Covid-19: I end up staying with my sister and her husband

We received the notice about the school closing down, and had to vacate the dorms. I felt this would happen when I read about the outbreak of the virus in China, and its spreading to other countries.

I called my parents to let them know what was happening. My dad told me to be safe, and he and my mom would see me when I got home. It took a couple of days for me to pack up my belongings and load them into my car.

I planned to leave Boston, stop to see my sister in North Carolina, and then head to Florida to stay with my retired parents. My parents lived in a retirement community in central Florida. They bought the condo after selling their business.

Carol, my older sister, still lived in the Raleigh area with her husband. Bill and Carol married when she was nineteen, a year after she graduated from high school. Her husband was two years older than Carol.

I hadn’t seen my sister in over a year because of my schedule. I wanted to finish my MBA as quickly as I could, so I attended school all year and didn’t get home often. While we lived at home, Carol and I didn’t hang around together. She’s three years older than me and had her own friends. We kept in touch, but it was usually by email.

Bill worked for a large IT company. From what my sister said, he was doing well. I knew they bought a home a year after they married. Before heading out, I texted my sister to make sure it was alright for me to visit. Carol said she would never forgive me if I didn’t stop on the way to Florida.

It was almost seven on Monday morning when I left the campus. I wish I’d gotten away earlier to avoid the traffic, but I spent an extra hour having breakfast with my roommate. He was leaving for his home town after we ate.

I checked my GPS, discovering it would take over twelve hours to get to my sister’s house. With stops for gas and food, it would probably take longer. Armed with a large black coffee, I headed out.

At one of my stops, I texted Carol to let her know my ETA. She told me not to worry about what time I arrived, and to drive safely. It was nine o’clock when I pulled into the driveway at my sister’s house.

I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. Carol opened the door, stepped onto the porch, and hugged me. My sister had always been a curvy girl with full hips, busty, and thick thighs. I noticed she was slimmer and firmer. I wondered if she had been working out.

“You look great, Carol,” I said as I released her.

“Thanks, I finally got off my butt and started going to a gym.” Carol smiled. “Thanks for noticing.”

After a moment, she invited me into the house. Bill stood up, extending his hand, and we shook.

“How was your drive?” Bill said.

“It was uneventful, just the way I like it,” I replied.

“Come sit and tell us about it, Matt,” Carol said.

Laughing, I said, “If it’s all the same, I would rather stand for a few minutes. I’ve been sitting for a long time.”

Carol offered me something to drink. I said a soda would be great. Standing in the living room, I drank from the can, enjoying the refreshing cold drink. A few minutes later, my sister insisted she give me a tour of the house.

The house was a two-story Cape Cod. The first floor had a kitchen, a living room, a half-bath, and a family room with a natural fireplace. We went upstairs, where Carol showed me the master bedroom and its ensuite bathroom. There were two other bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor.

“You can use this room,” Carol said as she pointed. “Bill is using the other room as his office. He works from home most of the time.”

I looked into Bill’s office, seeing his desk and three large monitors. He explained he managed the networks and security for several companies. After leaving Bill’s office, we went to the bonus room above the three-car garage. The long room had a wet bar, a large screen television, a pool table, and several pieces of furniture. Alcoves with bay windows provided a view of the front and backyards.

Looking outside, I saw the inground swimming pool and the covered patio.

“This is where we spend most of our time. When we have a party, it keeps the first floor clean.” Carol said. Walking to the far end of the room, she showed me a half-bath and a set of stairs leading to the first floor.

“The stairs lead to the mudroom by the garage. When we entertain, our guests come up this way,” Bill said.

“Are you hungry?” Carol asked.

“No, I ate earlier,” I replied.

We went into the bonus room and sat down. Bill sat in a recliner while my sister sat next to me on one of the two leather couches. We visited for about an hour, then I yawned. Carol smiled and said, “Do you want to get some rest?”

“Yeah, I’m bushed. Sorry, but I feel as if I could fall asleep sitting here,” I said.

We all went downstairs. I went to my car, grabbed my backpack, and locked the doors. Back in the house, I said goodnight and went upstairs. I removed my shaving kit from my bag and went to the bathroom. Carol came to the door and told me where I could find clean towels.

After my shower, I pulled on a pair of running shorts and went to the bedroom. It didn’t take long until I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I put on a tee-shirt and went to the bathroom to take a leak and brush my teeth. Finished, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Bill and Carol sat a the island counter, drinking coffee. My sister saw me, stood up, and got me a mug.

“How’d you sleep?” Carol asked as she placed my coffee on the counter.

“I slept great. The bed is very comfortable. It’s also large. I’m used to the single bed in my dorm room,” I said as I glanced at the television on the wall of the kitchen.

“I’m watching the news. This virus shit is getting out of hand. It sounds like they plan to make people stay at home,” Bill said.

“Sweetie, we should go shopping and stock up. What if they close the grocery stores?” Carol said.

“I doubt they’ll close the grocery stores. After all, people have to eat,” Bill said.

Turning to me, Carol said, “How long do you plan to stay, Matt?”

“What, are you trying to get rid of me?” I said.

“Not at all. We need to know how much food to buy. You know you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like to,” Carol said.

“I thought I’d head to Mom and Dad’s in a day or two. Maybe Thursday or Friday. The school is beginning the on-line classes on Monday,” I said.

“Why don’t you two go shopping? I have to work,” Bill said.

We ate breakfast while making a shopping list. When we finished, Bill headed for his office. Carol and I changed and left for the store. As she drove, she pointed out several things. As we arrived at the grocery store, my sister’s phone rang. She pressed a button on the steering wheel, answering the call.

“Hi, Mom, how are you and Dad doing? Matt is here with me, and we’re on speakerphone,” Carol said.

“Hi, Carol, hi, Mathew. How was your drive from Boston?” Mom said.

