Wife Used In Community

Myself Iftekhaar Bharmal, I’m 26 years old male working in a Medicine Manufacturing Company. Our company built Generic Medicines and my job is to sell them to Medical Stores. I deal in both Wholesale and Retail stores. I’m living in a Metropolitan City having a vast work area. Through I have two three cities in my work area but my target usually gets completed with the city range. My job is target oriented and no hourly limits are there. I was well established at the age of 23 and so with family pressure I got married. Nusrat was her name, she was 5 foot 7 inches and with heals looked taller.

She was having a little tan complexion but her face features were awesome. She was little plump around 65 Kg’s and was having massive boobs, thick thighs, broad waist and plump bums. She was having puffy lips and big brown eyes. Her hairs were long and reach till her waist. I was not sure with her body structure and my comparison. I was slim in front of her, but my relatives motivated that she will shrink after marriage. I unwillingly accepted the marriage proposal and we got married in a month. She was Virgin at the time of marriage and that was a positive point for me. I decided family planning but parents started to taunt her and she started to pressurise me for a baby. Finally, I gave up and she was conceived in a month. Everything was going fine, we both were happy.

Although she didn’t shrink but the jolly nature she had, her structure wasn’t an issue for me anymore. While the 6th month of pregnancy was going on, Nusrat stopped wearing her normal routine dresses and always wore maxis and nighties. She was talking with her parents on the roof, while getting down the stairs, she tripped in the nightie and rolled down the stairs. She was rushed to hospital immediately but the news was heart breaking. She had a miscarriage, and the damage was that serious that doctor declared she won’t be able to conceive again. Now the news was bad for both of us but the facts couldn’t be changed. Leaving the past behind we moved on forward, Nusrat took few months to recover from that, but she recovered too.

In the time span of recovery, she had gone under gigantic depression which lead to body development. The 65 kg’s Nusrat turned in 92 kg’s Nusrat. This was due to overeating but as she was in depression neither I nor family. But instead of looking ugly she looked more ravishing now. Her structure grew equally in all sides. The boob’s size increased from 34 to 36, thighs went more thickly, bums went more plump, waist wider and a little fat on tummy also. In addition to this her pussy went tighter, the fat made the lips squeeze closer and started to give effect of a virgin girl. That I liked very much but she wasn’t having much interest in sex anymore. Only the thing improved was her social siting.

She started to visit neighbours, she got few friends in community. She started to visit them in afternoon hours. Now she didn’t miss her household works so parents didn’t object with her social gathering. Her timing was sharp 1 pm to 3 pm but on Tuesdays it stretched till 5 pm and sometimes 6 pm too. One day I asked her to get ready as a close friend of mine whom I haven’t met in years, have just opened a new shop. It was inauguration party and he called me especially for the occasion. Nusrat was reluctant to come along but still agreed. She wore a semi-transparent blue coloured silk sari, with matching blouse. She was wearing a very deep neck blouse; I mean very deep as she never wore this type blouse ever. Now that was a transformation in her which I appreciated.

She seems more confident in such revealing dress with a smile on her face. She climbed on my bike and we rushed towards the shop. We reached there in 30 minutes. She got down, rearranged her sari and then we walked towards the entrance. While we walked towards the entrance we saw few guys, few under aged guys and few mature guys, adjusting their crotches. She too observed that and smiled steeply, we didn’t pay any attention towards it and entered the function area. We had few snacks and then I thought to introduce Nusrat with Subhash Agrawal, my best friend. She was delighted to meet him as she had never met any of my friend before. I searched him and found him in the corner, talking with his few relatives. We moved towards his direction and reached there in few moments. He was facing opposite to us, so we just stood behind him and excused him. He turned around with a smile and I introduced him with Nusrat.

The moment they saw each other, the smiled on both their faces faded off. Nusrat was uncomfortable seeing him and so was Subhash. It seemed they didn’t like seeing each other. I inquired but they looked at each other, wished each other and smiled back. It seemed that the smile was fake and they were pretending to smile. We excused ourselves and got busy with the party. We had dinner and then moved towards home. The entire dinner Nusrat was upset and was looking dull. We came out of the party and I asked her to wait until I bring the bike. She stood on the gate and few catering guy were nearby. I was a little far now but was observing the guys and Nusrat. I pulled my bike out and started the bike. Before I could move an inch, I saw two catering guys pulling their dick out of their pants and masturbating looking at Nusrat.

Nusrat too was peeping towards them and was smiling slowly. I think she was feeling proud of herself that she was making such an effect on those guys. Anyways I reached in front of her, she climbed on bike and we arrived home. Though everything seemed normal but I was having a doubt now. The way both Subhash and Nusrat behaved in front of each other. So I decided to pay a visit to Subhash next day. I went to office next day, submitted my reports and then rushed towards Subhash Shop. He was a grocery wholesaler, 50 kg’s 100 kg’s bags were lying inside the shop and he was sitting in the veranda on a counter. He looked at me and smiled, but the smile was little faded then normal days.

I asked him the reason and he said that he was little exhausted with yesterday party. We talked on few topics and then the conversation headed towards Nusrat. I asked him few times about his discomfort with Nusrat presence but he denied any situation between them. I’m a marketing guy, I know to rotate my words and bring the same topic back. So after 10-15 minutes of conversation he became frustrated. He said, “Iftekhaar! I don’t want to hurt you, and don’t want any fight between us. But the fact is that your wife is slut. She is sleeping with guys on your back.”

A normal person must have punched him by then but I had high patience level, so I asked him who that person was. He said, “Not one person, but several peoples. At least 5-6 guys or even more which I’m not aware of.” I asked him politely that could he prove that. He thought for a while and said, “Tomorrow is Tuesday, take your entire family with you and leave your wife behind. Go for some movie and when you’ll return I will be waiting with your proof.” Now that seemed like a bet so I accepted and returned back. The whole night I couldn’t sleep, I was having mixed type of feelings. On one hand I was cursing myself to give Subhash the challenge and doubting Nusrat. On other hand I was now suspicious about Nusrat behaviour and was having doubt on her.

Next morning, I called office and asked them for sick leave. After confirmation I announced that I got off from the office today. So I planned for an outing, I didn’t declare for the movie but asked everyone to join me at mall. I wanted Nusrat to stay back, but asking for formality was required. I asked her to join us in family outing. She asked me that how long this outing with take. I saw the clock which was saying 10, I pretended to calculate and said that we’ll return before 7 pm anyhow. She gave a disgusting look and said that she had some social gathering around 1 pm, so she wants to stay back.

I asked her few times to drop the gathering but later I said fine to her. We booked two taxis for the entire family, and packed inside. My mom asked for Nusrat and I said she was not feeling well. She didn’t argue and we moved to the mall. As soon as I reached the mall, I texted Subhash that Nusrat was all alone at home. He texted back a thumbs up and then after a minute texted again to keep the entire family away until he confirms back. I texted ok and placed the phone back in my pocket. We roamed in the mall, played few games in game zone, had snacks in the food zone and then I asked everyone for the movie. Now few were delighted but few weren’t interested. So a little force made everyone ready and we moved in the PVR. It was around 1 pm by then and I had texted Subhash around 10:45 am.

