Word of Mouth

“This is about helping you meet other women and sharing your gift with them. Don’t you know how it made Amanda feel? She’s still walking around a smile glued to her face and she has you to thank for it. Doesn’t that make you feel good inside, knowing how you helped someone?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” I admitted.

“Look, we’re starting to build some buzz. We need to strike while the iron’s hot. There’s been some of word of mouth about you.”

“Word of mouth,” I repeated. I turned the phrase over and over in my head, liking it more each time. “Good one.”

“Besides, didn’t you like the post-game between us?” I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I know you enjoyed that. So, why not do it again?”

I could think of one big reason why I didn’t want to but I was afraid to say it loud. Instead I swallowed it down and said, “Ok, I’m in.”

Her smile lit up her green eyes. “Cool. Show me your right hand.”

Slightly thrown by her sudden change in subject, I did as she asked, although in retrospect it was more of a command than a question. I held out my hand, my palm towards her. She leaned in, studying my hand closely before delicately folding in three of my fingers and my thumb until just my index finger was pointing up. This she took in her mouth, wetting it with her saliva.

I watched, fascinated, as she slowly extracted my finger, her teeth dragging lightly over the whole length. With her hand she guided mine up under her skirt and my moistened finger slid easily into her. I could hear how wet she was and I could feel how hot she was. Nico moved my hand back forth, silently masturbating for the next several minutes with a wicked grin on her face.

When she finally withdrew it I could see her juices glistening in the cold fluorescent lights. I started to bring it up to my mouth but she stopped my hand and sucked my finger into her mouth. With great gusto she fellated my finger in the same manner she had used on another part of my body. My cock strained against my jeans as I watched my finger disappear and reappear between those black lips. With a smile and a light kiss she let my hand fall into my lap.

The lone student had gathered his things and was approaching the counter. With my erection I was in no condition to stand but fortunately Nico jumped up and handed him his ID. “Thanks for coming in. Have a good night,” she said pleasantly. He murmured a goodnight and left.

Nico leaned back against the desk. “Now, when do you get off?” This time, the question was definitely loaded.

“Six,” I teased, pretending to be clueless.

“No fucking imagination,” she muttered, shaking her head. The next instant she was kneeling before me, unbuckling my belt and undoing my zipper. As it turns out, it was only a matter of minutes before I got off.

Nico, on the other hand, got off repeatedly over the next hour. I have to admit it was the best shift I have ever worked in my life.

Our second client was a petite, mousy girl with dirty blond hair. We met at her apartment where she was waiting with Amanda. Amanda hugged me tightly when we walked in and introduced me to her friend Sara who only managed a barely audible greeting. Sara took me to her bedroom while Amanda and Nico talked in the living room.

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