“It was okay, Mom. It took about thirteen hours or so. I will probably see you and Dad on Friday or Saturday,” I said.

“That’s why I called. The governor had issued an executive order. We’re not allowed to leave the house except for food, doctor’s appointments, or other essential needs. They are also advising that no one visits,” Mom said.

I looked at my sister. She smiled and said, “No problem, Mom. Matt can stay with Bill and me as long as necessary.”

“Are you sure, Carol? I mean, if it’s necessary, I guess Matt could come here,” Mom said.

“Don’t be silly. It’s okay for my brother to stay here. From what they said on the news this morning, it’s going to get worse before it gets better,” Carol said, then she asked about our dad.

Laughing, Mom said, “He’s playing golf. Dad’s afraid they’re going to shut down the golf courses.”

We chatted with Mom for a few minutes. She kept apologizing for not being able to have me stay with her and Dad. Carol and I told her not to worry. We agreed to keep in touch and ended the call.

“It looks like I’m stuck with my little brother, doesn’t it?” Carol said as she bumped against me on the way into the store.

“If it’s inconvenient, I can make other arrangements. I can find a hotel or something,” I said.

“Don’t be ridiculous! You’re staying with Bill and me,” Carol said.

In the store, we each grabbed a cart. As we went up and down the isles, Carol placed items in the carts. After we went through the check-out, we loaded the groceries into the back of my sister’s SUV.

Carol and I started unloading the car. Bill came to help, carrying bags into the kitchen and placing them on the counter and floor.

“It looks like you bought our the store, sweetie,” Bill said.

Carol shook her head and told her husband about the phone call from Mom. Bill nodded and assured me I was welcome to stay as long as I wanted to.

Once we had the food and other things put away, Bill said he had to run out. Carol and I sat in the family room, watching the developing news about the virus. We learned the state was ordering a shelter in place order for our area, and that all non-essential business were to close.

When Bill returned, he asked me to help him with the things he bought. We carried the beer, water, soda, and liquor into the house and upstairs to the bonus room.

“Are you planning to have a party?” I said as we stored the things.

“No, but I want to be prepared for a long quartine if it comes to that. Carol and I enjoy a few drinks on the weekends,” Bill said.

“It’s too bad, the restaurants closed. I was looking forward to having a barbecue dinner,” I said.

“I heard on the radio restaurants could still provide carry-out and delivery. We’ll get you a good barbecue meal, Matt,” Bill said.

Later, Bill called a restaurant and ordered food. We went to pick it up, returning home to eat. While enjoying the tasty pork, I said, “You can’t find a good barbecue restaurant in Boston. There are a few places, but they can’t compare to this.”

“Maybe, but you get great seafood,” Bill said.

We talked about the different foods we liked. I told my brother-in-law and sister I liked almost everything. Bill told me they had a freezer full of steaks, pork, chicken, and fish.

After taking care of the trash, we all went to the bonus room to watch television. After watching the news for an hour, Carol said she was tired of hearing all of the doom and gloom. She switched to a different program.

Our lives were affected by the virus, but the three of us quickly fell into a routine. On Monday, I began my virtual classes. My sister took care of the housework and sat by the pool reading. Bill worked all day, and then we ate together. After dinner, we’d have a drink while watching television until it was bedtime.

During the day, we would take a break to go swimming and relax. I couldn’t keep my eyes off my sister in her bikini. When she caught me looking, Carol would smile.

It seemed the three of us all staked our claims to our favorite seats in the bonus room. Bill sat in one of the two recliners. Carol and I sat on opposite ends of a couch. She liked to sit with her legs curled under her and lean against the armrest. I sat with my feet up on a footstool.

We would watch the evening news, making comments about the deteriorating conditions. The reports talked about social distancing and avoiding crowds. They told people to stay home unless it was necessary to go out. Bill made comments about the pressure on the data networks he monitored.

While living with Bill and Carol, I noticed the affection they openly shared. At first, seeing them kiss, hug, and whisper to each other was a little uncomfortable, but it soon became normal. One morning I walked into the kitchen and saw my brother-in-law hugging Carol. His hands gripped her bottom as they shared a tender kiss. When my sister saw me, she smiled but didn’t pull away from her husband.

There were several times that Carol and I talked while Bill worked. We’d sit outside, enjoying the warm air while getting to know one another better. Carol asked me if I had a girlfriend. I said I dated a couple of girls, but nothing serious.

It was Friday afternoon, almost two weeks since I arrived at my sister’s house. I finished my virtual classes and homework. Bill came down from his office, and we talked about dinner.

“I took out three porterhouse steaks for dinner. We can cook them on the grill. I’ll make a salad and baked potatoes,” Carol said.

At five o’clock, Bill and I went outside to start the grill while Carol worked in the kitchen. A few minutes later, my sister came out with cans of beer for us. We chatted while waiting for the coals to burn down. Like most days, all of us wore shorts and tee shirts. It would be too chilly in Boston, but it was in the eighties in North Carolina.

We sat at the patio table, drinking beer, and enjoying our steaks. I commented about gaining weight if I had to stay much longer.

“I know. If the gyms stay closed, I’m going to get fat again,” Carol said.

“You were never fat,” Bill said.

“I wasn’t skinny, that’s for sure,” Carol said.

Not knowing how to react, I smiled. I never felt my sister was fat, but I didn’t feel commenting.

We finished eating but stayed outside, drinking our cold beers. At about six-thirty, we decided to head inside. Bill and I took care of the dishes while Carol sat on a stool at the island counter watching. Getting up, my sister hugged Bill from behind.

“I want to get toasted tonight. Let’s go upstairs,” Carol said.

Bill laughed, turned around, and hugged Carol. He kissed her neck and then whispered in her ear. When my sister nodded, Bill went to the refrigerator and got a couple of lemons.

