something so personal. “They don’t know what the problem is?” I asked. “No, I told Dennis that it had to be him because I’ve had a child before.”

I couldn’t resist this opening and I gathered all the courage within me. With a shit-eating grin on my face, I said, “Well Jane, if you need a substitute for Dennis, I’m available. I would be glad to give it a shot. I’ve had three kids myself.”

I fully expected a slap to the face or for her to just walk away. But her reply surprised and excited me. “Now Joseph,” she said. “You better watch what you say. What’s the matter, are you needing some? Is Melissa not giving you enough at home?” She laughed out loud. This was a real woman who had no trouble with earthy talk.

I waited for her to quit laughing but I didn’t back down.

“Jane, I never get enough,” I said. “Sex is just too good. You know that.”

Now you’re right about that,” she said. “I won’t argue with you there.”

I continued to press the conversation into the direction I wanted it to go. “Jane, I’ve always felt like you would be unbelievable in bed,” I said. “Am I right?”

She paused for several seconds and then pulled me down to whisper in my ear. “I’m the best,” she said.

My heart was racing. “Damn Jane, you don’t mind bragging do you?” I said. “But you know talk is cheap. Anybody can brag if they don’t have to prove it. Do you think I will ever find out for myself if you’re telling the truth?”

Jane laughed. “Well, she said. “I learned a long time ago to never say never. So I’ll just say maybe. But right now you’ll just have to take my word for it.”

“That’s encouraging,” I said. “Let me ask you something. Have you ever fucked around on Dennis?”

“Damn, you’re getting pretty personal Joseph,” she said. But I could tell she wasn’t offended. She was enjoying the banter. “No I haven’t. But I’ll ask you the same question. Do you fuck around on Melissa?”

“No,” I said. “But I’m like you. I would never say never. There’s no way I could ever turn you down. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. And my instincts tell me that what you say is true. I bet you are hellacious in bed.”

I walked up to her and touched her left arm. “Be honest with me, what do you think of me? You must have formed some opinion of me. We’ve become pretty good friends. Do you find me attractive at all?”

“Sure I do,” she said. “You’re a good looking man Joseph. Women think about sex too you know. I’ve thought about what it would be like with you.”

I then decided to press the issue. “Let me ask you something. We’ve got practice tomorrow at 4. Why don’t I ask Dennis to take the practice and I’ll come over to your house?”

Jane stared at me in silence. She didn’t say anything for what seemed like an eternity. I could tell that she was thinking about her answer. I glanced at those huge tits and I wanted to suck them right there in broad daylight.

She finally spoke. “Ok,” she said. “Come over at about 3:30. “But call first to make sure. And I hope we know what the hell we’re doing.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “We do.” I was doing everything I could to try to hide my excitement. “We better get back to the group. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon.”

As we started to walk away, she grabbed my arm to stop me. She whispered in my ear. “You better come prepared to get the fuck of your life,” she said before quickly walking away. My heart was pounding as I watched her walk away. I watched that beautiful ass in motion and told myself that I would be eating it in less than 24 hours.

I asked Dennis later that day if he would be willing to practice the team the next day. “I’ve got to work late and I don’t think there’s any way I will be able to make it,” I said. “I would call it off but they really need the work. Do you mind?”

“No, no, I would love to do it,” Dennis said. “Don’t worry about it.”

I could tell Dennis was excited about being in charge of the practice. Of course, I don’t know how excited he would be if he knew the real reason I wanted him to practice the team. Because while he would be hitting ground balls and fly balls to the players, I would be hitting his wife’s pussy with every inch of my dick.

I called Jane the next morning to tell her that everything was on as planned. She said she would get home around 3 and that Dennis would come home from work about that same time. He would leave soon after for the practice. “Call me around twenty after to make sure he’s gone,” she said. “That sounds good,” I said. “Are you excited?”

“Yes, I’m really nervous about it but I’m definitely excited,” she said. “I’ve been wet all day just thinking about it.”

“I’m definitely excited and I’m glad to hear you’re already wet,” I said. What about your tits? Are your nipples hard right now?”

“Sticking straight out and as hard as a Coke bottle,” she laughed.

I couldn’t help but gasp when she made that comment.

I knocked on the front door and Jane opened it immediately. I was not prepared for the sight in front of me. She had on a sheer robe that was tied loosely in the front. She had nothing on underneath. Her huge titties were clearly visible through the thin fabric as was her pussy.

I stepped into the house and immediately closed the door. Jane stepped back and untied her robe. Spreading it apart, she put her hands on her hips to expose her stunning body. “Is this what you’ve been wanting?” she asked.

My heart was in my throat. The sight of this woman’s perfect body exceeded even my wildest imagination. The massive tits were even more extraordinary than I could have imagined. But my eyes quickly moved downward to zero in on the ultimate prize and what I saw caused electric shockwaves to go through my entire body. Her pussy was completely shaved, the most erotic sight I had ever seen.

I moved toward Jane, wrapped my arms around her naked body, and kissed her passionately. Her body felt so hot. I moved my hands down and gripped her fantastic ass, squeezing hard so that her pussy pressed against my crotch.

“Do you have any idea how badly I want to fuck you?” I asked. “Yes, I do,” she said.

I went to my knees, reached around to grip her ass, and then buried my face into her bald pussy. She gasped as my tongue found the hot insides of her pulsating box. We fell to the floor and she relaxed, allowing me to go to work. She used both hands to play with my hair while I ate, licked and sucked her pussy. Moaning and groaning, she gyrated her hips up and down as I fucked her with my tongue. She then wrapped her beautiful thighs around my head, squeezed them together and came violently, emptying her juices all over me.