I didn’t receive any confirmation from his end by then. I didn’t bug Subhash neither I bugged Nusrat and got busy in the movie. I was around 2:30 pm and the movie had an interval, when my mobile buzzed. I saw text from Subhash which said work is over now and you all can come back. Now we were in middle of movie so we continued the movie and then returned home around 4 pm. Nusrat was not at home, so I called her on her mobile. She didn’t respond to my two complete calls but picked up the third one. I asked where she was and she said that she was in a social gathering, which she had already told me earlier. She was gasping while she was talking to me.

So I asked why she was gasping so much. She said that she and her friends where doing some kind of physical work, that’s why she was gasping. I asked when she will return home. But before she could answer she snivelled. Now that was suspicious for me, but I wanted Nusrat to tell me about it. So I didn’t ask anything, but she snivelled two to three times more and then said that she’ll be home around 7 pm. I didn’t reply for a whole minute expecting her to tell me why she was snivelling. But she didn’t say anything and asked whether she can go as she has some work to do. I hummed on it and she disconnected the call. It was around 4:15 pm then, so I decided to go and see Subhash in the time being. It was not that I was waiting for Nusrat, and wanted to see her at 7. It was just a blank enquiry for her.

I had my lunch and then I moved toward Subhash shop. I reached his shop and he was sitting on the counter, talking with a guy of his same age. As soon as I reached there, the guy wished me and I wished him back. Subhash introduced him as his brother-in-law (Wife’s Brother) and I shook hand with him now. Subhash asked me to wait for few minutes as his bother-in-law will be leaving. They both belonged to Gujarat so were talking in their native language. I don’t understand their language but as per their expression I was sure they were talking about something very exciting. In about 10 minutes the conversation was over and he left. Subhash turned his face towards me now.

I was sure that he will apologise for his words and the statement which he said for Nusrat. I knew my wife for 4 years and she didn’t show any sign of debauchery in our entire married life. Subhash waited for a while and then got up. He locked the counter and then the shutter of the shop. He asked me to follow him and we got in his car. He moved the car towards a commercial complex. We got down and he climbed on first floor. It was some kind of office and he opened the gate. We got inside and moved towards a room. The room was a hall with projector on it. It seemed like a conference hall. It contained a round table in the centre with around 30 chairs surrounding it.

He pulled his mobile out of his pocket and plugged it with the projector. He powered the projector and then picked up the remote. He sat on the chair opposite to the projector and I sat beside him. With the remote he dimmed the light completely, it became dark like movie theatre and then he played the projector with remote. The scene started with a road, it seemed that the camera was on a moving bike. The scene stopped at a point and the camera turned towards a house. It was my house and I slightly peeped towards Subhash. He was looking elsewhere and I focused back of the screen. The person holding the camera got inside the main gate and then rang the bell. Nusrat opened the door, she looked at the person and an expression of shock emerged on her face.

Then the shock turned to fear and her face went pale. A voice spoke, “Wanted to see Iftekhaar.” She mumbled and said that he was not at home. The voice spoke again, “Can I see his parents or anyone else?” She spoke that no one was home. The voice which I recognized as Subhash spoke again, “Can we talk for few minutes?” She got aside the door and he might have entered the door. She made a hand movement to direct them and sit on the sofa in drawing room. Subhash said, “The discussion may take 20-30 minutes, you are all alone, won’t it be suspicious if someone comes and see you with us.” She thought for a second and then asked him to follow. She moved inside and the camera followed her. She reached in the bedroom, our bedroom and asked him to sit.

Subhash said, “Water please.” She nodded her head and moved out. He moved all around the room and finally found a place to fix the camera. It was the cupboard in the dressing table that I figured out. The camera turned towards his face, after he placed the camera. He showed a thumb up to the camera and moved aside. The whole room was visible now and I saw Subhash Brother-in-law sitting on the bed. Subhash also joined him on the bed. They removed their slippers and placed their legs over the bed. Nusrat returned with water glasses in a tray. She bends down a little with tray in hand and moved the tray towards them. She was wearing a nightie with deep neck, and usually she doesn’t wear undergarments at home.

Now Subhash and his brother-in-law were directly looking at her cleavage. She found them staring and she herself looked below. Subhash said, “Water later.” She kept the tray on the side table and asked, “How did you find the house address.” Subhash said, “Iftekhaar himself gave it to me yesterday to visit home, sometimes.” Nusrat asked about his intension of coming home. Subhash said, “You’re not so dumb not to understand that, are you?” She nodded her head and said, “You will get chance someday, at weekly meet, then why home?” He smiled and said, “It will take time, I was just little impatient.” He pulled a carry bag and pulled a bottle from inside, it was a high branded whiskey bottle. He looked at Nusrat and said, “Can we get the starters and requirements?”

She wasn’t happy with that but nodded her head. She was moving out of the room with glass tray, when Subhash said, “Come back properly.” She turned and asked about his brother-in-law. Subhash asked, “Is he a problem?” She didn’t say anything and just vanished out of the door. She returned back in 10 minutes, and shouted from outside to remove the curtain. Subhash brother-in-law got up and sided the curtain. First a tray entered with glasses, chips, peanuts, cashew and salad in plates. It also had a jug of water and another jug with ice cubes in it. After the tray Nusrat herself entered the room, all naked. Not a single thread was there on her body.

Her boobs were hanging and she walked towards the table. She placed the tray on the table and then opened the whiskey bottle. She poured it in two glasses, mixed water, then ice and passed it toward Subhash. Meanwhile his brother-in-law was standing just behind her butts, constantly staring at the butts. He looked at Subhash and he smiled, getting the clue, he placed his both palms on her butts and started to squeeze them. He even spread the butt cheeks and tried to spot the asshole. Nusrat was well aware of what he was doing, but she didn’t try to remove his hands and didn’t even tried to get up.

He did that for a whole minute then came and sat on the bed. She passed him the second glass and stood up. Subhash pulled some medicine strip from his pocket and Nusrat panicked. She said, “Family is not out for very long.” Subhash said, “I’ll ask Iftekhaar.” She calmed down and said, “They’ll return by 7 pm.” Subhash said, “Then we have plenty of time for this.” She nodded her head and both mixed one tablet each in whiskey glass and gulped it down. I didn’t ask anything from Subhash but my assumption was that it was some kind of power capsule. After the capsule was in both Subhash and his brother-in-law started to shred their clothes.

Their dicks were already rock solid and Subhash pointed his finger towards his dick. Nusrat got close and sat on her knees, and gulped his dick in her mouth. She started to suck his dick slowly. With her right hand she grabbed his brother-in-law dick and started to slide her hand on it. As a porn movie it was a perfect scene, a blowjob and a hand job on the same time. Both Subhash and his brother-in-law descended their one hand each downwards and grabbed her one boobs each. They started to maul her boobs sometimes softly and sometimes roughly. But Nusrat wasn’t paying any attention towards the molestation of her boobs. She was busy servicing both the dicks. Subhash made one more drinks for each and they both gulped it down inside. After the drink was over, he tapped on her shoulder and she stood up.

They both got up too and Nusrat reclined on the bed. Her ass was just near the edge of the bed and legs were folded. Subhash separated her thighs and placed his dick on her pussy. He pushed his dick inside and with little fiction it slipped inside completely. He said, “The best thing that everyone told me earlier is your body features. Due to your fat, you always feel virgin. My God, my dick is getting awesome sensation.” Saying this he started to thump her, slowly and increased his speed minute by minute. On the other hand, his brother-in-law sat above her head. He grabbed her both boobs and started to play with them. He sucked her nipples, kissed her several times and even stood on his fours.