We went upstairs and into the bonus room. Bill put the lemons in the small refrigerator behind the bar. He gave each of us a beer and turned on the television.

“Can we watch something other than the news? It is so depressing,” Carol said.

“Sure, what do you want to watch, baby?” Bill replied.

“Put in a movie. I don’t care which one as long as it’s funny,” Carol said.

Opening a drawer in the entertainment center, Bill flipped through a stack of DVDs. He held up one, putting it into the player when my sister nodded. I chuckled when I saw it was Spaceballs.

We sat in our usual spots, watching the movie and laughing. About halfway through the film, Bill paused it. He said he was going to shower and change. Carol followed her husband to their bedroom. I decided showering and changing was a good idea and went to my room.

About a half-hour later, we regrouped in the bonus room. We opened new beers, sat down, and Bill resumed the movie. I noticed my sister wore a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank-top. Like me, Bill wore a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt.

“I want a shot,” Carol said.

Bill went to the bar, took out one of the lemons, and cut it into half-slices. Next, he put three rocks glasses on the bar. I watched him take a bottle of tequila from under the bar and pour the golden liquid into the glasses.

I followed Carol to the bar. After putting salt on the backs of our hands, we picked up our glasses and tapped them together. We drank our shots, grabbed a slice of lemon, and bit into it.

Placing her glass on the bar, chuckled, and said, “Thank you, sir, may I have another?”

Laughing, Bill refilled our drinks. We repeated the process, taking a sip of beer after biting the lemons. After a few minutes, Bill poured another shot for each of us. I knew there was more than one ounce of booze in each of our drinks.

“I want to play pool,” Carol said. She looked at Bill, and then at me. “Who wants to play with me?”

We went to the pool table to have a game. “What are we going to play with three people?” I asked.

“We’ll play cut-throat,” Bill said as he racked the balls.

I listened as Bill explained how to play the game. Each player would have five of the fifteen balls.

“So, one player gets the low-balls, the one through the five. Another player gets the mid-balls, the six through the ten, and the other player has the eleven through the fifteen. The object of the game is to be the last player with one or more of their balls on the table.

“We decide who has which group by the break. If you make a ball on the break, you get to choose which group you want. You continue shooting until you miss. When the next player shoots, they choose between the remaining two groups and shoot until they miss,” Bill said.

“How do we decide who breaks?” I asked.

“I’ll get a deck of cards. We’ll pick a card to determine the order,” Bill said.

We went to the bar for another drink and to select a card. Bill poured tequila into our glasses, held his up, and said, “Here’s to fun and games.”

Nodding, Carol said, “I’ll drink to that. Hell, I’ll drink to anything.”

“Are you already getting drunk, honey?” Bill said.

“Nope, just getting mellow,” My sister replied.

We took our drinks, ate the lemon slices, and then Bill spread a deck of cards on the bar. We each selected a card, flipping it over to show the others what we had. I had the highest card and would break. Bill’s card was lowest, so he’d shoot last.

Before starting to play, Carol asked for another shot of tequila. Bill poured but didn’t put as much in the glasses as before.

We played three games. Each of us won one. Between games, we took shots, chasing them with beer.

As we played our fourth game, I watched my sister lean over the table to take her shot. Her tank-top gapped, giving me a view of the tops of her breasts. Looking up, Carol giggled and then hit the cue ball.

“My brother was trying to look down my top,” Carol said as she bumped against me. “Matt was always trying to peek at my tits when we were younger.”

I felt myself blushing. Carol noticed and smiled at me.

“Did you ever see her tits?” Bill asked. He looked at my sister and raised his eyebrows.

“Not really. Carol never wore tops that revealed much,” I said.

Hugging Carol from behind, Bill said, “You never flashed your brother? My little sister couldn’t keep her boobs hidden. She was always flashing me.”

“I wasn’t an exhibitionist when I was a teenager,” Carol said. She wiggled against Bill. “You know you were the first man to see my breasts. You were the first guy to see anything.”

“You weren’t a good big sister,” Bill said as he held Carol’s hips.

Shrugging her shoulders, Carol said, “Well, you’re not a good husband. My drink is empty.”

Bill kissed my sister’s neck. He chuckled and said, “Well, if you show us your tits, I’ll get you another drink.”

Looking back over her shoulder, Carol winked at Bill. Then, much to my surprise, she lifted her arms. Bill gripped the hem of her top, pulling it up and off. When my sister saw the look on my face, she giggled.

“What’s the matter, Matt? Haven’t you ever seen tits before?” Carol said.

It took a moment to digest what I was seeing. I stared at my sister’s full round breasts, noticing how they wobbled as she laughed. Bill continued standing behind Carol as she displayed her bare chest.

“Sure, but I’ve never seen any as nice as yours are, Carol,” I said. I guess the tequila removed my usual shyness.

“Isn’t my brother sweet?” Carol said.

“He’s right, baby. You have spectacular tits,” Bill said as he moved his hands up and cupped her mounds.

Carol turned around, kissed Bill, and said, “Do I get my drink now?”

“I don’t know. You have a hard time keeping your clothes on when you drink tequila.”

Taking her husband’s hand, Carol walked toward the bar. “Make it a double, sweetie.”

Stopping, my sister turned to me. She glanced at my crotch, smiling when she saw the tent in my nylon running shorts.

Giggling, Carol said, “My brother does like my tits.” Shaking her shoulders and making her breasts jiggle, she put her hand between Bill’s legs. “You like them too, don’t you?”

“You better believe I do, baby,” Bill replied.

We went to the bar to have a drink. As Bill poured tequila into Carol’s glass, she reminded him she wanted a double. I stood next to my sister, wondering what the hell was going on. Instead of downing her drink, Carol took a sip.

We moved to the couches and sat down. Rather than sitting in our usual spots, Carol sat in the middle between Bill and me. She put her arms on the back of the cushions, displaying her large breasts. While we sat there, she ran her fingers through Bill’s and my hair. I thought it was a bit strange that Bill didn’t say anything about my sister’s overt affection.

