Secluded Lake (A True Story)

I got fed up with life in the American society. I decided to sell everything that i owned and vanish, I mean totally live off the grid. I did a bunch of reaserch to find a very big lake that was secluded and away from civilization. My years I spent in the boy scouts as a kid gave me the confidence that I could live off the land if I needed or wanted to and that was the idea. I knew how to fish, hunt and prepare food. I wasn’t to much of a farmer but I had a bunch of those little packs of vegitable seeds to plant too.

I made my way to a town that was close to the lake but not too close. I purchased me a canoe and the camping and hiking equipment that I thought I would need. Stocked up on some light weight food items then hired a helicopter pilot to fly me out to where abouts that I wanted to go. He dropped me and my gear off on a little clearing just big enough to land his bird on the side of a huge lake. I watched him fly off before getting into the loaded up canoe and headed out into the water. I paddled for hours, checking out every little cove that I came across, trying to decide where I would like to make my home. I saw deer, back bears, all types of bird of prey, bobcats and other wild life. I knew that I was where I wanted to be. I eventually came across a cove that went about half a football field lengths in and was abouts as wide as a football field. There was a clearing on the right side so I landed the canoe to stretch my legs and to look around. In my mind I could see a cabin, a little dock for the canoe and to fish off of and just a nice place to call home.

I cleared out a spot to make camp. Rounded up stones to contain my camp fire and dug me a latrine. The sun was going down in the late spring wilderness. I made me a good dinner by the light of the campfire. It was my only piece of meat that I brought with me. A ribeye and sliced buttered fried potatos.

The next morning the first thing that i did was grab my pole and cast out my line. It was almost instantly that a good size trout struck the worm on my line. That fish was big enough to feed two people easy. After I ate and cleaned up after breakfast I headed out on foot to explore. I had some trail mix in my fanny pack my canteen and left over trout, along with my trusty blade hanging from my belt, my nine millermeter on my hip, my 30/30 rifle slung over my shoulder along with my custom walking stick. I marked my trail so I could find my way back.

It was late in the afternoon by the time that I decided to head back to camp, the water was about half full, the trail mix was holding up well as well as the trout when I came across a small footprint in the mud on the edge of a creek. I joked with myself about it being a young bigfoot creature but it looked more like a woman’s print. It was fresh so I stood there listening and looking around but didn’t see or hear anything. But I had a feeling like I was being watched. I left the bag with the left over trout in it and placed it on a boulder next to where I was standing, along with a little bag of trail mix and headed back on my way.

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