As he stood on his fours, his dick was close to Nusrat lips and she gulped it inside. From one side she was getting fucked in pussy and on other side she was giving blowjob. The action continued for a long time, long means very long. I think due to the power capsule and then Subhash grunted and filled her pussy. He withdrew his dick and the desperate brother-in-law was inside her in seconds. He started to thump her with full speed, it seemed he won’t hold for long. But the power capsule was powerful. He too took a sufficient amount of time in filling her inside her pussy. Washed up, both reclined on the bed for few minutes and then got up. They made another drink and started to sip.

Nusrat got up, went out and returned in few minutes. She must have cleaned herself and had fixed her hairs and maybe washed her face too. She was looking fresh again. She sat on the table just in front of both of them and grabbed their dicks in her hand. She started to massage time slowly. Their dick started to become rock solid and within minutes they were rock solid again. She pounced up and went to the dressing table and poured a good quantity of cold cream in her left hand. She took a little in her right hand fingers and started to apply it inside her asshole. Though her asshole wasn’t visible but due to her action and face expression, I was sure about it. She applied nearly 70% of the cold cream in her asshole and then moved towards both off them.

She stood blank in front of them and Subhash pointed towards his brother-in-law. He was delighted about it and Nusrat applied the leftover cream on his dick. She climbed on the bed and got on her fours. Subhash helped getting her in position, so that camera gets clear side shot. She spread her knees little far from each other so that guy can accommodate himself. He got on his knees, between her thighs and pushed his dick straight in her asshole. She clutched her teeth on her lips, giving the idea when the dick entered inside. Subhash sat in front of her, near her face, on his knees. He guided his dick inside her lips and the action started from both ways. Nusrat wasn’t in condition to give blowjob and bear thumps in asshole at the same time.

So Subhash grabbed her face from both sides and started to fuck her mouth instead. On the other side, his brother-in-law was holding her waist and was fucking her asshole. He sometime reclined himself on her spine and mauled her huge hanging boobs for few second, giving himself a little break. As expected this session took a long time, pity long than usual and then both grunted at the same time. They both were filling her from both sides and to my dismay, Nusrat didn’t spitted Subhash sperms. He kept his dick inside her mouth until he deposited whole load inside her mouth and Nusrat had gulped all his sperms down her throat. They both reclined on the bed and Nusrat once again went outside for freshening and cleaning her up.

She returned in few minutes, looking fresh once again. She whispered something to Subhash and Subhash just nodded his head. She was back on bed taking turns in sucking both dicks one by one. When the dicks were rock solid. She climbed on his brother-in-law dick in cowboy position, guiding his dick inside her pussy. Subhash got her back and guided his dick straight in her asshole. Nusrat wept a little but not much. Now a sandwich pose of fucking started, she was bouncing on that guy and Subhash was fucking her asshole on the same time.

The matter of fact that she wasn’t exhausted till then, she was fucked numerous time still she was all active. She halted in between, and simultaneously the rest two halted as well. She reclined on his brother-in-law and gave him her nipple to suck. In the meantime, Subhash was mauling her another boob mercilessly. Mercilessly in the sense she nearly wept on the amount of pressure he was applying. After a pause of minute or two, the fucking resumed again. The same time of process continued for at least seven times. They fucked her sandwich and pause in between for sucking her nipple and mauling her boob. After a long session, they both flooded her, inside her both holes, nearly on the same time.

They rolled on bed and rested for few minutes, saw the times and asked her something. She nodded her head and picked up the glasses and dishes and left. They both got dressed up in few minutes and Nusrat returned properly dressed up in sari. She left again collecting her used clothes and this time Subhash went and picked up his camera and placed it in pocket. She returned back and Subhash asked her to escort them out. Now the camera was facing forward and she wasn’t in picture. In between I heard her weeps few times and at that time the camera tilted a little. Both Subhash and his brother-in-law were squeezing her one boobs each over her blouse and with the other palm they were squeezing her one butt cheeks each. They were applying massive pressure and that’s why she was resisting a lot. They resumed their walk but it was excessively slow.

They reached to the main door in five minutes or so. Subhash turned towards her and I could see her blouse buttons all open and were hanging under her armpits. Her boobs were all naked and had turned red till then due to all molesting. They bid her good bye and came out. Then the screen went blank as Subhash had closed the camera. As the screen went off the projector closed and automatically the lights stared to glow. Subhash was looking at me with a cheap smile. He said, “I’m not the only one who have managed to fuck her. There are several others too but the worst part is the administrator of your wife body. There is a tent house named Swagat Tent House, and the owner name is Bunty Makhija. Now Tuesday market remains closed and the locality is isolated.

At 1 pm he and his friends, which means sometimes me too, gamble over there. Nusrat accompany him there and serve all of them drinks and snack. On the final showdown the winner of the gamble takes all cash along with the liberty to fuck her also.” He paused for few seconds and said, “Tomorrow is Tuesday, give you mobile phone.” I passed him my mobile phone and he started to set something in it. After 2-3 minutes he handed me to phone back. He said, “I have a button camera, which I will fix in my shirt tomorrow. I have downloaded an application on your mobile which can access it. Be online and you can view the whole thing tomorrow at 1 pm. Even though I have proved myself but still I want you to view more.” He started to close the projector, disconnected the phone and started to close the office. We returned back to his shop where few customers were waiting for him. I had no option to leave, without even asking him to delete the video clip that he had shown me.

Next day around 12:30 pm I had my lunch and moved to an isolated park to view my wife debauchery. I switched ON the application exactly at 12:50 pm and the scene was heart breaking. I knew Bunty Makhija and he was standing just in front of his tent house. Subhash whose face wasn’t visible but due to camera I assumed, he was him only. So there were Bunty, Subhash and two other faces. Bunty was a middle aged man around 35-40, but looked quite young. The rest peoples were also in the same age group. Nusrat was standing just beside Bunty, she was wearing a blue coloured sari with matching blouse and few jewelleries, with thick colour lipstick and light makeup. Bunty had kept his palm on her waist. They were standing a little tilted and he was squeezing her butts in between.

Nusrat was ignorant on the activities and was busy taking with others. After few minutes they moved inside the tent house. It was kind of hall with all stuffs kept here and there. It had all stuffs kept in tent houses and the hall had few attached rooms as well. She kept her bums on a table and Bunty was busy arranging table and chairs in the middle of hall. Bunty waved to Nusrat and Nusrat smiled back shyly. She unpinned the pin on her blouse and dropped her sari. She started to unbutton her blouse, and soon it was off. She removed her blouse and later her bra as well. She was topless in front of all off them but didn’t try to hide her boobs. She allowed them to look while she was busy folding her blouse and bra. She kept them aside and then covered her boobs back with the sari. But the sari was very transparent and it was useless covering her boobs with it.

A guy among the others pushed his hand forward and grabbed her one boob. She didn’t try to remove his hand and he was lightly squeezing her boob. After a minute or two Bunty came closer and looked at Nusrat. She laughed and dropped her head. Bunty looked little annoyed so she asked him to wait. She immediately started to remove her sari. Within seconds the sari was gone followed by her petticoat and panty. She was all naked in front of all of them. Bunty moved towards the table, she was followed and the other two guys started walking side by side to her. They both kept their one hand each, on her waist and were busy squeezing her butts. One of them even tried to force his one finger in her asshole, on which she hopped a little but didn’t say anything. Subhash was walking behind so that I could get a clear view of the whole situation going on there.

