Mom dad sex for baby daughter

I m Sudhanshu and I am going to tell a real incident happened a year ago where i saw mom dad’s intercourse badly to convince daughter. I live with my big family 5 brothers mom and dad. My dad is 48 slim does private job. Mom is 39 very fatty heavy women housewife. mom dad has very good relation mentally and physically that’s why i have 5 brothers and mom dad still active in their sex life at this mature age it’s very good to be active in this age doctors said we don’t have any problem

It’s normal for us i god to know that mom dad still active because of my dad’s used condoms which i usually see in my mom dad’s room early morning, 2,3 days in a week.

That’s how I got to know that mom dad having intercourse 2,3 days in a week is very frequent at this age but it’s mom dad choice they can do what ever they want. So a year ago one of my dad’s friend said mom dad to convince 1 daughter dad’s friend said you both have 5 sons but 1 daughter will be good if you both able to conceive and mom dad was also planning to conceive daughter form long time but they both haven’t saree shared with anyone but now dad’s friend gave confidence and suggestion to my mom dad. Then dad friend said it you want natural it will be very difficult but it’s possible contact doctors.

Then mom dad called doctor then doctor said yes it’s very difficult if women is above 35 age it’s 5 % chance to get pregnant naturally doctor said you are 39 and fatty heavy women it will more difficult and the chance is 3% but you have to do frequent intercourse with perfect date and time. Dad said ok we will try our best then from that day mom dad having very frequent sex because of fatty mom not possible for dad to have regularly but mom dad still trying for a month every time i go to bathroom if i hear carefully i can hear mom dad intercourse sounds because mom dad’s room was near our bathroom. We know that mom dad trying hard for daughter they have to to frequent intercourse but mom dad tried lot for 1 month still mom was not getting pregnant naturally still dad did not have up then mom dad decided to continue intercourse for 1 more month.

I can’t sleep properly whenever i go to bathroom, although mom dad don’t make much noise but one day sound was little loud my younger brothers don’t know and was very qurious about it i keep them in room and locked so they can’t come near mom dad room i slowly walked towards bathroom i saw dad forgot to lock their room it was just left unlocked i just touched the door and pushed little then i saw mom dad fir first time naked with having intercourse from that door gap i was very scared that time because i have to fear of getting caught but i was dads fault he forgot to lock the door so i just peeped and saw mom dad intercourse my dad was very sm small infront of my mom, my mom was too heavy and fatty, mom’s figure is to much heavy and huge for my dad that time saw my mom naked breast for first time it was too big and huge like a coconut and moms belly was was very huge with her huge wide navel and due to active sexual like mom’s butt got to much bigger and wider.

When i peeped from for door gap was sitting on my dad’s penis and dad was not visible properly mom was so huge i was able to just see his hands pressing mom’s breasts it was not fitting in my dad’s hand it will need 2 hands to press one breast of my mom it was too huge but somehow dad was pressing with his small hands after 1 minute dad said to change position then mom just become in doggy style dad stands on bed then saw dads penis for first time is was medium in size it was not hard it was just wiggling and flexible but still having intercourse i was just wondering as per my mom’s huge figure mom need long hard penis to get fully satisfied but mom stick to my dad which is called trust. Dad make my mom in dodgy style and insert his penis it was not properly going inside properly because of flexible actually dad mom dad was mature old that’s why dad ability decrease with his penis also but did not somehow manage to satisfy my mom 2,3 days in a week instead of having to fatty wife it is really difficult tasks to satisfy a mature fatty women but hats off to my dad.

But then dad started sex with mom in doggy style dad was feeling pain and struggling to have sex properly then dad to turn around and sleep then after just 3 or 4 min of sex dad was not able to handle my mom dad was full of sweat in winter season and totally exhausted then dad couldn’t control and ejaculate inside my mom and mom dad stayed like that for long time and relaxing to completely ejaculation of sperm inside mom. Then i just slowly walked off form there , but dad did not last long as he got old now but then i serously realised that it was too much difficult to convince new baby at this mature age and the real difficulty increased because of my mom dad both dad was old aged and mom was very heavy big fatty figure women and moms was 39 which is old mature to get pregnant naturally it’s just having 3 to 5 % chance, as you all know having sex with fatty big women need to power and stamina because mens get exhaust very fast while having sex with fatty women but still after 3 months of my dad’s hard work intercourse mom naturally got pregnant it was really tough for my dad but dad done it and finally few months ago mom gave birth to my new sister but my and my brother’s had to face embarrassment in our college,socially, frnds, but it’s not normal.

And going goog thanks for reading.

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