“They’re thirty-six D if you’re wondering,” Bill said to me.

Laughing, I said, “You wear the same size bra as you did when you lived at home.”

“Did my little brother look at my bras?” Carl said. I grinned and nodded. “Did you look at my panties too?”

“I may have looked at them,” I said.

Putting her hand on my leg, Carol giggled and said, “Did you use my undies when you jacked off?”

“No, but I did think about it,” I said.

“My panties and bras weren’t real sexy back then,” Carol said. “Bill has me wearing sexy things now.”

Feeling brave, I looked at Carol and said, “So, was what Bill said about losing your clothes when you drink tequila true?”

Bill bounced one of Carol’s boobs in the palm of his hand. “She doesn’t need to drink to get naked. Your big sister is quite the exhibitionist. If you notice, there aren’t any tan lines on her tits.”

Carol removed her arms from the back of the couch. She gripped the waistband of her shorts and wiggled as she pushed them down. When her shorts reached her feet, she kicked them off, leaving her in her pink lace thong.

“If you boys want anything more, you have to show me something,” Carol said.

Bill got up, went to the bar, and grabbed three beers. When he returned, he handed one to Carol and me, put his on the coffee table, and removed his shorts. I glanced at him, noticing he wasn’t wearing underwear.

“There you go, baby. Show us your cute pussy,” Bill said.

Reaching out, Carol wrapped her fingers around my brother-in-law’s cock. “I can see your pecker anytime I want to. How about some fresh meat?” Carol said as she looked at me.

I felt my sister and brother-in-law planned what we were doing. I felt buzzed enough to go along and see what else would happen. Standing up, I took a drink from my beer can, put it down, and shucked my shorts while watching my sister’s face.

“Holy shit, I guess I can’t call you my little brother any longer. You’re packing!” Carol grabbed my prick and said, “How big is this thing? Seven inches?”

“His cock looks more like eight inches, baby. Makes my six and a half inches look small,” Bill said. “So, what do you think of the second cock you’ve seen?”

“What? I thought you would have seen other men’s dicks,” I said.

Shaking her head, Carol said, “Nope, you’re the second real one I’ve seen. I was a virgin when I started dating Bill. I never messed around with any of the boys I dated in high school. I kissed them, and a couple felt me up, but I never did anything else.”

“I didn’t know. I always thought you did more with the guys you went out with,” I said.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I was a good girl. I never liked anyone well enough to let them into my panties. Then Bill came along and swept me off my feet,” Carol said. “He was older and made me feel sexy. Instead of trying to grope me, my sweetie seduced me. Bill taught me how a real man treats a woman. After we made love, I was putty in his hands.”

“It doesn’t look like you’re holding putty now,” Bill said.

“No, I’m holding two beautiful hard cocks.” Carol smiled as she stroked Bill’s and my dick.

“I thought you were going to get naked if we did,” Bill said.

Giggling, Carol stood up. She released Bill, turned to me, and smiled. “Do you want to remove your sister’s panties?”

Nodding, I reached for her panties. She continued stroking my cock as I worked the thong over her full hips and down her legs. My sister wiggled, causing the wisp of a garment to fall to her ankles. She stepped out of her panties and moved back so I could see the tuft of pubic hair on her mons.

“You’re so beautiful,” I said while looking at my sister’s naked body.

I heard Bill chuckle. “See, I told you. I wish you’d get it through your head that you’re a beautiful sexy woman.”

“I’m trying, baby. It’s hard for me to get over my lack of self-esteem. When I was young, I thought I was fat and ugly,” My sister said.

I looked into Carol’s eyes. “I always thought you were sexy, Carol.”

Chuckling, Bill said, “I’ll bet you jacked off thinking of your sister.”

Carol tugged my cock when I smiled and nodded.

My sister released my cock and plopped on the couch. When she leaned forward to pick up her drink, I watched her breasts sway. Bill noticed and smiled at me.

Looking at Bill, Carol said, “Did you play with yourself while thinking about your little sister?” My sister laughed. “Oh, I forgot, you used to have sex with Kim.”

“In all fairness, I did jack off while thinking of my sister before we started fooling around,” Bill said.

“Does the idea of incest put you off, Matt?” Carol asked me.

Chuckling, I shook my head and said, “No, in fact, the idea of incest used to get me off. You have no idea how many times we had sex, even if it was only in my mind.”

Carol glanced at Bill. He smiled, then winked at my sister. Turning back to me, she said, “So, you wouldn’t get pissed off if I sucked your cock?”

As she spoke, Carol stood up, grabbed one of my legs, and put it on the couch. I twisted, reclining against the armrest. My sister knelt between my legs, smiled, and began stroking my cock. Lowering her head, Carol took my cock between her lips. I let out a groan as she began bobbing her head up and down.

I watched my sister blowing me for a moment, then looked up at Bill. He smiled and nodded while watching his wife suck another man’s cock. When Carol caressed my balls, I returned my attention to her.

My sister moaned around my cock when I tangled my fingers in her shoulder-length brown hair. She stopped bobbing her head, looked up, and smiled. Using her hair, I guided her mouth on my cock. She groaned, allowing me to set the pace.

Once again, I glanced at my brother-in-law. He sat watching, his drink in hand. I wondered why he wasn’t fingering his wife, or at least touching her. Carol dropped her head lower, causing my cock to hit the opening of her throat. She gagged a little, then shoved down until her nose buried into my pubic hair. I let out a gasp as I experienced my first deep throat.

I felt torn between wanting my sister to finish me with her mouth or asking if I could fuck her. Regardless of how she finished me, it would be one of my many dreams about Carol come true. When I was younger and living at home with her, I used to think about having sex with my sister. Now, it was really happening.