They all sat on four chairs and a coffee table was just in front of them. As they sat they started to shuffle cards and the game begun. Nusrat went to a side room and came back with alcohol and cigarettes. She filled the glasses and passed it to everyone and lit few cigarettes and passed it to Subhash and another guy. She stood between two guys and was waiting for glass to finish. The game was on full swing and she moved from one place to another in few minutes. First she was standing between Subhash and other guy, then she moved between Bunty and other guy and like was rotating herself. The guys were busy with their cards but in between they forwarded their palm’s to press her boobs, pinch her nipples, squeeze her butts, finger her pussy and rub her thighs. She wasn’t objecting at all and was pretending it as her duty. She filled glasses as soon as it got empty.

The game went on for one and a half hour before the final winner was been declared. The winner was one guy in the group who was around 35 years old. He first of all collected all the cash and kept it in a small bag. Then he looked towards Bunty, Bunty smiled at him and looked at Nusrat. Nusrat nodded her head and moved towards a room. She entered the room and the guy followed her to that room. Both vanished in the room and after about 3-4 minutes Subhash got up. Bunty made sign where he was moving and then nodded. Subhash got up, moved slowly toward the back door. He paused in front of the room door in which both had entered. He turned towards the door which was open wide. The scene which I saw was, the guy sitting on a table all naked. Nusrat was sitting on her knees, sucking his dick. Subhash then moved towards the washroom and waited their uselessly for 10 minutes. He returned and once again showed me inside the room.

This time Nusrat was lying on the table with legs on his shoulders. The guy was mercilessly fucking her pussy and squeezing her boobs. Subhash moved back towards his position and started to drink again. The guy came outside in 15 minutes all naked. He sat of the chair and started to smoke and drink. Now Bunty got up and moved towards the room, he went inside the room and didn’t returned back. About 5 minutes later the guy who was fucking Nusrat in the room got up and moved in the same room. Subhash waited for 10 minutes and got up. He moved towards the same gate and stood in front of it. Bunty was lying on the table and Nusrat was in cowboy pose. His dick was inside her pussy and she was jumping on it. The other guy was behind Nusrat and the pose he was in, made me assume that he was fucking her ass. He was holding her boobs and squeezing it like water filled balloons.

Nusrat was moaning like anything showing the pleasure she was getting. Subhash asked Bunty whether they should wait or can leave. Bunty turned his face towards Subhash and asked him to wait. He came back on his seat and waited for 30 minutes until all of them arrived. Nusrat hair was all messed up and lipstick all washed up. Both Bunty and the other guy started to wear their clothes. Subhash and the other guy was about to get up when Bunty asked them to drop their pants. He said that today he was little generous and was instructing Nusrat to give both of them a blowjob. They both got rid of their pants and their dick were standing straight.

Nusrat moved to the other guy and gulped his dick in her mouth. She started to give him a professional blowjob and was massaging Subhash dick with one hand. It took 10 minutes when the guy grabbed her head and unloaded himself in her mouth. She gulped the entire stuff down her throat and moved towards Subhash. Identically she gave him blowjob too and he too unloaded himself in her mouth. The party was over so, Nusrat got dressed and fixed her makeup. They all exited the building and closed the shutter behind. Nusrat moved towards an auto-rickshaw already waiting to escort her. Rest of them moved towards their vehicles and the application screen went blank.

I moved out of the park and went back to office, I was all flushed up, heartbroken, and rage was there, I was angry on Nusrat as well. But I wasn’t sure that I could confront her to this. Though she was getting fucked by many but I wanted to know how and when it all started. Beside this I also wanted to know why it started, what was the major problem which lead Nusrat to this type of life. I was about to decide something when message tone buzzed. I opened the mobile and saw message from Subhash to get inside the application. I went to washroom and opened the application. Subhash was waiting at a tea stall and Bunty was approaching towards him. They were having some type of business conversation which I couldn’t understand. Then the conversation moved to Nusrat.

Subhash indirectly asked about her and wanted to know who she was. Bunty didn’t disclose who she was but admitted that she was a married housewife. Subhash asked whether her husband knew about it. Bunty said, “I have lots of video recording of her, I pray to God that her husband become aware of it. And may God he comes to confront me. I will show her videos to him and then will blackmail him to allow me to fuck her wife. The duration will increase as her husband will be on guard and willing allow to use her wife.” They talked few more things about her and then the meeting was dismissed. I was thinking of confronting Bunty but after this I rejected that thought. But still I wanted to know, so was thinking of the same deeply. Though it was a foolish idea but still I thought of Subhash only.

Nusrat knew Subhash and fact that Subhash knew me too, she can easily confess in front of Subhash. Though Subhash had partially betrayed me and fucked Nusrat with his brother in law, but at present I wasn’t having any other option, apart from him. So I reached his shop at afternoon, next day. He welcomed me, asked for the tea and snacks and then said that he had proved himself. I agreed to his statement and told him the reason I was here. He thought for few minutes, didn’t reply anything. He hummed himself and asked, “For proving myself, I fucked your wife, along with my brother-in-law. Don’t you felt betrayed? Do you still have faith in me?” Now that was an awkward question, I was feeling like betrayed but literally I didn’t have any other option apart from him.

Still I didn’t want to say that so I said that he was my childhood friend and I trusted him. He smiled and said, “Can you please bring Nusrat to my shop tomorrow afternoon. I don’t want to go to your house again, don’t want to take unnecessary advantage of the situation. I have to just ask questions and my shop will be good place for that. You just come along with her, after arriving, excuse yourself and leave her here saying you have some work. After leaving you can come back in 1 to 1.5 hours and I will get all information you need.” I understood what he said and we decided the time and the other details was being shared him, what I would say, what he will say etc. Then I came back home and waited for next day.

Next day around 12:30 pm I returned home from office. I asked Nusrat to get ready as we were going out. She said she was having some kind of social meeting. I scolded her that it’s only today, can’t she leave her useless non profitable social event for one day. After all it was just a voluntary job not a paid job. She wasn’t happy with my statement yet she didn’t argue. She got ready in 45 minutes and we moved to Subhash shop. As soon as we reached there, her face went pale. She was little terrified yet she supressed her emotions and brought a smile on her face. We got inside the veranda where the counter was and sat in front of Subhash. I told her that me and Subhash were planning for a holidays together. It would be me and Nusrat along with Subhash and his wife.

So the purpose was clear that why I had brought her here. Now the plan was to get out of there, so I called myself from another phone I was carrying. I actually had dialled my number previously and kept it in my pocket and just inserted my hand in my pocket and dialled. As soon as my phone rang I picked the call. First I muted the call and then talked normally. Then I said, “What are you saying Mr so and So, I have planned a holiday trip, on basis of this deal only.” Then I talked little rashly and then I said that I was coming right away and we need to talk. I looked towards both of them after disconnecting the call. I said to Nusrat, “Darling! I need to see a client immediately, will you please stay here, I will return in 30 minutes.” Before Nusrat could say a word Subhash said, “Of course, there is nothing to worry about. You go and complete your work.” Nusrat too shook her head but she didn’t look happy.