I was in heaven. I continued furiously licking and sucking this woman’s great pussy as she moaned and groaned with pleasure. I rose up and she knew I was ready to fuck her. She spread her legs and I marveled at how erotic that sight was. Can you imagine a beautiful, blonde sex goddess lying naked with her legs spread apart, just waiting on you to fuck her shaved pussy? It was quite a moment.

My hard dick slid easily into her and we began to buck violently. Her pussy was hot and I stroked as hard and fast as I could, at the same time watching with amazement as her giant, hard titties bounced up and down. We both came quickly and collapsed into each other’s arms. We spent the next hour cuddling, kissing, fucking and sucking. It was the greatest erotic experience of my life and I was savoring every second.

After what seemed like hours, we stood up and embraced. With both of us totally naked, we kissed each other passionately as our bodies tightened together. I then grabbed Jane’s hard ass and lifted her completely off the floor. I carried her to the wall of the den and leaned her against it. At the same time, I inserted my dick into her wet pussy. Using the wall to help me keep her up, I began fucking the shit out of Jane. I fucked harder and harder as her back kept slamming against the wall. We were fucking so hard that a picture that was on the wall crashed to the floor.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said breathlessly. After emptying myself into her, we both slumped to the floor. We were both out of breath but we both started to laugh.

Finally, I had to leave and I still remember the sight of Jane, standing naked in the doorway as I left the house. “That was fantastic,” she said. “I’ve never had a man do to my pussy what you did today.”

“Oh Jane,” I said. “This was like a dream come true for me. You are the most sensational woman I have ever been around.”

“Well, what’s next?” she asked.

“What’s next is that we’re going to get together again very soon,” I said. “You know we have some unfinished business, don’t you?”

“Really,” she said. “What’s that?”

“I know you noticed that I didn’t go after you titties today. I concentrated totally on your pussy and ass.”

“Yes, I did notice,” she replied. “Usually when men look at me all they see are my tits.”

“Well, that’s what will be on the agenda next time we fuck,” I said. “I will give your tits a workout with my mouth and dick that they’ve never had before.”

“Oh shit that sounds good,” she said. “But I guessed you noticed that I saved something for next time too. You got to eat my pussy today but I didn’t get to eat your dick. That’s what’s on my agenda for next time.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said. “I’ll call you soon, very soon.”

“You better, she said. “Now you better leave before I make you fuck me again.”

We both laughed and I left, savoring the state of euphoria that I was in. I made good on my promise the next time we fucked. I concentrated solely on Jane’s massive titties, first licking them, then sucking them and finally fucking them. I made sure that I spent an entire hour just on her titties. I wanted to do to her tits what no one else had ever done if that was possible.

In turn, Jane made good on her promise, giving my dick a going over with her mouth and tongue that caused me to have the most violent orgasm of my life.

This woman was everything I had ever dreamed of and more.

And the dream has icing too, the fact that I am fucking a married woman whose husband is such an ass. After I fucked Jane that first time, I called Dennis that night to thank him for taking practice for me. He couldn’t help but take a shot. “Oh, we had a great practice,” he said. “It was the best practice we’ve had all year.” Of course, he was implying that he was a better coach than I was. I just thought to myself, “Yeah that’s right you piece of shit. And I had the best fuck I’ve ever had today. And it was your wife. And guess what. I’m going to fuck her again and again and again.”

So, while I always take great delight in fucking another man’s wife, I have taken extra pleasure in fucking Dennis’s wife these past two years. He can think he’s better than me all he wants. I’m doing my talking with my dick, every time I put it in his wife’s ass.

Fucking Jane, Vikki and my wife has made work difficult because I am so tired. At the same time, however, I feel happy and excited. While waiting for a meeting to begin in our conference room today, I started thinking about my unbelievable situation. Vikki and Jane, Jane and Vikki. I smiled to myself, remembering the age-old question: “Betty or Veronica? Who would you rather fuck?” Well, I guess my answer was “both”. Vikki or Jane? Jane or Vikki? Why not just eat and fuck both?

The meeting began and I noticed Donna, a colleague, looking at me from across the table. I had worked with Donna off and on for many years. In fact, we had worked closely on a project 10 years ago and I had tried to fuck her at that time. I was unsuccessful. I could tell she wanted to but she said she wasn’t ready. I didn’t press the issue because there are too many women out there who are ready. Why waste time on the ones who aren’t? I don’t believe in begging.

Donna was a beautiful, fiery redhead who had a great sense of humor. She was the kind of woman who felt totally comfortable telling or listening to a dirty joke. I always thought she would be one hell of a fuck.

I noticed during the meeting that she kept glancing at me. At one point, when I looked back, she smiled. It almost looked like her face was flushed. Another thing I noticed was that Donna still looked damn good, even after all these years.

After the meeting, I was walking out of the room when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Donna. “Hey Joseph,” she said. “I haven’t worked with you in a long time? How are Melissa and the kids?”

“Doing fine,” I said. “How about you? Is Paul still traveling a lot?”

“Yeah, he’s gone all week every week,” she said. “I just work all the time myself. It’s pretty boring.”

We made a little more small talk before going back to our respective floors. When I got back to my desk, I accessed my e-mails to get caught up. I was surprised to see an e-mail from Donna. Maybe it was about the meeting.

I clicked on it and read:

“Hey good looking. Good to see you today. Call me sometime and let’s get together.


P.S. I’m ready!!”

My mouth flew open and I just shook my head in disbelief. “So now what,” I thought to myself. “Jane, Vikki and Donna too? No way. Well, maybe…”

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