Carol picked up the pace as she made wet slurping noises while she sucked my cock. I felt her tongue moving against my glans, and her hand caressing my balls. When I began moving my hips, she increased her efforts.

“Oh my god, I’m going to come,” I said while tightening my grip on my sister’s hair.

Carol moaned around my cock. She took me into her throat, hummed, and then lifted her head until only my glans remained between her lips. She started using one hand to stroke my shaft as she applied firm suction to my cock. Letting out a moan, I erupted in my sister’s mouth. She continued stroking my cock as I sent several shots of cum into her mouth.

When my cock stopped throbbing, Carol lifted her head. She kissed the tip of my cock, sat up, and looked into my eyes. I watched my sister swallow my semen, then smile.

While I sat there regaining my composure, Carol took a drink from her beer can. She leaned over to her husband and kissed him. They shared a hug, and then my sister settled back between Bill and me. I had repositioned myself, sitting with my feet on the floor.

The three of us were quiet for a few moments. Then my sister put her arms around Bill’s and my shoulders. She pulled at us until her husband and I sandwiched her between our bodies.

“Matt, I think I owe you an explanation. Please don’t think poorly of Bill or me. As I told you, Bill is the only man I have ever been with until tonight. We’ve talked about the fact I never experienced another man many times. While I was always curious, I would never cheat on Bill. We talked about it and decided that if you were willing, I would have sex with you,” Carol said.

“When did you decide to have sex with me?” I asked.

“You may not believe this, but we decided this morning. We talked about it a few times over the past couple of days but didn’t think it would come to fruition. Carol was afraid of how you’d feel about her and us. I told her I would support her regardless of what she decided. When she said she wanted to drink tequila tonight, I knew she made up her mind.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about cuckolding and hot wives. I assure you this is neither one. What we are doing is helping your sister fulfill something that’s been nagging at her,” Bill said.

“After my wonderful hubby gave me his blessing, I decided to see where things would go. If you weren’t receptive, I would have spent the rest of my life wondering what it would be like to suck, fuck, and make love to another man. This isn’t something I could do with anyone other than you, Matt. I could never have sex with a man I didn’t love,” Carol said.

“And you’re okay with me having sex with Carol?” I asked Bill.

Nodding, Bill said, “Yup, I sure am. I want Carol to know what it’s like to have sex with another man, Matt. I’m happy the other man is you.”

Smiling, I said, “I feel honored you’d even consider me. So, now what?”

Reaching between my legs, Carol caressed my cock, causing it to grow. She smiled at me, leaned close, and said, “Do you think what they say about kissing your sister is true?”

“There’s only one way to find out,” I said.

Carol pressed her mouth to mine. I felt her tongue against my lips and let it into my mouth. As we shared a kiss meant for lovers, not siblings, I held the back of her head with one hand while massaging one of her breasts with the other. Moments later, we were making out like lovers. Without removing her mouth from mine, Carol shifted and straddled my legs. I pulled her closer, pressing her firm tits against my chest.

As we kissed and caressed each other, my sister rubbed her mons against my hard cock. She lifted her hips, positioned my dick between her legs, and lowered her body. I let out a moan as my cock pierced Carol’s wet pussy. She wiggled while pressing down, embedding my entire cock in her hot wet vagina.

While I fucked my sister, I wasn’t even aware we had an audience. I knew Carol’s husband sat near us, but I didn’t care. My entire focus centered on making love to my sister. Gripping her hips, I held Carol still while I thrust up into her. Her breasts covered my face, and I took advantage of the position. Moving my head, I sucked one of her firm nipples between my lips.

Moaning, Carol held my head against her chest. I moved my mouth from one breast to the other, sucking and nipping her nipples. When I stopped thrusting in and out of her pussy, my sister started to move up and down. She lowered herself until our pubic bones met, wiggled, and then bounced up and down. Taking a moment to glance at Bill, I saw him stroking his cock while watching us. When he winked at me, I realized he enjoyed watching me fuck his wife as much as I liked fucking her.

Placing her mouth near my ear, Carol whispered, “Let me know when you’re ready to come. I want to have you in my mouth when you do.”

I wasn’t sure why my sister didn’t want me to come in her pussy, but who was I to argue? If she wanted to eat my semen, it was fine with me. We continued fucking for another ten or fifteen minutes. My sister rubbed her clit, causing her to climax while I continued fucking her.

When I told Carol I was close, she pulled off my cock. Dropping to her knees between my legs, my sister grabbed my cock and began sucking it while she stroked my shaft. I held her head, groaning when my cock sent a few spurts of cum into her sucking mouth.

As soon as I finished coming, Carol stood up, moved over to Bill, and impaled herself oh his cock. Holding her husband’s shoulders, she rode him like a bucking bronco. It surprised me when he pulled their mouths together and shared an open mouth kiss. I watched his tongue shoot in and out of her mouth as she did the same to him.

I had never observed anyone fucking before, not in person. I’d seen it in porn videos, but watching my sister and Bill was much more erotic. I couldn’t help wondering if Bill found watching my sister and me was as exciting as what I saw.

Bill lifted my sister off his cock, had he kneel on the couch, and started fucking her from behind. I watched Carol’s breasts wobble and slap together as her husband pounded his cock in and out of her pussy. I took a sip of my drink while listening to the sounds of their flesh slapping together.

Grabbing Carol’s hips, Bill shoved his cock into her. He threw his head back and let out a moan as he came. When he finished ejaculating, Bill sat on the couch. Carol bent over, sucked his semi-flaccid cock into her mouth, and cleaned their combined fluids from his shaft. She made loud, slurping sounds as she sucked his cock clean.

Sitting on the edge of the couch, Carol finished her beer. She took a deep breath, looked at Bill, then at me, and smiled. “You boys sure know how to treat a girl.”

“We did our best, sweetie,” Bill said.