I walked to my bike and moved away. I parked my bike in a commercial complex which was around 1.5 km away. I walked back towards Subhash shop as I wasn’t sure what could happen. I reached near the complex and hid myself behind a wall nearby. From there Subhash counter was clearly visible. Now Subhash was sitting on the counter all alone and Nusrat was missing. Where the hell she has gone now? I decided to return back and come back with my bike. But I thought else way. I decided to stay and wait for Subhash call. I waited to 15 minutes and then Subhash pushed his chair backwards and stood up. As soon as he stood up, I was taken aback.

He was just wearing his shirt and was completely bottomless. He came out of the counter like this only. I was about to think what was happening when Nusrat stood up. Her back was towards me, she was all naked, no bra no panty all naked. She came out of the counter and turned towards my side. She was all naked and lipstick was all smeared off. Her hair was all messed up and she walked inside the shop. Subhash too followed her inside, closing the shutter behind. I pulled my phone and called Subhash but his number was switched off. I called Nusrat but her number was switched off even.

Just then a man shouted from behind. I turned around and found a man in watchman dress. He was asking what I was doing here. I said that I was waiting for someone. He scolded me that it was posh area and I should wait outside the area. He asked me to move and forcefully pushed me towards another side. He was thinking me some kind of thief and literally I was behaving like one. Now I didn’t want a fight over there with that watchman so I moved towards the commercial complex. I picked my bike but I missed the slip which was required to get the bike out. Now the guy on guard wasn’t listening and so I had to return back walking to see the slip had fell somewhere. I found the slip lying on the ground and I went back towards the parking area. He took the slip and let me take my bike.

I returned back to Subhash shop and found his shutter locked and car missing. I tried to call both Nusrat and Subhash again but still both mobiles were switched off. I thought of going home but decided else way. I went towards Subhash home to check whether he was home or not. I didn’t find his car at home so rushed back towards his shop. In the way I saw his car heading elsewhere. I turned my bike from next signal and I missed him. Now I was thinking where he could go, as I couldn’t have returned home without Nusrat. There was a mall in that way so to take a chance I went to that mall. I wasn’t sure he was there so I just started to roam inside, floor by floor and shop by shop. When I was on third floor I got a glimpse of him. He was standing on fifth floor talking with someone. I quickly rushed towards the floor but he wasn’t there anymore.

I searched here and there and found him on ground floor. I rushed to the ground floor but lift took lot of time and he had left already. I didn’t find any trace, where he was moving to, so I just came back towards his shop and stood a little far away from the shop, behind few bushes. The watchman who messed with me was sitting on a stool just in front of Subhash shop shutter. I was thinking what to do next, when a car arrived. It wasn’t Subhash car but someone else. Three guys got down the car and headed towards the shutter. The watchman saluted them and started to unlock the lock of the shutter. The shutter went up and two guys came out from inside. One of them pulled out his wallet and gave the watchman few notes. He saluted him and both guys picked up a biked standing there and moved towards my direction itself.

The three guys looked at the watchman and moved inside the shop. The watchman closed the shutter and locked it again. He sat on the stool and started to play with his mobile. Just then the two guys on bike crossed me and one of them was saying that he hadn’t enjoyed that much ever. I was confused that when Subhash wasn’t at shop why the two guys were inside, locked and why the three guys went inside just now. It wasn’t any kind of office, just a grocery store. I waited there for complete 90 minutes and nothing happened. Around 90 minutes later Subhash himself arrived with his car. He looked at the watchman and the watchman told him something. I didn’t want to pounce at him, and wanted to get a complete picture of what was happening. Subhash sat on his counter and about 10 minutes later the watchman opened the lock and opened the shutter. All three of them came out. They talked something with Subhash until their car arrived. They sat in the car and moved away.

I decided to go ahead now but watchman was saying something to Subhash. Subhash shouted at someone inside the shop. There, my wife coming out of the shop all naked. Her hair was all messed up and she was talking small steps. The way she was walking was clearly indicating how roughly and how many times she was been fucked. I now realised all the time my wife was inside, naked. When there were two guys and also when the three guys entered. The watchman said something to Subhash and he gave him a thumbs up. He pushed Nusrat from backside holding her bums until she reached the counter. She reclined on the counter on her stomach. The watchman dropped his pants and pushed his dick straight inside her. From the place I was looking, I wasn’t sure he got inside her pussy or asshole. Subhash got up, dropped his pants and Nusrat looked at him for a second and then gulped his dick in her mouth. She grabbed his waist so that the thumps she was getting doesn’t distract her from blowjob. The watchman took a sufficient amount of time before filling her hole and cleaning himself with a rag.

He pulled his pants up and slapped few times on her bums. They were fucking her in a broad day light and not even bothering that some street walkers may catch them. After few minutes Subhash grabbed her head and unloaded himself inside her mouth. As he was finished Nusrat went inside the shop again and came back after fixing her hair, her makeup and clothes. Subhash opened his counter drawer and pulled two mobiles. One was his own mobile and second one was Nusrat mobile. He gave it to Nusrat and both switched it on. Nusrat called me immediately telling me where I have been and she is waiting for quite long. I said that I was just reaching there in any moment. I started my bike and reached in front of the shop. Subhash welcomed me with a smile and said as I was getting late he took Nusrat home to meet his wife.

I know he was lying on my face but I said it was alright. Nusrat said that she was feeling little sleepy and wanted to go home. I dropped her back home and went straight back to Subhash. Subhash welcomed me and made me sit. I fired my questions and he asked me to relax first and have some coffee. He ordered coffee and we had coffee together. After the coffee he started, “Let me first tell you few facts which you don’t know.” He told me about her Instagram ID and asked me to visit that ID. I visited that ID and saw some very exposing pictures of her posted there.

Secondly he told me about a tattoo which was on her right leg and asked me about it. I have seen that tattoo but never asked her about it. He showed me the tattoo explained about it, the text was curvy and wasn’t visible properly. But the way he explained I got the picture of the tattoo which says Private Property of Swagat Tent House. It was such type of marking which was made on animals in old times. I was both boiling in anger and was nervous on the same time. Now he came up with the story how it all started.

It was start of last summer when it all started. Nusrat visited market on foot on few intervals. Most of the time it was 1 pm in the afternoon. Bunty had a bad eye on Nusrat as he liked voluptuous women. Nusrat was perfect in all forms. Soon he started to wish her when she passed by. She avoided for few days but then started to reply back. Few days passed and their conversation started. Now being a womanizer Bunty was well aware how to move the conversation to its desired destination. So a friendly conversation sometimes moved to hot and even towards vulgar conversations sometimes. Gradually the conversations place changed from roadside talk to in shop talk.

The amount of conversation raised from few minutes to an hour also. Within 15 days of time period Nusrat was a regular visitor to Bunty and the time she spends with him was about 1-2 hours. Now he praised her with her beauty and looks and elaborated about her body features. This was something new she was experiencing and was surely liking it. To give it a final touch Bunty’s two close friends also joined the meeting making it a pack of 3 and Nusrat. They all were having same type of expertise and Nusrat was falling in trap day by day. After 15 days they decided that the chicken was finally cooked up and now it was time to eat. It was end of May and the sun was on full blast. She reached around 1 pm heavily sweated. Purposely Bunty had removed the electrical fuse to fetch his purpose.

