Word of Mouth

Kelly rolled it down my cock and straddled me. Reaching down she rubbed the head in small circles against her cunt until her eyes rolled back into her head. Her weight settled on me and I slid in up to the hilt. With the condom the sensation was slightly muted but still intense. She rode me, slowly and confidently, her body moving in the fluid dance of sex. When I finished she sank slowly to the floor.

I pulled the condom off and covered us with a blanket. The rest of the night we alternated between resting and fucking until the supply of condoms was exhausted. When those were gone we used our mouths and hands until the gray morning light crawled in through the window. Eventually we slept on the floor.

I dreamed I was lying with Kelly in my arms and I opened my eyes to find Nico standing over me, glaring at me. I jerked awake to a sunlit living room. Kelly smiled wearily up at me and kissed my sore lips. She stood and pulled me to the bathroom.

We showered, taking our time to wash and massage each other’s achy body under the hot spray. Unable to contain ourselves we fucked up against the tile wall as the water changed from hot to warm to cool to cold. I was shivering as Kelly finished me off with well-soaped hands. By the time I left every part of me felt raw. For once I was glad Nico wasn’t around for a post-game encounter.

I didn’t see or hear from Nico for another two weeks. Normally this would have sunk me emotionally but I was initially buoyed by my night with Kelly. I was dying to talk to her but, once again, I didn’t have her number or last name. Whenever possible I took detours through her neighborhood but never spotted her. I suspected that the apartment we used was borrowed from one of her friends. I wasn’t even sure Kelley was her real name.

Whenever I thought of Nico, though, I fell into a sour mood. It was odd that someone who initially made me so happy was now the root of my pain. Her silence cut me deeply and I eventually came to the conclusion it had to end. That was it, I was done. I sent a text to Nico telling her I quit or was retiring or whatever she wanted to call it because I was through. I couldn’t do it anymore.

A few days later Nico showed up at the computing lab, stomping past the long line of students waiting for a computer. End of semester projects were coming due and finals were just around the corner so the lab was packed. Nico looked pale and tired and agitated.

“Can I talk to you?”

I told a coworker I was taking my break and led Nico to the conference room. “How have you been?” I asked her.

My question must have caught her off guard because she looked surprised and a little confused. “Okay, I guess. You?” I shrugged. She went on. “This might be the last chance I get to see you, you know, this semester. Sorry I’ve been such a bitch, it’s not fair to you.” She was silent for a long time before she asked, “How did it go with Kelly?”

That was the question I was dreading most. I didn’t want to lie to Nico but I didn’t want to tell the truth, either. At least, not the whole truth. “It went pretty well. She seemed happy when I left.” Nico nodded thoughtfully. Finally I asked, “Do you want to hear about it?”

Please wait…

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