“Well, now that you two have made me all sweaty, I think it’s only fair you wash me. Let’s go shower. I’m not sleeping with two stinky men,” Carol said as she got up.

The three of us went to the master bedroom. Carol started the shower, and we all stepped into the spacious stall. She grabbed her body wash, told Bill and me to hold out our hands, and poured some of the liquid onto our palms.

My sister stood with her hands behind her head, thrusting her chest out while her husband and I ran our soapy hands over her body. She turned around slowly, allowing Bill and I to wash her entire body. When we finished, Carol began washing me. I guessed she was still a little drunk by the way she giggled. I let out a moan when my sister coated my genitals with suds.

Carol washed Bill, paying equal attention to his cock as she did mine. We washed our hair, shut off the water, and got out to dry ourselves. Carol wrapped a towel around her wet hair, but not her body. We returned to the bonus room to relax before bed.

Bill asked if anyone wanted a drink. We all decided on water, saying we’d had enough alcohol for one night. While sitting next to my naked sister, I realized how comfortable I felt.

Carol said it was time to get some sleep. We got up, shut off the lights and television, and headed for the bedrooms. When I started to go into my room, my sister grabbed my arm.

“Sleep with us, Matt,” Carol said.

“Are you guys sure?” I said.

“Yeah, we’re sure. I know Carol wants you to sleep with us,” Bill said.

I followed Carol and Bill to their bedroom. The three of us climbed onto the king-size bed with my sister between her husband and me. Rolling toward me, she gave me an unsisterly kiss. Her tongue probed my mouth as she moaned.

“Thank you, Matt. I had a blast tonight,” Carol said.

“I should thank you for making one of my biggest fantasies a reality. This will go down as one of the best nights of my life,” I said.

I heard Bill chuckling. “Matt, you’ve started the motor, and if I’m right, tonight is only the beginning. I think my sexy wife had plans for us.”

Turning toward Bill, Carol kissed him. “You have no idea, baby. I have other fantasies I want to explore. I love you so much for allowing me to live out my dreams and do the things we’ve talked about.”

I felt Carol’s hand on my chest. She rubbed me for a moment, said, “Goodnight, Matt,” and rolled next to Bill. I told my sister and brother-in-law goodnight and turned onto my side. Bill turned off the light, sending the room into darkness.

As I got comfortable, I heard my sister and Bill kissing. They whispered as they settled in for the night. I couldn’t help wondering what our future held. From what Carol and Bill said, this was the beginning, not the end of the sexual activity between the three of us.

Smiling, I decided having to shelter in place wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

Chapter 2

I woke up with a slight hangover and the feeling of someone playing with my cock. Opening my eyes, I saw Carol sitting Indian style, one hand on my crotch and the other on Bill’s. She squeezed my dick and chuckled.

“Goodmorning, Matt. How are you feeling?” Carol said.

“I have a headache, but you’re making it better. Is Bill awake?” I replied.

Grinning, my sister said, “He’s up, but not awake if you know what I mean.”

“As much as I’m enjoying this, I have to piss,” I said.

I got up and walked into the bathroom. When I returned to the bedroom, Bill was awake. He sat up, kissed Carol, and got out of bed. My sister got up and said, “I’m going to make coffee.”

As Carol walked out of the bedroom naked, I said, “Are you getting dressed?”

“Not if I don’t have to, Matt. After the amazing night last night, I want to run around naked as much as I can.” Carol grinned, and added, “It’ll save time when one of my hot men want to take advantage of me.”

Bill came out of the bathroom, heard what my sister said, and laughed. “Matt, she loves running around in her birthday suit. We don’t wear many clothes when we’re here alone. It’s up to you whether or not you get dressed.”

Following Carol and Bill out of the bedroom, I said, “Oh well, when in Rome.”

It was weird walking down the stairs with my semi-erect cock wobbling back and forth. When we got to the kitchen, Carol handed us small towels to sit on. She started preparing the coffee maker while Bill and I sat at the island counter.

“So, Matt, did we shock you last night?” Bill said.

I chuckled and said, “You sure as hell surprised me. It took a few minutes to realize what was happening, but once I knew no one would get pissed off, I felt comfortable.”

“You’re going to learn Carol, and I are carefree and willing to explore. We’ve never had anyone we felt comfortable enough with to do what we did last night. Up until we partied with you, it’s been role-playing,” Bill said.

Carol brought us mugs of hot coffee, placing them on the counter. She put her towel on a stool between Bill and me, then sat down. We sipped our coffee while remaining silent.

“Do you have any questions, Matt?” Carol asked me.

“I don’t know. I’d like to know what the limits are and what isn’t acceptable,” I said.

“I think we’re open to almost anything as long as it doesn’t include pain or leave permanent marks. If one of us doesn’t want to do something, the others have to respect their wishes. Other than that, I guess we’ll learn as we go,” Bill said.

“Sounds fair to me,” I said.

Carol leaned close to Bill, kissed his ear, then whispered. He smiled and shook his head. I thought he told my sister there was something unacceptable, but I was dead wrong.

“Bill and I agree that we don’t always need to be together to fool around. I love having two hot men ravish me, but I also like one on one sex,” Carol said.

I nodded as I processed what my sister said. Bill must have noticed my confusion and smiled.

“What she’s saying is if you want to fuck her while I’m working or doing something else, it’s no problem. Matt, we don’t know how long we’re going to have to shelter in place. We have to keep things light and new if we’re going to get through this virus thing. If we aren’t open and honest, we’re going to start getting on each other’s nerves.

“Sex is a great way to relieve stress. I don’t think any of us are the jealous type, so as long as we communicate, we’ll be okay. We have to make sure we don’t allow something petty to fester into resentment,” Bill said.

“We also have to respect each other when one or more of us wants to be alone. Bill has his office, Matt has his bedroom, and I have our room. If anyone wants some alone time, we can retreat to those rooms.” Carol smiled. “We can put a sock on the door handle when we don’t want to be disturbed.”