He told her some excuse of power cut and they sat inside the cabin of his office. The conversation started and both of his friends laughed among themselves. Nusrat enquired and Bunty said that his friends think her of backward class. Her ego got hurt and she resisted. So his friend asked where she belonged to before marriage. Nusrat told she was from Seoni a town from MP. So he said that it’s not a town but it’s a village and all girls from villages are of backward mind set. She again resisted and said she wasn’t at least. So his friend said that she was boiling in heat and sweat and there was no way that power was coming soon. But she cannot have that much to remove her clothes and sit comfortable.

She will keep herself sweating but won’t be able to remove her sari, blouse and petticoat. Now that was a foolish type of justification but Nusrat fell for it. She said she wasn’t backward at all and stood up. She didn’t think for a single second and started to remove her sari, followed by her blouse and petticoat. She was in her undergarments only sitting on the chair and looking at that guy in pride. Another guy uttered, “This isn’t called boldness, but removing your undergarments too can be called bold enough.” Nusrat hesitated for few seconds and all the three guys laughed out loudly. She took it as embarrassment and stood up immediately.

She removed her bra along with her underwear and let all of them feast on her naked body. Though she became nude but she crossed her arms on her boobs and clinched her thighs close enough. All of them laughed out loud again saying that if she was so comfortable then she should remove her arms and spread her thighs. She again hesitated for a while and did as asked. All three of them were feasting on every part of her body.

To forward the conversation Bunty himself said, “Nusrat you’re Muslim, having sex with other guy is way too far, any other guy touches you, then also you’ll sunk yourself or maybe you will commit suicide. Exposing yourself isn’t a big deal but going forward is big deal.” She took this too as prestige issue and denied the fact. Bunty immediately grabbed her one boob and pushed his finger in her pussy. He started to squeeze her boob and finger her pussy. He said, “That means this isn’t a big deal for you.” She firmly said that it wasn’t a big deal. Another guy sitting beside her grabbed her other boob and started to squeeze them too. He asked whether it was beyond her mind set or still things were cool. She didn’t even change her face expressions and said it was still fine.

The third guy got up and came closer to her. He said that kissing her wouldn’t be a big deal then. Saying that he kissed her full mouth, biting her lips and exploring her mouth with his tongue. Though she was well aware what it was leading to but her ego was making her to go with the flow. They exploded her body for 15-20 minutes, kissing her alternatively, sucking her nipples, kissing her all over her body and fingering her one by one. They all left her and started to disrobe themselves. Nusrat panicked and asked what they were doing. Bunty laughed loudly while he was removing his pants. He said, “That means you are bold enough till limits only, and you’ll surely die in shame if I enter your pussy. That was what we were trying to explain. That’s called backward mentality.” She took it as disgrace and immediately repulsed denying the statement.

Till then all of them were naked, so Bunty pulled her up by her arms and guided her to the office table. He made her recline on the office table on her spine. He pulled her downwards till her waist and without giving her second chance to think, pushed his dick straight inside her pussy. Nusrat knew very well that things had gone way out of hand but she resigned to the situation. Bunty started to fuck her with slow speed and full pleasure. Within 2 minutes his friend reached her head and asked her to open her mouth. She inquired and he said that he wanted a blowjob. Nusrat told him that he hadn’t done that ever. He laughed loudly saying that she was still a village girl. She immediately opened her mouth and pulled his dick inside. Though she wasn’t experienced but yet with little guidance managed to suck his dick. The third guy was busy playing with her boobs and navel.

They fucked her both ways for a sufficient amount of time and flooded her inside on the same time. Nusrat was about to spit the sperms in her mouth but the guy said not to spit it out like a village girl, instead drink it. To prove herself she gulped it down her throat. Now the third one made his way towards her. She turned around and deposited herself on the table. She herself spread her legs wide to give him way to enter her. He smiled and said, “Not that way village girl.” She seemed confused so he just turned her upside down. He declared to others, “I will prove that she is conservative village girl. I’m just going to fuck her asshole. If she screams that means she is a village girl and if she accommodates me easily then I’ll accept my defeat.” Nusrat immediately went tensed but she wanted to prove herself so with help of oil the guy entered her asshole.

It must have been her first time but still she managed to supress her pain and let him finish in her asshole. The way he was fucking her made the other two hard again so as soon as he was finished, Bunty demanded to fuck her asshole. She didn’t object and he started to fuck her asshole with full pleasure. She was virgin in her asshole and was extremely tight there so it didn’t take much time to drain himself inside her. The next guy too followed the same posture and same rhythm to flood her asshole within few minutes. Then they allowed her to clean herself and get dressed up. She returned back and in one shot they not only managed to fuck her but also made sure that she turns into their bitch soon. After Nusrat departed Bunty directed few things to his chaps.

Next day Nusrat decided that she wouldn’t be going to Bunty shop anymore, though she was well fucked by all three of them but still she felt guilty about the whole incident. But around in afternoon my mom gave her 5000 to go and give to the grocery shop owner nearby. She unwillingly went towards the shop and reached them without any hassle as Bunty wasn’t standing on the road. She would have changed the road if she would have saw Bunty. But Bunty wasn’t there so she returned from the same road, humming within herself. To her dismay as she reached near Bunty shop, the two lads of Bunty, his partners in crime were waiting on the road for her. She was very much upset on seeing them but yet controlled her emotions. Both the fellow wished her and asked her to accompany them at the shop. She fired few excuses but both of them looked at each other’s face and smiled at each other. Now this seemed little annoying for Nusrat.

She inquired about it and they said that they were thinking that she was what they thought earlier. She was frustrated and said she will be giving company to them in the shop. They moved and she followed in the shop. There was a long bench situated in a side of the shop, she sat in the middle of the bench. Both guys sat on owner chair and a side chair on the table. They removed their clothes before getting seated. They looked at her in a question mark and she looked uncomfortable for few moments. After a little span of time she got up and started to remove her clothes. She became naked in few minutes and passed them her clothes. One of them took the clothes and kept it on the side table.

She comfortably sat on the bench again and their conversation started. To prove herself bold she had spread her thighs wide enough to give them a good view on the pussy. While the conversation was going on a car stopped in front of the shop. Two guys got out of the car and Nusrat could see them from the glass. She panicked a little but rest two guys looked relaxed. She stared at them and they said to relax as they were familiar to them. Within few minutes both the guys entered the office. They looked at Nusrat and were little amazed seeing her but didn’t show much discomfort. Instead they also started to get rid of their clothes and sat naked on either sides of her.

As soon as they were seated they kept their one palm each on her thighs and started to massage them. They pushed their fingers forward and started to finger fuck her pussy. She looked well relax and didn’t showed any type of discomfort. They took her nipples and her mouth and started to suck well. She kept her palms on their head and was gently sliding her fingers in their hair. Just then the other two guys said to the two guys that why don’t they also join the action. The guys playing with Nusrat left her and she was pulled by her arms to stand. She was directed towards the table which was cleared by them. They asked her to recline on the table and she did as being asked. All a sudden all of them pounced on her.

One of them grabbed her one boob, the other one grabbed his other boob. The rest two guys grabbed her one thighs each. They started with slight licking, to licking each and every inches, to nibbling on skin, to biting on skin. They sucked her nipples and even bit them few times. She was on cloud nine and was taking turn to rub their hairs turn by turn. Just then Bunty entered the shop, he didn’t say anything, just got out of his clothes and sat on his knees. He started to lick her pussy and she shivered with the sudden attack. Bunty started to lick her pussy and bite on her pussy lips. She was stretching her body hard as more and more sensation was building up. Bunty tapped on shoulders of everyone and reclined himself on the table. She was left and was pulled up.