The three of us sat in the kitchen drinking while forming unwritten rules for our new and unique relationships. I realized my brother-in-law wasn’t sharing his wife with me. Instead, we were developing a three-party family.

Bill and I made breakfast. After we ate, I told Bill and Carol I was going for a run before it got too hot. When I asked if they wanted to join me, they said they would. We all went to our rooms to dress. I put on a jockstrap, a tee-shirt, and a pair of running shorts. We went outside, warmed up, and took off through the neighborhood. While we ran, I watched my sister’s ass as it jiggled. She wore a pair of brief style shorts and a sports bar, making it hard for me not to look.

When we got back to the house, we cooled down in the backyard. Carol stripped off her clothes and jumped into the pool. It was the first time she’d gone skinny-dipping since I arrived. I guessed it wasn’t a big deal, based on the things we’d done together.

Bill and I joined my sister in the pool. We milled around in the refreshing water, enjoying the warm morning. After about a half-hour, we got out and sat on lounge chairs.

Carol reclined in her lounge, her breasts sitting proudly on her chest. She glanced at me, smiled, and said, “Have you gone skinny-dipping before?”

“No, this is my first time,” I replied. “I like it.”

“You like looking at my tits,” Carol said, then she chuckled.

“What’s not to like, baby,” Bill said.

“Do you know what I want?” Carol said.

When Bill and I shook our heads, my sister said, “I want someone to put sunscreen on me.”

Bill got up, retrieved a bottle of sunscreen, and tossed it to me. I smiled as I moved to my sister’s chair. When I told Carol to roll over, she shook her head. I applied the lotion to her stomach and started coating her. When I ran my hands over her breasts, she let out a sigh.

I finished with Carol’s front, and she flipped over. I smeared the sunscreen over her back, taking extra time massaging her ass. She pushed up, wiggling against my hand as my fingers slipped between her butt cheeks. I pressed my fingertip against her anus, watching for any sign she didn’t like it.

“Is this off-limits?” I said.

Turning her head, she looked into my eyes, smiled, and said, “No, my ass isn’t off-limits. Is yours?”

I shrugged my shoulders, causing my sister to grin. While I had played with my ass while masturbating, no one else had ever touched me there.

“Don’t let her fool you, Matt, Carol loves her ass played with, and fucked,” Bill said.

“I’ve never had anal sex,” I said.

Carol winked and said, “You will.”

I returned to my lounge, my cock hard from touching my sister. She saw my hard-on, smiled, and got up. Placing a towel on the patio, Carol leaned over and took me into her mouth. As she blew me, her spit ran between my ass cheeks. Using one of her hands, she started playing with my tight puckered anus. I gasped as she took my cock into her throat and pushed a finger into my rectum.

“Oh, fuck,” I said when my sister started moving her finger in my ass.

Pulling her mouth off my cock, Carol smiled and said, “Do you like having your asshole finger fucked?”

“It’s different,” I said.

My sister returned her mouth to my cock. Adding a second finger, she stretched my anus. A few moments later, she massaged my prostate, causing me to shoot my semen into her mouth. She continued pumping her fingers in my ass as she sucked and swallowed my cum.

Carol removed her fingers from my ass and released my cock. Grinning, she headed for the house.

“She can be one wild woman,” Bill said.

“That’s an understatement,” I replied as I recovered.

“Wait until she does your ass with her strap-on. It’s way more intense,” Bill said.

I looked at Bill, shaking my head as he grinned. Carol came outside, moved the towel to the side of Bill’s lounge, and gave her husband the same treatment she’d given me. I watched in awe as my sister worked three fingers into my brother-in-law. He held his legs back, howling as he came. Carol swallowed his cum, removed her fingers, and went back into the house.

When my sister returned, Bill and I moved to her lounge. I started licking her pussy, while Bill played with her breasts. After a few minutes, we switched places. For the next twenty minutes, we pleasured Carol, giving her several climaxes. Sated, she relaxed in her lounge while Bill and I watched her chest rise and fall.

We spent the rest of the morning resting in the sun. When we felt overheated, we jumped into the pool. After lunch, Bill went to his office. I used my laptop to attend an online lecture.

Later in the afternoon, Carol took a nap while Bill and I sat by the pool, having a beer. He told me about a problem he solved for one of his customer’s networks. I mentioned the lecture.

“Bill, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” I said.

Laughing, Bill said, “No, ask away.”

“Why are you and my sister doing what we’ve been doing? Why do you let her?” I said.

“I thought we told you,” Bill said.

“You said a few things while Carol was with us. I’d like to know how you really feel.”

“Matt, when your sister and I began dating, she was shy and unsure of herself. I helped her overcome her insecurities and realize she is a beautiful sensual woman. Once she got past her insecurities, she became insatiable.” Bill chuckled. “Sometimes it’s hard for me to keep up with her seemingly unquenchable thirst for sex.

“As far as letting her goes, what Carol does is her choice. I try to support her the best I can. When she mentioned you as a way to satisfy her curiosity, I agreed.” Bill smiled. “Carol says she would never cheat, but never is a long time. If fucking you helps to satisfy her curiosity, I good with it.”

Chuckling, I said, “I’ll do my best, Bill. As I said before, having sex with my sister was always a dream. Now it’s a dream comes true.”

“You know, Matt, we all have fantasies. Carol and I express them when we role-play. At times, your sister has a very vivid imagination,” Bill said. “You said you dated a few girls, but nothing serious. How many did you fuck?

“I’ve only had sex with two other women. The first time was at a party when I was in high school. I found out the girl would do it with almost anyone. The other girl I dated for a while. We went out for a few months, but I found out she was having sex with a few other guys. It wouldn’t have bothered me if she didn’t lie to me,” I said.

“Yeah, lying will destroy a relationship in a hurry,” Bill replied, then he smiled. “Did your girlfriend suck cock as well as your sister does?”

“Not even close. Carol is a pro,” I said.

“She’s a natural, Matt. The first time I asked her to blow me, she let me come in her mouth and swallowed. I’ve had blow jobs from other girls, but she’s the best. I think she likes sucking cock almost as much as she likes fucking,” Bill said.

Carol came outside with three beers. She sat with Bill and said, “So, what have you boys been talking about?”

“We’ve been discussing your cock sucking skills, baby,” Bill said.

Carol giggled, blew on her fingertips, and acted as if she was polishing them on her chest. “I love giving head.”

“Matt said you’re the best he’s ever had,” Bill said.

Carol smiled and nodded. She settled back on the double lounge, hooking one leg over her husband. We relaxed, enjoying the afternoon. That evening, Bill and I prepared dinner. We ate outside, commenting on how good the pasta tasted.

After watching television, we decided to head to bed. Carol grabbed Bill’s and my arms, almost dragging us into the bedroom. The three of us squirmed together, kissing and touching each other. Bill guided my sister onto her hands and knees, telling me to pick an end.

I moved in front of Carol, kneeling at her head. She looked up into my eyes, smiled, and curled her fingers around my balls. I let out a soft moan as my sister pulled me closer and took my cock into her mouth.

Bill moved behind Carol and slid his cock into her pussy. Holding her hips, he slowly fucked Carol.

“How do you like being spit-roasted, baby?” Bill said.

Removing my cock from her mouth, Carol looked over her shoulder at Bill. “I’d like it a lot more if you’d quit fooling around and fuck me.”

Chuckling, Bill began slamming his cock into my sister. She took my cock back into her mouth and started sucking me again. Each time Bill’s hips hit her ass, it shoved my cock into her throat.

I came, shooting my cum into Carol’s mouth. When I pulled away, she licked her lips. Lowering her head, she let out grunts as her husband continued fucking her.

Carol turned her head, smiled at me, and said, “Matt, open the second drawer on the nightstand.” I did as she asked. “See the bottle of lube? Grab it for me.”

I retrieved the bottle and showed it to Carol. She nodded and said, “Give it to Bill.”

“It looks like someone wants their ass fucked,” Bill said as he removed his cock from Carol’s pussy.

My sister laughed and said, “I know I want your cock up my ass, baby.”

I watched my brother-in-law lube my sister’s anus. He put some of the goo on his cock and set the bottle aside. Gripping his dick with one hand, he held her hip with the other. Carol pressed her shoulders into the mattress, reached back, and pulled her butt cheeks apart.

“Oh fuck yes,” Carol said as Bill pushed his cock into her rectum. Once he hips hit her ass, Bill grabbed her hips and began moving.

I moved closer to Bill so I could watch him fucking my sister’s ass. Carol egged him on, telling Bill to fuck her harder.

A few minutes later, Bill groaned, pulled his cock out of Carol’s ass, and shot his cum on her back. She diddled her clit and moaned as he shot streaks of semen over her body.

I sat there, stroking my cock as I watched. Bill sat back, smiled, and said, “Your turn, Matt.”

Moving behind my sister’s upturned ass, I looked at her anus. A moment later, I felt Bill coating my cock with lube. He stroked my cock, covering it with the slick substance. Before removing his hand, he guided me to Carol’s anus.

“Are you ready for your brother’s big cock in your ass?” Bill said.

“Yes, shove it in me, Matt,” Carol replied.

Bill continued holding my cock as he pushed on my back. I felt the head of my dick against Carol’s anus and pushed. As my cock sank into her tight rectum, Bill removed his hand. Holding my sister’s hips, I started moving, feeling her sphincter flex around my shaft.

Carol’s fingers diddled her clit as I fucked her tight ass. I was shocked when I felt Bill caressing my balls, but it didn’t deter me. If anything, the feeling of his hand on my nuts added to the experience.

I don’t know how long I fucked Carol’s anus before she started to shake. She shouted out, announcing her climax. The combination of her gripping rectum, and Bill’s fingers playing with my balls, sent me over the edge. I slammed into my sister’s ass, holding her by the hips as I came.

When my cock stopped pulsing, I relaxed against Carol’s back. Bill gently rubbed my balls and then removed his hand. I sat up, let out a sigh, and removed my spent cock from my sister’s rectum.

“That was amazing,” Carol said. She got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom.

Bill and I followed my sister into the bathroom. We all got into the shower to clean up after a wild couple of hours of heated sex. While we washed one another, I started grinning.

“Thanks for the assist, Bill,” I said.

“What assist?” Carol asked.

“I played with your brother’s nuts while he fucked your ass,” Bill said.

Giggling, Carol said, “Tell me next time. I would have loved watching you, sweetie.” She turned to me. “Did it bother you, Matt?”

“Not at all. Who knows, maybe next time I’ll return the favor,” I said with a grin.

We finished in the bathroom, changed the sheets, and climbed into bed together. Carol gave me a kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth. When she stopped, she said, “Good night, Matt. I hope you’re enjoying your stay.”

“Goodnight, Carol, I’m having a great time,” I kissed her again, and then she rolled onto her side, facing Bill.

Lying on my back, I listened to my sister and Bill telling each other how much they loved one another and how glad they were to share with me. They spoke loud enough for me to hear every word.

Reaching behind her, Carol put her hand on me and said, “Spoon with us, Matt.”

I rolled against my sister’s back, put my arm over her, and wiggled. She put my hand on one of her breasts, pressing it against her firm mound. We all repeated goodnight, and I started falling asleep.

The next few days were filled with swimming, sunning, and sex. Bill worked a few hours a day, and I attended my online classes. Carol made her self busy, making sure her husband and I didn’t get horny.

Things were going great, and then Bill received a phone call.

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