She was directed to climb on Bunty and take his dick in her pussy. She didn’t object and soon his dick went inside her pussy. In the meanwhile, another guy lubricated his dick and pushed his dick inside her asshole. Nusrat jumped a little on the sudden invasion. One guy climbed on the table and stood just in front of her. He guided his dick in her welcoming mouth. The rest two guys stood either side of the table, took her nipples in their mouths and grabbed her boobs in their palms.

They guided her palms to their respective dicks and asked her to give them hand job slowly. Bunty and the guy in her ass was holding her waist so that she doesn’t slips off their dicks and they both started to fuck her pussy and asshole. The guy in her mouth, grabbed her hairs and started to fuck her mouth. She was fully concentrating on the hand job only. The fucking session was very slow and it took almost 30 minutes and all the guys exploded nearly on the same time. As soon as they all pulled off she tripped on Bunty and was exhaling and patting for few minutes. She got down of the table and then cleaned herself. She sat back on the bench all naked and was smiling in herself. Bunty asked her the reason of her smile and she said, “I have been tricked and fucked. I know that!!” Bunty smiled and asked her whether she regret this or not. She resisted that she didn’t regret at all.

Bunty asked, “So interested in doing more or want us to trick you few more times.” Nusrat blushed and said, “No! No need to trick me more, I will do more times. We can gather here in afternoon for this.” Bunty said, “Why you want to do this?” Nusrat smiled and said, “Getting service by so many dicks and mouths was a new experience for me and I liked it. I want to do it more times.” Bunty asked, “And guys limitations, same guys.” Nusrat said, “That you take care off, I just don’t want to get caught. Just make sure that.” Bunty said, “We do gambling also, so will you serve my gambling partners also.” Nusrat said, “I don’t mind in doing that, as long as it’s safe.” Bunty said, “So tomorrow same time.” Nursat got up, went to him and kissed him full mouth and said, “Sure.” After that she got dressed and left. Later she started to visit Bunty regularly and later got involved in gambling session also. Subhash explanation was over now, I had no questions left so I got up and came back home.

Next day around 10 am I reached Subhash shop once again. He welcomed me and asked my purpose of visit. I said, “I need your little help.” He looked at me plainly and I said, “I want you to cuckold me?” He looked at me in amazement and asked what I meant. I said, “I want someone to fuck Nusrat in front of me and make her know that I know everything.” Subhash looked at me in confusion and said, “What will I get in return?” I looked at him and said, “I know you had fucked Nusrat with some guys at your shop yesterday. I think you’re pimping her. I don’t mind you can continue pimping her. Will that be ok with you?” Subhash felt embarrassed for a while and then smiled back. He said, “Per guy paid me 15000 each. She is quite profitable.” I looked at him plainly and he said, “Let me call one of my friend. As I’m known to your family.” He called someone and a guy in late twenties arrived in 30 minutes. He said, “Take him home with you in the evening and make him stay at your place tonight.” I nodded my head so he said, “After everyone is sleep, he’ll come to your bedroom to talk with you. Call him inside and then as per situation, he’ll fuck Nusrat in front of you. Hopefully your work will be done. Now you can leave and I will instruct him in detail.” I took his number and came back. I called him around 10 pm and he came near my house.
I escorted him home and told my family members that he was a close friend of mine. They welcomed him and I said that as his house was going with some construction works, he will be staying with us tonight. So after the dinner we sat for some chit chat and his bed was arranged in guest room. We waited till everyone were off to sleep. Then I moved to bedroom and Nusrat was up doing something in mobile. He smiled at me and kept the mobile aside. She got up and closed the bedroom door behind. I deposited myself on bed and waiting for that guy. About 5 minutes later he knocked the gate. Nusrat was frustrated as she was going to change her clothes. Still she opened the gate and found him. He said that he need to talk with me for few moments. So Nusrat made way for him to enter and she herself went outside. I asked, “What next?” He said, “Let her come back.” She came back with a jug of water and glass. She placed the jug on table and that guy got up and moved towards the door. I picked the newspaper and started to read. Nusrat showed relief and waited him to exit. The guy went to the door and closed the latch of the door. Nusrat looked at him in confusion and looked at me as well. But I didn’t look at her at all. He came back and stood in front of Nusrat.

He pulled her sari from her shoulder and she crossed her hands on her deep neck blouse. She looked at him in anger and he forcefully pulled her hands down. He started to unbutton her blouse and she pushed him and slapped him hard. He said, “Look bitch! I already know how big slut you are? So I just wanted to fuck you tonight.” She looked at me and he said, “Bitch, your husband already knows you’re fucking around with Bunty and Subhash and other as well, so no need to pretend.” She was continuously looking at me and I didn’t raise my head. It took him 5 minutes to opened all her clothes and made her nude. After he was done, he started to play with her body. Sucked her nipples, roughly squeezed her boobs, butts and kissed her full mouth. When he was done he said, “Brother! Will you be staying here? You can move to guest room; I will fuck her whole night.” I looked at them and said, “I can stay, you continue.” He pulled her by her arms and deposited her beside me on the bed. He spread her legs apart and dropped his pants. Within seconds he was inside her, fucking her with full pleasure. He was fucking her raw without condom, and wasn’t waiting for foreplay’s. so about 20 minutes later, he flooded her inside and rolled on the bed to my side.

He pulled the newspaper and said, “Brother! Do you know she sucks very nicely?” Nusrat was on her feet now. I said, “I don’t know as she had never sucked mine.” He looked at Nusrat and said, “Bloody bitch, you’re sucking numerous guy’s dicks and never sucked your own husband. Go and suck him off.” She stood there still and I said, “Well Nusrat show me your skills dear.” She was having a pale face but still managed to walk to me. She pulled my lower down and grabbed my dick. She stroked my dick few times and then gulped it inside her mouth. She started to suck me off and indeed she was talented. She played with my balls and sucked me for 15 minutes. I exploded in her mouth and she drank it all. When he was done, I saw that guy, lubricating his dick. He said, “Now bitch some here, I want to fuck your ass.” She walked towards him, he pushed her on bed, and spread her ass cheeks. He pushed his dick inside and started to fuck her ass in full go. He fucked her ass for 40 minutes before flooding inside. He deposited himself above her and slept. I was feeling sleepy as well so I slept too.

In night time I woke twice and first time I found Nusrat standing holding the wall and that guy fucking her from behind. I’m not sure he was fucking her ass or pussy. Next time when I woke she was bouncing herself on his dick, while he was lying flat on the bed side to me. When I got up in the morning, I found Nusrat between my legs. She was sucking my dick to wake me up. I woke up and let her to the job. I asked, “Where did he go?” She pulled my dick out and said, “He left around 5 am. I escorted him out. She resumed sucking my dick. It took her 10 minutes to stiffen my dick and 10 more minutes to make it explode. When she was done, I went for bath and after that she went to bath. She went busy in house chores and around 11 am I asked her to come along with me. Her arguments and resistance were faded now. She was under my influence now. She got dressed and we headed on my bike. We crossed the city premises and headed to a rural area. We stopped at a photo studio and headed inside. I asked her to go inside while I talked with the photographer. I said, “I need few pictures of my wife to be clicked.” The photographer named Sumit said, “Will be done sir, how do you want it.” I gave him a memory card and said, “All pictures directly on this memory card.” He said it will be done and fixed the memory card in his camera. He asked, “Which type of pictures you want?” I said, “Some revealing pictures in some short and skimpy dresses and some nudes.” He looked at me in amazement and said, “Are you serious?” I passed him 5000 and he smiled.

We went inside and he grabbed few relieving and tight dresses. I passed it to Nusrat and asked to wear it. She softly said, “Changing room?” I said, “Do you need changing room?” She looked at me and started to get rid of her clothes. She was nude in seconds and Sumit was busy adjusting his dick. She wore the dress and he shot few clicks. Then for whole hour dress were being changed and clicking were done. Then I asked her to get nude completely. She hesitated but didn’t argue. When she was nude, the clicking started again. Sumit took 100’s for pictures and I was satisfied. After the session was over, Sumit hesitated a while and said, “Sir! Can I say something?” I smiled and said, “Sure you want to fuck her, pussy or ass?” He smiled back and said, “Ass Sir.” I asked him to bring baby oil or Vaseline. He rushed out and brought fair and lovely cream. He dropped his pants, applied the cream and went straight to Nusrat. Nusrat bend down and kept her hands on the wall. Sumit spread her butts and was inside her in few seconds. He grabbed her waist and started to fuck her with full pleasure, slapping her butts in between. It took him 15 minutes to flood her inside. When he was done, I asked her to get cleaned and then get dressed.

We came out and headed towards Subhash shop. In between I went to a PCO and called on Subhash number. I called him 20 times when finally, he switched off the mobile. When I was satisfied, I called his wife. I said her that her husband has booked a jewellery set for her and I needed his design approval. He was expected to send me, but his mobile was switched off. I requested her to go and ask him to call me back. I used a PCO number to do the call. When she said she’ll reach in 20 minutes, I thanked her and disconnected the call. I reached Subhash shop along with Nusrat, I asked her to get down. We reached to the counter and I shook my hand with Subhash. I thanked him and said, “I have brought this whore to service you today.” He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I left Nusrat behind and went towards the edge of the complex. Delighted Subhash made some calls for 10 minutes and then asked Nusrat to get nude. Nusrat went inside and came back all naked. Subhash made way for her to get rid in the counter and she got inside. She started to suck his dick and there the bomb landed. His wife arrived, and he was shocked to his core. His pants were down and his dick was already in her mouth. His wife came towards the counter very happily and when she found Nusrat. Things turned opposite, she pulled her by her hair and slapped her few times. Till then his friends arrived also. She started to kick Subhash as well. His friends came in delight and were now tensed with his wife presence.

Subhash wife slapped Nusrat few times and asked how many times she had got fucked by Subhash. She said 3-4 times and she was slapped few more times. His friends asked her wife not to make scene here and asked Nusrat to get dressed and leave. Nusrat went inside the shop and came back dressed and she left the shop. When she walked near me, I called her. She looked at me and came towards me. She didn’t say anything and we headed for lunch in restaurant. When the lunch was done, I called Bunty. I did the same to him until he switched off his mobile. Then I called his wife and told him the same cooked story. I asked Nusrat to go to Bunty and make him fuck her within 15 minutes. She went to Bunty and Bunty not suspecting anything, made her nude and started to fuck Nusrat immediately. Bunty wife arrived in 15 minutes and the scene was created. He started to beat Bunty and then she slapped Nusrat as well. She didn’t ask her to wait and asked her to leave immediately. With red cheeks she returned back. Now I was sure the issues of Bunty & Subhash was over. We came back home and in night Nusrat gave me blowjob and I fucked her ass as well. We had a talk and I asked her to do whatever I say, else I will divorce her. She went on my feet and promised me she will do what I ask her to do.

For two three days both Subhash and Bunty shop were closed. On fourth day I saw workers in Bunty shop. They were bringing out furniture’s from his shop. I went there and asked about it. One of the worker who was supposed to be the in charge told me that Bunty family had already moved to Kolkata and they were moving their stuffs there. About two days later when I passed from front of Subhash shop, I saw his wife and his father also sitting in the shop along with him. As Bunty was out of town and Subhash was quarantined, I was sure the problem was over now. Now this bitch Nusrat was not getting laid anywhere except where I wanted. In these 4-5 days, I hired a Website Developer and asked him to develop an escort site for me. He took his charges and developed the site. He taught me how to operate it and about its securities. I put Nusrat pictures on the site and started to collect visitors from social media. In two three days I got several invitations and interested guys who wanted to fuck Nusrat. I contacted 40 of them with a new number. I told them that the rate was 15000 per head and they readily agreed. I made a batch of 4 guys per day and gave them date and time for the same. They transferred 50% caution money as advance deposit and I booked a hotel for them. The hotel manager was friend of mine.

So I openly told him that I was pimping a whore and want to pimp her at his hotel. I gave him 20% cut in profit and showed him Nusrat nudes. I offered him to fuck her whenever she arrives as a bonus and he can involve some of his staffs as well. He agreed to it and the stage was set. On the day when it was about to start, I took Nusrat to a parlour and get her groomed. I asked her to get herself shaved as well and told family that we were going for a marriage function and will return in 10 days. We packed our luggage’s and were dropped to the station. I bought tickets and when trained arrived family left. We boarded the train and left the train on next stop. We came out and Nusrat was suspicious but she didn’t ask anything. We booked a cab and came back to the city and headed towards the hotel. We came inside and the manager welcomed us inside his cabin. I asked Nusrat to sit on the side sofa and started to talk with the manager. When my conversation was over I offered him to fuck her once. I asked Nusrat to get naked. She hesitated a while but did as being asked. The manager commented vulgarly and I asked him to finish while I would be having some snacks in the restaurant. I left for the restaurant and the manager closed the door behind. He joined me in the restaurant in 30 minutes and I asked him where the whore was. He said that his two faithful and supporting staff were fucking her now. I smiled at him and he asked my schedule.

I told him that I would be staying here for 10 days where she would get fucked by 4 guys daily and I will pay him altogether or on daily basis. He said that in the day time she would be free, so he had an offer. I asked him and he said that he can call his few customers in the day time for her. He said he will give me 50% cut in all the deal and he was sure that bitch can handle 8 guys in 24 hours’ time span. I made an ugly face and he showed me his receptionist. She was a bombshell in early twenties. He said apart from 50% share, his personal bitch that receptionist will be at my service for 10 days. I shook hands with him and the deal was final. I asked him a favour to record all the sessions of the whore and he readily agreed.

After the discussion we came back to his room where Nusrat was busy getting fucked in ass and giving a blowjob on the same time. After the guy finished and the manager left as well, I told Nusrat why we were here. She dropped her head and didn’t say anything. In the night she went inside a room, all naked with a tray of whisky and snacks. Four guys were waiting for her to fuck her to the core. I was greeted by Divya in the room, where I fucked her to my core. In next 10 days, I fucked Divya to my core and in between I was busy watching the recorded session of Nusrat whoring. After 10 days we return back home and I told her to rest for twenty days and next month she will be doing same sessions in ten days of the starting of the month. I started my website again and started to get booking for next month.

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